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The Board of Funeral Home Directors & Embalmers at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations that fall under this board only: Funeral Establishments, Funeral Services Providers, Funeral Directors, Funeral Embalmers, Funeral Trainees, Surface Transportation and Removal Services. Automated Licenses Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Provides pre-purchase reports based on customer relations experiences and complaints as reported to the BBB. Also provides marketplace education and dispute resolution services to the community, which are funded by members of the Better Business Bureau.


Consumer Education
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Action Information/Support
Consumer Protection Agencies
Provides information to facilitate intelligent buying decisions. Also provides consumer education; outreach; and charity review through the National BBB Philanthropic Advisory Service that offers tips for wise giving and information on charities soliciting donations.


Consumer Education
Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Action Information/Support
The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act funds this program to provide legal and advocacy services to assist children and adults with severe, lifelong disabilities who require special care, housing, treatment, and services and who have been abused, neglected, or discriminated against, due to their disability. Problems related to education, residential care, training centers, community rehabilitation programs, infant programs, and activity centers are handled under this program. The most common DD issues include: special education services; abuse and/or neglect of persons in special programs; the right to live, learn, and work in the most integrated setting; assistive technology and assistive technology services to support independence; freedom to make independent decisions whenever possible; and access to programs and services.
The Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Audiologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, and School Speech-Language Pathologists. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Speech and Hearing
Consumer Protection Agencies
The Board of Veterinary Medicine at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates Veterinary Technicians, Veterinarians, and Veterinary Establishments. For Licensing: (804) 367-4497 All other questions: (804) 367-4468 Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Veterinary Services
Serve as the central clearinghouse for the receipt, evaluation, investigation, and referral of consumer complaints. Complaints are either assigned within the section or referred to the appropriate local, state or federal agency having specific jurisdiction. The section also offers alternative dispute resolution services. When there is a pattern of deception or other wrongdoing, the attorney general is authorized to take action to stop the illegal conduct, and, where appropriate, seek refunds for affected consumers.


Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Complaints
The Board of Dentistry at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations that fall under this board only: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Temporary Permit, Dental Teachers, Dental Hygienists-Temporary, Dental Hygienists-Teacher. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Dental Care
A non-profit organization supported largely by membership dues paid by business and professional groups in the service area. Provides reports on business firms that will be helpful to the consumer before making a purchase, Also provides information regarding charity groups and organizations. Helps to resolve consumers' disputes with businesses through telephone conciliation, mediation and arbitration. Promotes ethical business standards and voluntary self-regulation of business practices. Complaints may be submitted on the website 24/7: www.bbb.org/consumer-complaints/file-a-complaint/get-started.


Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Education
Identity Theft Prevention
Consumer Complaints
The Board of Long Term Care Administrators at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations that fall under this board only: Nursing Home Administrators, Nursing Home Preceptors, Nursing Home Continuing Education Vendors. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
The Board of Nursing at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Registered Nurse, Licensed Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Practical Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Nurse Aide. Automated Licensing Verification: (804)270-6836.


Consumer Protection Agencies
The Board of Psychology at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: School Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Applied Psychologists, Sex Offender Treatment Providers. The complaint line should be called to file a complaint or to report possible violations by a Virginia health care provider. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Provides information and advice on cable TV services available in Fairfax County. Responds to complaints regarding cable television and telecommunications construction, restoration and technical problems. Oversees the County's non-exclusive cable television franchise agreements with Cox Communications, Comcast, and Verizon, through enforcement of franchise agreements, inspection of facilities, and attention to resident concerns.


Consumer Complaints
Consumer Protection Agencies
Information Sources
The Board of Health Professions conducts policy research for the Virginia Department of Health Professions. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Works with nonprofit and legal services organizations, private attorneys, policymakers, and federal and state government and courts across the nation to stop exploitative practices, help financially stressed families build and retain wealth, and advance economic fairness.


Consumer Complaints
Consumer Protection Agencies
The Board of Physical Therapy at the Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Physical Therapy Assistants and Physical Therapists. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Physical Therapy
The Board of Social Work at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Registered Social Workers, Associate Social Workers, Licensed Social Workers and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. We can help you get connected to a HUD-approved housing counselor. At no cost to you, the counselor can help you work with your mortgage company to try to avoid foreclosure. A housing counselor can help you organize your finances, understand your mortgage options, and find a solution that works for you. Have this ready when you work with your mortgage company or housing counselor to discuss a possible work-out solution. Mortgage loan number (account number) Any additional paperwork from your mortgage company Recent pay stubs Recent tax return Household expenses (bills including food, utilities, car payments, insurance, cable, phone, credit cards, car loans, and student loans) Then call the toll-free help line at (855) 411-2372 (English/Spanish) for assistance with your mortgage.


Consumer Protection Agencies
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in state government executive branche agencies


Fraud Prevention
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Protection Agencies
Clients should schedule a Fair Housing/Predatory Lending appointment if they believe they have been victims of mortgage fraud, a loan scam, or discrimination in any aspect of the housing market. HCS counselors help clients understand their rights under fair housing law and help file complaints with the appropriate enforcement agencies.


Consumer Complaints
Discrimination Assistance
Consumer Protection Agencies
Help consumers avoid telemarketing fraud and transmits consumer's reports about telemarketing fraud to appropriate law enforcement agencies.


Consumer Complaints
Consumer Education
Consumer Protection Agencies
Fraud Prevention
The Board of Optometry at the Virginia Department of Health Professions regulates the following professions and occupations: Optometrist-Non TPA, Professional Designation, Optometrist-TPA Certified. Automated License Verification: 804-270-6836


Consumer Protection Agencies
Eye Care
Provides consumer information, takes consumer complaints, evaluates charities, and provides arbitration in consumer disputes. Does not: give legal advice, help to breach or assist in voiding contracts, make collections of any kind, provide credit information, or appraise articles. The intake telephone number is an automated help line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24x7). Operators are available on this number from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM during normal office hours


Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Education