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Ombudsmen advocate for older persons receiving long term care services, whether the care is provided in a nursing home or assisted living facility, or through community-based services to assist persons still living at home. We provide older Virginians, their families and the public with information, advocacy, and assistance to help resolve care problems.
Acts as an advocate for older persons receiving long-term care at a nursing home or assisted living facility and for those receiving community-based services, adult day care or in home health care. Ombudsmen provide assistance and information to help resolve care problems.


Area Agencies on Aging
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman serves as an advocate and resolves problems for people who receive long-term care in a nursing home, assisted living facility, living at home or attending an adult day care center, or living at home and receiving help through a home health care agency. The Program also provides information about long-term care service options.
Ombudsman Program helps resolve complaints and concerns about care in nursing homes, adult care residences, and in-home services. Ombudsmen advocate for older persons receiving long term care services, whether the care is provided in a nursing home or assisted living facility, or through community-based services to assist persons still living at home. They resolve problems of individual residents and groups of residents to bring about changes at the local, state and national levels to improve care and quality of life. The cornerstone of this work is Residents' Rights.
Provides planning to seniors age 60 and over for disability, guardianship, home equity conversions, estate planning, long term care issues, elder abuse, fraud recovery, retirement benefits, Medicaid and Medicare.


Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Advance Medical Directives
Works as an advocate for those who are receiving long-term care services, such as, nursing facilities, adult homes, assisted living homes and home health agencies. Work with residents, families, and agencies to address problems, issues, and concerns. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman is empowered through the Code of Virginia to access resident records and conduct appropriate interviews when formal complaints are made.
The long term care ombudsman program serves as advocate for residents in long-term care facilities, provides consumer information about long-term care facilities, receives and investigates complaints, assists residents and their families in resolving issues and provides education to various groups or organization.
Long Term Care Ombudsman Program provides advocacy and assistance to residents of the City of Richmond and the Counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Powhatan.
Receives, investigates and resolves complaints made by or for older persons in nursing homes and assisted living facilities and for older persons receiving long-term community-based services, such as home health and adult day care.
Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman helps residents of nursing homes, adult day programs, in-home assistance programs and adult care/assisted living facilities to assert their rights and express grievances with the facility or residence on issues pertaining to their health, safety, and welfare. Home based services such as home health, are also appropriate for Ombudsman involvement. Services include information and referral, consumer education, facility visits, mediation and negotiation, and complaints investigation.
Long Term Care Ombudsman: An advocate that helps older adults have a voice in what happens to them, ensures their quality of care meets the standards set forth in state and federal laws and guidelines, and works with residents, families, and management to ensure that nursing home and assisted living facility residents are treated with dignity and respect. Senior Patrol Program: Recruits and trains volunteers to spot and report Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse as well as educate the senior population. Elder Abuse Prevention Program: Focuses on the prevention of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults through community awareness programs, education, and training.
The Ombudsman Acts as a resource for information and counseling for the citizens regarding institutional and community based long-term care options, and general issues and concerns affecting the elderly. Protects and represents the rights of persons in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, and Adult Care Residences or those receiving long-term care services in their home. Seek to educate consumers of long-term care facilities and their families about their rights and how to advocate on their own behalf. Serves as a point of entry whereby complaints made by or on behalf of older persons receiving long-term care services, can be received, investigated, and resolved. Serves as an advocate and/or mediator between residents and those responsible for their care. Provides relevant education for facilities, agencies and community groups.


Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
An Ombudsman is defined as one who investigates complaints and assists in achieving resolutions. Serves as an advocate for older persons who receive long-term care services. Investigates concerns and complaints regarding long-term care services in nursing homes, adult care residences, and in-home care providers. Addresses concerns about diet, staff, quality of care, environmental conditions and violations of clients rights. Includes the Volunteer Ombudsman Program and the Elder Abuse Prevention. LOA's Long-Term Care Ombudsman is part of a program administered through the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman of the Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A). To contact the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman call 1-800-552-3402.


Area Agencies on Aging
Legal Counseling
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Virginia's State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for people in institutional settings or who are receiving long-term care at home. The ombudsman works with individuals, families, and institutions to favorably resolve care and residents' rights issues.
Provides assistance to families and senior residents (age 60+) of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult day care or those receiving home health care to resolve issues and complaints about the quality of care.


Consumer Complaints
Home Health Care
Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs
Assisted Living Facilities
Receives, investigates and works to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of older persons in long-term care facilities or receiving long-term care services in the community. Serves as resource for information regarding institutional and community-based long-term care services. Complaints may be reported anonymously.