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Provides comprehensive home ownership counseling and education. Through one-on-one counseling, clients learn how to manage their income, consolidate debts, save money toward the down payment and apply for a mortgage. Also offers HUD approved Fair Housing Assistance, Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling, Loss Mitigation, Money Debt Management, Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Postpurchase Counseling, Predatory Lending Counseling, Renters Assistance and Services for Homeless.
Provides comprehensive home ownership counseling and education. Through one-on-one counseling, clients learn how to manage their income, consolidate debts, save money toward the down payment and apply for a mortgage. Also offers HUD approved Fair Housing Assistance, Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling, Loss Mitigation, Money Debt Management, Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Postpurchase Counseling, Predatory Lending Counseling, Renters Assistance and Services for Homeless.
Housing Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
HOME's experienced HUD-certified housing counselors will work with clients and their lender to try to keep them from losing your home.
HOME's experienced HUD-certified housing counselors will work with clients and their lender to try to keep them from losing your home.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Foreclosure Prevention Clinics are held weekly and include a presentation on vital information that every homeowner in danger of foreclosure should know. Clients who attend the clinic are then scheduled to meet individually with counselors who will address their specific situations.
HUD certified counselors assess their clients' financial and credit status and, if appropriate, contact their lenders to negotiate alternatives to foreclosure (forbearance, repayment plans, etc). Counselors also help their clients apply for any assistance programs for which they might be eligible.
Foreclosure Prevention Clinics are held weekly and include a presentation on vital information that every homeowner in danger of foreclosure should know. Clients who attend the clinic are then scheduled to meet individually with counselors who will address their specific situations.
HUD certified counselors assess their clients' financial and credit status and, if appropriate, contact their lenders to negotiate alternatives to foreclosure (forbearance, repayment plans, etc). Counselors also help their clients apply for any assistance programs for which they might be eligible.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Provides assistance in planning and budgeting for first time home ownership. Offers counseling to avoid mortgage foreclosure and assistance in resolving landlord/tenant questions and fair housing questions. Provides financial skills education workshops. Serves Greene County.
Provides assistance in planning and budgeting for first time home ownership. Offers counseling to avoid mortgage foreclosure and assistance in resolving landlord/tenant questions and fair housing questions. Provides financial skills education workshops. Serves Greene County.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
HUD Approved Counseling Agencies
Tenant Readiness Education Programs
HUD approved Foreclosure Intervention counselors can assess your situation and make recommendations based on current government or lender programs.
HUD approved Foreclosure Intervention counselors can assess your situation and make recommendations based on current government or lender programs.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
The Homeownership Counseling Program focuses on helping low to moderate income residents build their financial capability skills, establish or repair their credit, purchase their first home, or save their homes from foreclosure.
The Homeownership Counseling Program focuses on helping low to moderate income residents build their financial capability skills, establish or repair their credit, purchase their first home, or save their homes from foreclosure.
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Helplines assist callers in several categories of financial crisis.
Helplines assist callers in several categories of financial crisis.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Consumer Action Information/Support
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Provides comprehensive housing counseling services, including outreach to potential first-time home buyers, to persons eligible for or assisted under home buying, home ownership or rental housing programs regardless of the program source. Provides foreclosure prevention counseling and assistance.
Provides comprehensive housing counseling services, including outreach to potential first-time home buyers, to persons eligible for or assisted under home buying, home ownership or rental housing programs regardless of the program source. Provides foreclosure prevention counseling and assistance.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Subsidized Home Acquisition
HUD Approved Counseling Agencies
NO DIRECT SERVICES. Referrals to funded partner agencies and local governments for Housing Counseling, foreclosure prevention, affordable rental housing, housing discrimination, homeless services.
NO DIRECT SERVICES. Referrals to funded partner agencies and local governments for Housing Counseling, foreclosure prevention, affordable rental housing, housing discrimination, homeless services.
Federal Government Information Services
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
HPF provides a comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure prevention counseling.
HPF provides a comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure prevention counseling.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
HUD Certified Housing Counselor provide homeowners with all necessary information, financial evaluation, and guidance to prevent foreclosure. Also, Housing Counselors help homeowners understand their options and assist in negotiating with their servicers or investors.
HUD Certified Housing Counselor provide homeowners with all necessary information, financial evaluation, and guidance to prevent foreclosure. Also, Housing Counselors help homeowners understand their options and assist in negotiating with their servicers or investors.
HUD Approved Counseling Agencies
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Administers the HOMEownership Down Payment Assistance Program that assists low income, first time home-buyers with grants to cover closing costs and housing payments. Also administers the SPARC Program which provides lower interest mortgages. Programs we currently provide... Pre-purchase Counseling HOMEownership Down Payment Assistance Program (HDPAP) Homeownership Education Classes. We also administer the Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program to help clients that are facing homelessness.
Administers the HOMEownership Down Payment Assistance Program that assists low income, first time home-buyers with grants to cover closing costs and housing payments. Also administers the SPARC Program which provides lower interest mortgages. Programs we currently provide... Pre-purchase Counseling HOMEownership Down Payment Assistance Program (HDPAP) Homeownership Education Classes. We also administer the Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program to help clients that are facing homelessness.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. We can help you get connected to a HUD-approved housing counselor. At no cost to you, the counselor can help you work with your mortgage company to try to avoid foreclosure. A housing counselor can help you organize your finances, understand your mortgage options, and find a solution that works for you. Have this ready when you work with your mortgage company or housing counselor to discuss a possible work-out solution. Mortgage loan number (account number) Any additional paperwork from your mortgage company Recent pay stubs Recent tax return Household expenses (bills including food, utilities, car payments, insurance, cable, phone, credit cards, car loans, and student loans) Then call the toll-free help line at (855) 411-2372 (English/Spanish) for assistance with your mortgage.
The central mission of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. We can help you get connected to a HUD-approved housing counselor. At no cost to you, the counselor can help you work with your mortgage company to try to avoid foreclosure. A housing counselor can help you organize your finances, understand your mortgage options, and find a solution that works for you. Have this ready when you work with your mortgage company or housing counselor to discuss a possible work-out solution. Mortgage loan number (account number) Any additional paperwork from your mortgage company Recent pay stubs Recent tax return Household expenses (bills including food, utilities, car payments, insurance, cable, phone, credit cards, car loans, and student loans) Then call the toll-free help line at (855) 411-2372 (English/Spanish) for assistance with your mortgage.
Consumer Protection Agencies
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling