Housing Counseling - Newport News, Comprehensive Housing Counseling, Hampton Roads Communnity Action Program
Provides comprehensive housing counseling services, including outreach to potential first-time home buyers, to persons eligible for or assisted under home buying, home ownership or rental housing programs regardless of the program source. Provides foreclosure prevention counseling and assistance.
Physical Address
1424 Aberdeen Road, Hampton, VA 23666
Application process
Requests for Foreclosure Prevention and other services will be initially taken by phone and required documents returned via email or fax by the deadline provided. Once a completed application has been received, a telephone consult or in-person meeting will be scheduled for the client by the Counselor/Case Manager. The number to call is 757-643-4086 Option “1”.
Service area
Hampton, VA Newport News, VA Suffolk, VA Portsmouth, VA
Agency info
Hampton Roads Community Action Program
The Hampton Roads Community Action Program (HRCAP) is a non-profit community action agency serving residents in Southeastern Virginia. The agency provides services in the areas of education, employment, emergency assistance and housing.