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Everyone with needs related to housing in the Prince William region must go through the Coordinated Entry System. This includes those looking for emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, or permanent supportive housing. Will serve anyone sent to us through the Prince William County Coordinated Entry System
A full service, year-round, residential transitional homeless shelter providing transformative supports to help clients/residents achieve sucess with employment and sustainable housing. The Brisben Center maintains full-time living quarters for up to 80 people: familes with children and single adults.
My Path Forward Legacy provides housing and wrap-around services for youth who have aged out of foster-care. My Path Forward Independent Living provides Independent Living Arrangment Services for youth 17-20 year of age.


Case/Care Management
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Bridges operates an emergency family shelter, known as the Sullivan House, which has approximately 45 beds across 10 separate apartment units. The program provides shelter and case management services to homeless families leading to employment, permanent housing, and achieving self-sufficiency. It is a temporary solution for those with little or no resources. While there, families receive intensive case management - assessing their situation, providing Bridges program resources, or referring to other resources. The families receive whatever immediate needs they may have - food, diapers, personal supplies, basic kitchen items, gift cards and more. The length of stay generally is between 30-90 days, and then Bridges works with the families to move them into permanent solutions


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides 6 months of transition period for Veterans to become accustomed to community living. Referrals are made and liaison provided for all community services deemed appropriate for the individual client. Offers clinical and residential support, skills training, job readiness, money management, vocational counseling, and relapse prevention for veterans recovering from substance abuse.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Provides emergency shelter for single men who are homeless. See also Day Services for other services offered at location. Shelter opens at 6 p.m.; first-time clients are eligible for a 7-day stay, first come first served.


Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Safe Haven is a 21-bed, free-standing facility that offers transitional housing with comprehensive and integrated health and support services for individuals who are homeless coupled with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. Provides 24-hour staff supervision and guidance with the ultimate goal of transitioning clients into permanent housing and independent living. Referral required. Accept those who are homeless, veterans and those with HIV/AIDS.
A men's transitional housing ministry of The Lighthouse Community Center of Lynchburg. The home provides a safe and stable environment for U.S Veterans who are displaced, disabled or otherwise in transition.
ALIVE! House provides temporary housing for women and families in emergency and transitional situations. ALIVE! House provides up to 2-years of shelter and support for families experiencing homelessness. Residents are expected to live independently. Staff help residents navigate jobs, childcare, medical care, and emotional and social issues. The shelter can house up to 3 families per year.
Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter can accommodate up to twenty families, the goal is to move families into permanent housing as quickly as possible and continuing to work with the families once they are in permanent housing. The average length of stay in the shelter is 45 days. Case Managers help families address issues such as debt reduction, job skills, budgeting, substance abuse, parenting issues, and more.


Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers five day emergency housing and a longer term transitional housing program for residents who participate in our Life Plan Recovery Program. Provides temporary housing for homeless men. Offers family counseling, job counseling and placement, budgeting and financial planning services, educational placement, social services procurement, food pantry, and clothing for residents.
Provides outreach for homeless people who are disabled from substance abuse or aids and/or mental illness and homeless families with children. Supportive services program offers case management, triage, budgeting, referrals, medication, assistive technology, information and referral and other services. Also offers residential housing (rent assistance) for homeless persons with disabilities through the Shelter Plus Care (S+C). The Shelter Plus Care program offers permanent housing, for homeless people with mental illness and/or substance abuse diagnosis. Both Supportive Services and Shelter Plus Care are HUD grant programs.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides the Vint Hill Transitional Housing Program (VHTH) for low/very-low income households. The program provides a disciplined one to two year program focused on employment, job advancement, budgeting and personal finance management. Heads of household will have committed to full-time employment and/or a combination of employment and vocational training which is full-time as a condition of acceptance into the program. The levied program fee is 15% of gross household income per month or $400, whichever is greater, of which 25% of the fee is held in escrow and returned at the conclusion of the program. Proper discharge of all the responsibilities described in a typical lease agreement is required of participating residents. Utilities are the responsibility of the residents. For Vint Hill Transitional Housing, please call (540)347-7374.
Offer 3 transitional housing units for families moving from emergency shelter to permanent housing. Families may stay from 6 months to two years as they work to become self-sufficient.


Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Transitional Housing for homeless men, Must be willing to make appropriate steps towards independece. Payment for stay will be assessed after an income has been established. Assist in any means necessary to achieve independence.
Provides transitional housing for persons with mental illness. Clients may stay in transitional housing for 18 months where they learn life skills, so they can become self supporting.
Provides temporary housing for families to transition from poverty and homelessness to financial stability and permanent housing. Residents contribute portion of their income toward rent and toward debt repayment or savings, and can stay in the program for up to two years. Includes support services such as case management, job counseling, skills training, job placement assistance, credit counseling, debt repayment and savings initiatives, substance abuse counseling, domestic abuse counseling, ESL instruction, and life skills training. Offers Virginia Individual Development Accounts, a special savings program for purchasing a home, starting a business or going back to school, to clients. For every dollar participants save in a designated account, VIDA matches with two more dollars.
Christ House offers transitional housing to homeless men, provides intensive case management, workforce development and job coaching to increase clients' prospects of long-term financial independence and sustained housing success.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Case/Care Management
o provide a continuum of services to distressed children and families that will keep families together and children safe and successful moms and thier children are supported in a safe home. In this safe and productive environment, moms receive the trainging and life planning skills they need to create a disciplined and meaningful life for them and their children. Patrick Henry is privately supported and accepts no government funding.
Emergency Housing program provides short-term housing to individuals who are experiencing some type of disaster, condemned housing, eviction, or are homeless.


Housing Search and Information
Transitional Housing/Shelter
A transitional housing program that provides homeless families with the necessary services and resources to become self-sufficient, productive members of society. Residents will receive assistance in seeking and maintaining steady employment as well as finding permanent, affordable housing.
Offers transitional housing to homeless men, women and children with a broad range of needs. The program helps individuals achieve and sustain a higher quality of life through financial training opportunities.
Provides a transitional housing program for homeless families. Families may spend up to six months, rent-free, in the Henry B. Mitchell Hope House, a four-unit apartment complex in the City of Charlottesville. Offers an intensive program providing development activities and temporary housing for homeless families. Prior to securing permanent housing, residents participate in job training, budget and home management workshops and other activities designed to help them reach self-sufficiency. At the same time, their children are enrolled in day care, school and other supervised activities. Additional units are available for rent to successful Hope House graduates and other low and moderate income families.
Provides two years of low-cost, subsidized housing to formerly homeless families at risk for long-term homelessness and identified as having the commitment and potential to succeed with intensive intervention and support. Includes client-determined goals and case management. Clients may take bilingual classes in Beginners or Advanced Computers, literacy and budgeting. Offers job mentoring and monthly workshops on success oriented subjects. Clients have access to computers and they, and their children, may attend all classes at the Family Learning Center free of charge.
The mission of Final Salute Inc. is to provide homeless women Veterans with safe and suitable housing.