Transitional Housing - Falls Church, Homestretch
Provides temporary housing for families to transition from poverty and homelessness to financial stability and permanent housing. Residents contribute portion of their income toward rent and toward debt repayment or savings, and can stay in the program for up to two years. Includes support services such as case management, job counseling, skills training, job placement assistance, credit counseling, debt repayment and savings initiatives, substance abuse counseling, domestic abuse counseling, ESL instruction, and life skills training. Offers Virginia Individual Development Accounts, a special savings program for purchasing a home, starting a business or going back to school, to clients. For every dollar participants save in a designated account, VIDA matches with two more dollars.
Physical Address
303 South Maple Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 237-4540
(703) 237-4540
Application process
Referral form.
Call for Information. Participants contribute 30% of income towards rent and 10 of income towards debt payment or savings.
Service area
Fairfax, VA Falls Church, VA Fairfax, VA
Agency info
To empower homeless families with children under age 18 in Virginia to attain permanent housing and self-sufficiency by giving them the skills, knowledge and hope needed to become productive participants in the community.