
Transitional Housing - Alexandria, Community Lodgings

Provides two years of low-cost, subsidized housing to formerly homeless families at risk for long-term homelessness and identified as having the commitment and potential to succeed with intensive intervention and support. Includes client-determined goals and case management. Clients may take bilingual classes in Beginners or Advanced Computers, literacy and budgeting. Offers job mentoring and monthly workshops on success oriented subjects. Clients have access to computers and they, and their children, may attend all classes at the Family Learning Center free of charge.

Physical Address

3912 Elbert Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305


(703) 548-1294


(703) 548-1294

Application process

Phone. Application form required.


Call for Information



Service area

Alexandria, VA

Agency info

Community Lodgings

To lift families from homelessness and instability to independence and self-sufficiency through Transitional and Affordable Housing, and Youth Education Programs.