Transitional Housing - Alexandria, Christ House, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington
Christ House offers transitional housing to homeless men, provides intensive case management, workforce development and job coaching to increase clients' prospects of long-term financial independence and sustained housing success.
Physical Address
131 South West Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Call for hours of operations.
Application process
Call 703-841-3830 for more information.
No Fee
Service area
Alexandria, VA Fairfax, VA Falls Church, VA Winchester, VA Arlington, VA Culpeper, VA Fairfax, VA Northumberland, VA Orange, VA Page, VA Prince William, VA Rappahannock, VA Richmond, VA Shenandoah, VA Spotsylvania, VA Stafford, VA Warren, VA Westmoreland, VA
Agency info
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington
Catholic Charities offers a range of human services, including food, financial assistance, housing, medical, immigration and counseling. Catholic Charities is a licensed child placement agency of the State of Virginia.