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The Emergency Home Accessibility and Repair program assists individuals with repairs and accessibility modifications that are urgent in nature and health and safety related. Frequently requested repairs involve water heaters, heating systems, electrical issues, and plumbing. Accessibiliy installations may include ramps and grab bars. CVACL screens contractors and assigns them to approved projects.
The Emergency Home Accessibility and Repair program assists individuals with repairs and accessibility modifications that are urgent in nature and health and safety related. Frequently requested repairs involve water heaters, heating systems, electrical issues, and plumbing. Accessibiliy installations may include ramps and grab bars. CVACL screens contractors and assigns them to approved projects.
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity's (RMHFH) Critical Home Repair program offers repairs for select localities. Localities served are based on grant funding received.
Can help with:
Roof repairs/replacement
Window replacement of failed windows
Exterior door repair/replacement
Porch, steps and ramp repair/replace
Gutters repair/replace
Siding and trim repair/replacement
Interior accessibility and life safety repairs
Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity's (RMHFH) Critical Home Repair program offers repairs for select localities. Localities served are based on grant funding received.
Can help with:
Roof repairs/replacement
Window replacement of failed windows
Exterior door repair/replacement
Porch, steps and ramp repair/replace
Gutters repair/replace
Siding and trim repair/replacement
Interior accessibility and life safety repairs
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Provides housing rehabilitation for the low income, the aged, and people with disabilities. Works with local agencies, civic organizations, and churches to meet the housing needs of this population. Offers new home construction for low income families. Assists with getting indoor plumbing work done. Repairs and construction are done in the spring, fall, and summer.
Provides housing rehabilitation for the low income, the aged, and people with disabilities. Works with local agencies, civic organizations, and churches to meet the housing needs of this population. Offers new home construction for low income families. Assists with getting indoor plumbing work done. Repairs and construction are done in the spring, fall, and summer.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Critical and necessary home repairs, free of charge to homeowners in need
Critical and necessary home repairs, free of charge to homeowners in need
Home Rehabilitation Programs
The Home Repair for the Elderly Program is designed to provide minor home repairs and/or accessibility modifications to eligible low- and moderate-income elderly homeowners and individuals living with disabilities for homes in which they are currently residing. Fairfax County will provide a crew to do up to one week's worth of labor and provide up to $1000 in materials to complete necessary repairs. Income restrictions apply.
The Home Repair for the Elderly Program is designed to provide minor home repairs and/or accessibility modifications to eligible low- and moderate-income elderly homeowners and individuals living with disabilities for homes in which they are currently residing. Fairfax County will provide a crew to do up to one week's worth of labor and provide up to $1000 in materials to complete necessary repairs. Income restrictions apply.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Provides assistance to low to moderate income owner/occupants of substandard housing where indoor plumbing does not exist or where existing water delivery or waste disposal system has failed. Houses may be constructed to provide homes to families that meet their basic human needs.
Provides assistance to low to moderate income owner/occupants of substandard housing where indoor plumbing does not exist or where existing water delivery or waste disposal system has failed. Houses may be constructed to provide homes to families that meet their basic human needs.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Assists low-income families and individuals to remove imminent health and safety hazards from their homes. Acceptable repairs include the repair of roofs, floors, building of ramps and porches, heating system repair and structural repair. Funds are limited to $4000 per client; client must pay remainder of repair work and client is responsible for getting three bids from licensed contractors. These funds are provided by a very limited Essential Home Accessibility and Repair Program (EHARP) grant.
Assists low-income families and individuals to remove imminent health and safety hazards from their homes. Acceptable repairs include the repair of roofs, floors, building of ramps and porches, heating system repair and structural repair. Funds are limited to $4000 per client; client must pay remainder of repair work and client is responsible for getting three bids from licensed contractors. These funds are provided by a very limited Essential Home Accessibility and Repair Program (EHARP) grant.
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Program homeowners with repairs to heating and air conditioning units, roof repairs or replacement.
Funds from Federal and State grants will help qualified low-income homeowners by paying for a portion of the repairs. The balance is then paid back with no interest loans and affordable monthly payments.
Program homeowners with repairs to heating and air conditioning units, roof repairs or replacement.
Funds from Federal and State grants will help qualified low-income homeowners by paying for a portion of the repairs. The balance is then paid back with no interest loans and affordable monthly payments.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Improves housing occupied by low-income persons by completing limited repairs and removing imminent health and safety hazards and/or barriers to habitability in their homes. Work may include: Plumbing repairs; Structural repairs where hazards exist; Electrical repairs where hazards exist; Roof repair/replacement; Repair/replacement of heating systems; Wheelchair ramps; Hand railings and grab bars; Kitchen and bathroom adaptations; Doorway widening.
Improves housing occupied by low-income persons by completing limited repairs and removing imminent health and safety hazards and/or barriers to habitability in their homes. Work may include: Plumbing repairs; Structural repairs where hazards exist; Electrical repairs where hazards exist; Roof repair/replacement; Repair/replacement of heating systems; Wheelchair ramps; Hand railings and grab bars; Kitchen and bathroom adaptations; Doorway widening.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Assist low income citizens of the Dungannon community and surrounding areas within Scott County, with home repairs.
Assist low income citizens of the Dungannon community and surrounding areas within Scott County, with home repairs.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Provides contracts taken out to effect emergency, limited cost, repairs for qualifying families. They provide the financial assistance to families to eliminate safety or health hazards in their homes.
Provides contracts taken out to effect emergency, limited cost, repairs for qualifying families. They provide the financial assistance to families to eliminate safety or health hazards in their homes.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Provide emergency repairs including roof replacement, access ramps, floor repair, and more. Repair work is performed by teams of about 7 volunteers, often including high school youth. Volunteers work for one week at a time. Many projects require multiple weeks to complete. Provide year-round services in Lee County and serve during the summer in other areas of southwest Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
Provide emergency repairs including roof replacement, access ramps, floor repair, and more. Repair work is performed by teams of about 7 volunteers, often including high school youth. Volunteers work for one week at a time. Many projects require multiple weeks to complete. Provide year-round services in Lee County and serve during the summer in other areas of southwest Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
Weatherization Programs
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Addresses sub-standard housing conditions in South Boston and the Counties of Charlotte and Halifax. Priority given to low and moderate income homeowners, elderly and handicapped.
Addresses sub-standard housing conditions in South Boston and the Counties of Charlotte and Halifax. Priority given to low and moderate income homeowners, elderly and handicapped.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Emergency help repairing homes for families and individuals who cannot afford to buy services and those whose health or safety are threatened. Work usually includes exterior and sometimes interior repair; restoration of pumps, water heaters, and sinks; construction of wheelchair ramps and stairs; and roof repairs (at the availibility of volunteers). The main focus is elderly, disabled and families with young children.
Emergency help repairing homes for families and individuals who cannot afford to buy services and those whose health or safety are threatened. Work usually includes exterior and sometimes interior repair; restoration of pumps, water heaters, and sinks; construction of wheelchair ramps and stairs; and roof repairs (at the availibility of volunteers). The main focus is elderly, disabled and families with young children.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Assists in weatherizing homes. Homes of senior citizens and handicapped citizens are a priority. Services include: Infiltration (seal large openings, replace broken windows, caulk around windows and doors, and weather strip); water heater insulation (water heaters are wrapped with insulation jackets); attic insulation and venting (insulation is blown into attics. Turbines or vents are placed in roofs to insure proper ventilation); floor insulation (insulation will be installed under floors separating a heated area from an unheated area.
Assists in weatherizing homes. Homes of senior citizens and handicapped citizens are a priority. Services include: Infiltration (seal large openings, replace broken windows, caulk around windows and doors, and weather strip); water heater insulation (water heaters are wrapped with insulation jackets); attic insulation and venting (insulation is blown into attics. Turbines or vents are placed in roofs to insure proper ventilation); floor insulation (insulation will be installed under floors separating a heated area from an unheated area.
Weatherization Programs
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Rehabilitates homes for low to moderate income families within the county of Nelson. Also have an Emergency Home Repair Program for the Elderly and Disabled.
Rehabilitates homes for low to moderate income families within the county of Nelson. Also have an Emergency Home Repair Program for the Elderly and Disabled.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
The home repair goal is to help Goochland County residents who own their homes and are low income to remain safe in their homes. Typical home repairs include but are not limited to: Building handicap ramps, Repairing roofs, Repairing well and septic problems and Repairing unsafe holes in floors or walls. All repairs are limited to making the home safe.
The home repair goal is to help Goochland County residents who own their homes and are low income to remain safe in their homes. Typical home repairs include but are not limited to: Building handicap ramps, Repairing roofs, Repairing well and septic problems and Repairing unsafe holes in floors or walls. All repairs are limited to making the home safe.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Affordable home ownership and down payment assistance, fair housing, housing rehabilitation, nuisance code enforcement, and commercial facade loan program.
Affordable home ownership and down payment assistance, fair housing, housing rehabilitation, nuisance code enforcement, and commercial facade loan program.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing
Subsidized Home Acquisition
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Offers minor home repairs for people with low incomes.
Offers minor home repairs for people with low incomes.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Provides grants to qualified low income individuals for unexpected, emergency repairs. Program funds may also be used to adapt homes for handicap accessibility.
Provides grants to qualified low income individuals for unexpected, emergency repairs. Program funds may also be used to adapt homes for handicap accessibility.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Handles Virginia's Water Project, and Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation for the State of Virginia.
Handles Virginia's Water Project, and Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation for the State of Virginia.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Volunteers donate time, labor, and materials to repair the homes of seniors, those with disabilities and low income families. Offers home modifications needed so clients with disabilities can remain safely in their homes. Includes carpentry, yard work, plumbing and electrical work. Call before visiting office to confirm that staff is available.
Volunteers donate time, labor, and materials to repair the homes of seniors, those with disabilities and low income families. Offers home modifications needed so clients with disabilities can remain safely in their homes. Includes carpentry, yard work, plumbing and electrical work. Call before visiting office to confirm that staff is available.
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
The Department of Community Revitalization coordinates the County's housing initiatives, revitalization efforts, and community development programs. The department plays an integral role in the enhancement of existing residential, commercial, and industrial areas in the County.
The Department of Community Revitalization coordinates the County's housing initiatives, revitalization efforts, and community development programs. The department plays an integral role in the enhancement of existing residential, commercial, and industrial areas in the County.
Environmental Beautification
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Habitat offers reduced cost repairs to low-income local homeowners to make their homes accessible, livable, energy-efficient, and safe. Home repairs include exterior painting and weatherization, roof repairs, improving handicapped accessibility, and more.Trailers may be eligible for repairs. Projects to make a home accessible, livable, energy efficient and safe are considered. Cost of repairs may not exceed Habitat's $1,500 cost of repairs limit plus any donated funds or materials.
Habitat offers reduced cost repairs to low-income local homeowners to make their homes accessible, livable, energy-efficient, and safe. Home repairs include exterior painting and weatherization, roof repairs, improving handicapped accessibility, and more.Trailers may be eligible for repairs. Projects to make a home accessible, livable, energy efficient and safe are considered. Cost of repairs may not exceed Habitat's $1,500 cost of repairs limit plus any donated funds or materials.
Home Rehabilitation Programs