Housing-Rehab/Repair - Cedar Bluff, Emergency Home Repair, Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
Improves housing occupied by low-income persons by completing limited repairs and removing imminent health and safety hazards and/or barriers to habitability in their homes. Work may include: Plumbing repairs; Structural repairs where hazards exist; Electrical repairs where hazards exist; Roof repair/replacement; Repair/replacement of heating systems; Wheelchair ramps; Hand railings and grab bars; Kitchen and bathroom adaptations; Doorway widening.
Physical Address
164 College Ridge Road, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609
(276) 963-0130
(276) 963-0130
Application process
Call the office for information. Application form and income verification required. Emergency service provided.
Call for Information
Service area
Buchanan, VA Dickenson, VA Russell, VA Tazewell, VA
Agency info
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
The local area agency on aging that serves Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and Tazewell.