
Home Repair - Lynchburg, Senior Services, Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living

The Emergency Home Accessibility and Repair program assists individuals with repairs and accessibility modifications that are urgent in nature and health and safety related. Frequently requested repairs involve water heaters, heating systems, electrical issues, and plumbing. Accessibiliy installations may include ramps and grab bars. CVACL screens contractors and assigns them to approved projects.

Physical Address

501 12th Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504


(434) 385-9209


(434) 385-9209

Application process

Contact CVACL for more information.



Service area

Amherst, VA Appomattox, VA Bedford, VA

Agency info

Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living

CVACL supports older adults and individuals with disabilities to live with dignity in accordance with their personal choice. It serves as a community alliance and the Area Agency on Aging for the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell and the city of Lynchburg (Region 2000).