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Households experiencing homelessness or about to become homeless in the next 14 days can call the homeless information line, CHIA, for information regarding available shelters, homeless prevention services, street outreach services and will receive a safety and diversion screening.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing with clinical support services for homeless families. Program goals are to keep families housed or to get them housed as quickly as possible. Families/individuals who are literally homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness can receive assistance with rent and security deposits. Does not provide utility assistance.


Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Provides an emergency shelter with 15 beds that serves the homeless people in Culpeper County. Priority is given to women or families of women with children. Does not accept males. Please Note If you are in need of shelter or housing services please call Centralized Intake at the Foothills Housing Network Homeless Assistance number 540-724-6630. This is an automated number so please leave your name, number where you can be reached and brief description of services you need. Someone will call you back in 24-48 hours. Make sure you are available for a call back. Centralized Intake will take your information and then forward it to the correct service provider.


Community Shelters
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Provides short and medium term financial assistance for individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless in Arlington County. Participants must agree to on-going case management services. Assists individuals earning up to fifty percent of area median income.


Rent Payment Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Provides services to very low-income veterans who are homeless or face potential homelessness.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
This program helps "prevent" someone from becoming homeless. Payment can be made to assist clients to retain their existing housing or transition to alternative housing, if they are at imminent risk of homelessness w/in 14 days.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
The program provides short-term case management support to attain permanent housing for Veterans experiencing homelessness. Veterans experiencing homelessness may call the screening line at 202-658-9599 to be assessed for services. Veterans should leave a message and it will be returned promptly. For Veterans who are not eligible for services through the Veterans First program, will be provided with referrals to appropriate community resources that may be able to provide further assistance. Provides energy assistance through EnergyShare program.


Case/Care Management
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
The goal of the Virginia Homeless Solutions Program (VHSP) is to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-reoccurring.
For clients who are literally homeless and have nowhere to go that is habitable. STEPS, Inc. will place the client in the shelter or refer them to a shelter until they can find suitable housing and transition them to the next stage of the program.


Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Provides prevention and diversion counseling and can pay rental arrears or security deposit for persons who are not homeless but in danger of homelessness. Recipients agree to participate in housing counseling services to ensure financial stability budget counseling, self-sufficiency, and future housing planning.


Rental Deposit Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Miriam's House operates a rapid re-housing program for homeless youth and families. Community First aims to reduce the length of time homeless households experience homelessness by connecting them with safe and affordable housing within the community. Community First clients work with a Housing Coordinator to identify their barriers to housing stability and to address these barriers during in-home case management.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Assists families and individuals who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless with access to financial resources and referrals to obtain and/or maintain housing stability. Coordinates access to prevention, housing, and other services. Serves as a point of referral for a broad variety of service and housing programs. Provides screening and assessment to identify program eligibility and provide basic housing services and needs. A Continuum of Care program funded through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) under the Homeless Solutions Grant (HSG) and the City of Roanoke. The program is administered by the City of Roanoke in partnership with the Blue Ridge Continuum of Care.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing with clinical support services for homeless families.


Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
New River Community Action's Homeless and Housing Programs offer financial services to those at-risk of becoming homeless (Prevention) and those already homeless (Rapid Rehousing) to help them obtain or maintain permanent housing. Clients must meet strict grant criteria to receive financial services through Homeless and Housing Programs and adhere to program policies and guidelines for continuing services. When available, funding is used for participant financial assistance in the form of rent deposits and last month's rent, rent payments, utility deposits and utility arrears, utility payments, and application fees. Homeless and Housing Programs provides free Renter Education Workshops twice a month. Workshops are for tenants, landlords, and those considering renting. NRCA staff educates participants concerning fair housing, the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, energy savings tips, and financial tips. Homeless and Housing Programs offer counseling services. Counseling can be face to face, over the phone, or through the internet. Counseling sessions include completing a written spending plan, determining household goals, making referrals, and follow up on goal progression.
The Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program provides housing identification, rent and move-in assistance, and case management services to individuals and families who are literally homeless. We cannot serve those who live in Section 8 housing or have other subsidized housing, but we can pay deposits prior to occupying a subsidized unit. Depending on the funding source, RRH funds can be used to cover rent payments, rent arrears, deposits, utility payments, utility deposits, and utility arrears. Services include case management and financial assistance.
Provide financial assistance and services to help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. The community utilizes a prioritization list to prioritize the most vulnerable for housing first. Individuals should be sure that they have called the Homeless Help Line for screening (540-358-5801) and are accessing the appropriate homeless services agency in our community in order to be on our community prioritization list.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
New River Community Action's Homeless and Housing Programs offer financial services to those at-risk of becoming homeless (Prevention) and those already homeless (Rapid Rehousing) to help them obtain or maintain permanent housing. Clients must meet strict grant criteria to receive financial services through Homeless and Housing Programs and adhere to program policies and guidelines for continuing services. When available, funding is used for participant financial assistance in the form of rent deposits and last month's rent, rent payments, utility deposits and utility arrears, utility payments, and application fees. Homeless and Housing Programs provides free Renter Education Workshops twice a month. Workshops are for tenants, landlords, and those considering renting. NRCA staff educates participants concerning fair housing, the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, energy savings tips, and financial tips. Homeless and Housing Programs offer counseling services. Counseling can be face to face, over the phone, or through the internet. Counseling sessions include completing a written spending plan, determining household goals, making referrals, and follow up on goal progression. am participants. For Rental or mortgage payment assistance, call our Housing Crisis Hotline at 540-639-3159.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
The Haven works with several agencies and programs to connect guests to the resources they need to find housing and stabilize their lives. We offer housing support and assistance through three Housing First programs.
This program can provide low to moderate-income individuals and families with financial assistance towards security deposit/1st month's rent, rental assistance or utility assistance. This program also provides case management to ensure that clients will become self-sufficient after completing the program.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
A community based, Housing First Case Management program which will provide a range of supportive service to veterans and their families transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. We work to prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless and house homeless veteran families. Provide energy assistance through the EnergyShare program.


Military Transition Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Assists clients who are about to be evicted or have lost their residence and are in a temporary residence. All clients must be referred by CHIA (see intake number). No applications will be taken without a referral through CHIA. Program offers light financial assistance with heavy case management.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
A walk-in and outreach service to anyone experiencing homelessness or a housing crisis. Providing connection to mainstream benefits, housing-focused case management and referral to other homeless services Walk-ins are accepted 8:30 AM to noon (even though office is open until 5:00 PM). Also, operate a hub and drop-in-site for youth who are homeless (ages 18-24). Youth can access basic supplies and essential services or resources.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Housing Search and Information
ESG Prevention Program - Rental Assistance: The goals of the state ESG program are that individuals and families at-risk of being homeless to obtain and maintain appropriate permanent housing. ESG Rehousing - Form Homeless Individuals and families. Individuals and families experiencing homelessness obtain and maintain appropriate permanent housing. Will pay deposit, first months rent and utility deposits.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Provides assistance to individuals and families struggling with an unexpected crisis or homelessness. Housing and budget counseling are major components of this assistance to help each client develop goals to work toward self-sufficiency. Financial assistance may include: rents and rental deposits and utility deposits and payments. Provides financial assistance to clients experiencing some kind of short-term crisis beyond their control, such as a serious accident, illness or injury; an unexpected job layoff, termination or reduction in hours; a loss of daycare or transportation that has affected a client's ability to work; or a delay in approved benefits.


Mortgage Payment Assistance
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
New River Community Action's Homeless and Housing Programs offer financial services to those at-risk of becoming homeless (Prevention) and those already homeless (Rapid Rehousing) to help them obtain or maintain permanent housing. Clients must meet strict grant criteria to receive financial services through Homeless and Housing Programs and adhere to program policies and guidelines for continuing services. When available, funding is used for participant financial assistance in the form of rent deposits and last month's rent, rent payments, utility deposits and utility arrears, utility payments, and application fees. Homeless and Housing Programs provides free Renter Education Workshops twice a month. Workshops are for tenants, landlords, and those considering renting. NRCA staff educates participants concerning fair housing, the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, energy savings tips and financial tips. Homeless and Housing Programs offer counseling services. Counseling can be face to face, over the phone, or through the internet. Counseling sessions include completing a written spending plan, determining household goals, making referrals, and follow up on goal progression. For Rental or mortgage payment assistance, call our Housing Crisis Hotline at 540-639-3159.