
Homeless Services and Rapid ReHousing - Roanoke, Community Housing Resource Center, Council of Community Services

The Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) program provides housing identification, rent and move-in assistance, and case management services to individuals and families who are literally homeless. We cannot serve those who live in Section 8 housing or have other subsidized housing, but we can pay deposits prior to occupying a subsidized unit. Depending on the funding source, RRH funds can be used to cover rent payments, rent arrears, deposits, utility payments, utility deposits, and utility arrears. Services include case management and financial assistance.

Physical Address

502 Campbell Avenue Southwest, Roanoke, VA 24016


(540) 982-2935


(540) 982-2935

Application process

Intake is through Blue Ridge Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry Process. Client must be added to the coordinated entry system by a shelter or street outreach provider (ie. Rescue Mission, Homeless Assistance Team, etc.). Contact Central Intake with questions.

Service area

Covington, VA Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Alleghany, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA Roanoke, VA

Agency info

Council of Community Services

Identifies community needs and solutions, connects the community to programs, and launches new programs.