Homelessness Prevention - Roanoke, Central Intake, Roanoke City Government Services
Assists families and individuals who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless with access to financial resources and referrals to obtain and/or maintain housing stability. Coordinates access to prevention, housing, and other services. Serves as a point of referral for a broad variety of service and housing programs. Provides screening and assessment to identify program eligibility and provide basic housing services and needs. A Continuum of Care program funded through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) under the Homeless Solutions Grant (HSG) and the City of Roanoke. The program is administered by the City of Roanoke in partnership with the Blue Ridge Continuum of Care.
Physical Address
1 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011
(540) 510-3090
(540) 510-3090
Application process
Individuals should call the phone line (540-853-1163) or apply online at endhomelessblueridge.org as a first option. If individuals do not have access to a phone or computer, they can come to the office for services.
No Fee
Service area
Covington, VA Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Alleghany, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA Roanoke, VA
Agency info
City of Roanoke Government Services
City of Roanoke Government Services