
Veteran Supportive Services - Burke, SSVF Program, Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas

A community based, Housing First Case Management program which will provide a range of supportive service to veterans and their families transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. We work to prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless and house homeless veteran families. Provide energy assistance through the EnergyShare program.

Physical Address

5278 Lyngate Court, Burke, VA 22015


(703) 341-5077

Application process

Call for additional information.


No Fee



Service area

Alexandria, VA Fredericksburg, VA Arlington, VA Fairfax, VA Fauquier, VA Loudoun, VA Prince William, VA

Agency info

Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas

Non-profit human services organization that operates programs in Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia. Programs and services include homeless, permanent supportive housing, mental health, intellectual disability, senior, substance abuse, veterans and community corrections.