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A family focused program that provides early intervention services for infants and toddlers from birth through two years of age with developmental delays, atypical development, or diagnosed condition. Provides activities for parents to use with their children to encourage developmental growth. Services include: developmental screenings; multidisciplinary assessment; home visits; center-based activities; service coordination, speech and motor therapy. Services are person-centered and community based. Offers services to older children including children's summer camp, respite services, developmental training, day supports, and case management.
A family focused program that provides early intervention services for infants and toddlers from birth through two years of age with developmental delays, atypical development, or diagnosed condition. Provides activities for parents to use with their children to encourage developmental growth. Services include: developmental screenings; multidisciplinary assessment; home visits; center-based activities; service coordination, speech and motor therapy. Services are person-centered and community based. Offers services to older children including children's summer camp, respite services, developmental training, day supports, and case management.
Case/Care Management
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Developmental Disabilities
Care Coordination connects older individuals with a variety of services and resources that are needed to stay well and independent.
Care Coordination connects older individuals with a variety of services and resources that are needed to stay well and independent.
Case/Care Management
Adult Services are provided to disabled persons who are eighteen years of age and older and to persons sixty years or older. Adult Services includes the provision of case management, home-based companion services, screening for Medicaid community-based care and nursing home placement, screening for admission to Assisted Living Facilities, and other activities to aid the adult and their family.
Adult Services are provided to disabled persons who are eighteen years of age and older and to persons sixty years or older. Adult Services includes the provision of case management, home-based companion services, screening for Medicaid community-based care and nursing home placement, screening for admission to Assisted Living Facilities, and other activities to aid the adult and their family.
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Case/Care Management
Personal Care
Homemaker Assistance
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Goodwin Living at Home members are able to stay in their homes as they age, while being given support for all stages of life and at all levels of living.
Goodwin Living at Home members are able to stay in their homes as they age, while being given support for all stages of life and at all levels of living.
Case/Care Management
Developmental Services Division provides case management and appropriate supports over a sustained period to improve the life functioning of a person with a developmental disability. Adult intake 804 819-8759. Children intake 804 819-4046.
Developmental Services Division provides case management and appropriate supports over a sustained period to improve the life functioning of a person with a developmental disability. Adult intake 804 819-8759. Children intake 804 819-4046.
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Case/Care Management
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
This program offers temporary assistance to at-risk, low-income families in an effort to keep them from becoming homeless. This grant program is designed to house these at-risk families as quickly as possible by providing legal counseling and financial aid for rent, utilities, moving costs, childcare and bus transportation, employment assistance and benefits counseling.
This program offers temporary assistance to at-risk, low-income families in an effort to keep them from becoming homeless. This grant program is designed to house these at-risk families as quickly as possible by providing legal counseling and financial aid for rent, utilities, moving costs, childcare and bus transportation, employment assistance and benefits counseling.
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
Provide an array of outpatient services for adults age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Winchester Area Clinic is an Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke; City of Winchester. New Clients may also call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804.
Provide an array of outpatient services for adults age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Winchester Area Clinic is an Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke; City of Winchester. New Clients may also call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804.
Respite Care
Mental Health Information/Education
Case/Care Management
Adult Day Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
A community based, Housing First Case Management program which will provide a range of supportive service to veterans and their families transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. We work to prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless and house homeless veteran families. Provide energy assistance through the EnergyShare program.
A community based, Housing First Case Management program which will provide a range of supportive service to veterans and their families transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. We work to prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless and house homeless veteran families. Provide energy assistance through the EnergyShare program.
Case/Care Management
Military Transition Assistance Programs
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Military Family Service/Support Centers
JFS offers each client an individualized Care Management plan based on a comprehensive assessment. Care Management staff will work and discuss services you would like to receive to enhance your quality of life. Once a plan is set in motion, we review it regularly to ensure your needs and expectations are being met.
JFS offers each client an individualized Care Management plan based on a comprehensive assessment. Care Management staff will work and discuss services you would like to receive to enhance your quality of life. Once a plan is set in motion, we review it regularly to ensure your needs and expectations are being met.
Case/Care Management
Provides services necessary to assist the patient and family during hospitalization and after discharge. The department attempts to assist the patient in making the best possible use of medical and social resources available.
Provides services necessary to assist the patient and family during hospitalization and after discharge. The department attempts to assist the patient in making the best possible use of medical and social resources available.
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
RCASA connects with clients to help determine the most effective course of action that will best meet the needs of the survivor.
RCASA connects with clients to help determine the most effective course of action that will best meet the needs of the survivor.
Case/Care Management
Provides long-term care and prevention services.
Provides long-term care and prevention services.
Serves children birth to age 21 with special health care needs. Provides care coordination including referrals to health care services, case management, and referrals community support and resources. Maintains a database of regional and local resources for children with special health care needs. Financial assistance may be available to assist with specialty medical care, if income and medical criteria are met. Also loaner hearing aids for children are available through the Virginia Hearing Aid Loaner Bank housed at UVA. Provides a network of experienced and trained parents and other family caregivers of children with special health care needs who assist families to participate in the planning and decision-making about their child's services and plan for the child's future. Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children is located in Charlottesville but serves 16 counties and 5 cities to the West and North of Albemarle County. For Toll-free access, please call: (866)596-9367 (BRCC Direct Toll-Free Number) The Care Connection for Children (formerly known as Children's Specialty Services) program is divided into 6 Centers of Excellence throughout the state. The Charlottesville area center is known as the Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children (BRCCC). It is a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Health and the University of Virginia Children's Medical Center. The BRCCC is directly affiliated with the UVA Children's Medical Center. BRCC serves the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Frederick, Greene, Highland, Madison, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren and Cities of Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro, Winchester. There are 5 other centers across the Commonwealth. Please call (866)596-9367 if you have a question about which center serves your locality.
Serves children birth to age 21 with special health care needs. Provides care coordination including referrals to health care services, case management, and referrals community support and resources. Maintains a database of regional and local resources for children with special health care needs. Financial assistance may be available to assist with specialty medical care, if income and medical criteria are met. Also loaner hearing aids for children are available through the Virginia Hearing Aid Loaner Bank housed at UVA. Provides a network of experienced and trained parents and other family caregivers of children with special health care needs who assist families to participate in the planning and decision-making about their child's services and plan for the child's future. Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children is located in Charlottesville but serves 16 counties and 5 cities to the West and North of Albemarle County. For Toll-free access, please call: (866)596-9367 (BRCC Direct Toll-Free Number) The Care Connection for Children (formerly known as Children's Specialty Services) program is divided into 6 Centers of Excellence throughout the state. The Charlottesville area center is known as the Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children (BRCCC). It is a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Health and the University of Virginia Children's Medical Center. The BRCCC is directly affiliated with the UVA Children's Medical Center. BRCC serves the Counties of Albemarle, Augusta, Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Frederick, Greene, Highland, Madison, Nelson, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Warren and Cities of Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro, Winchester. There are 5 other centers across the Commonwealth. Please call (866)596-9367 if you have a question about which center serves your locality.
Case/Care Management
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Child, Youth & Family Services Division programs offer therapeutic services and support for families of children and adolescents with, or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorders, or developmental disabilities.
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Child, Youth & Family Services Division programs offer therapeutic services and support for families of children and adolescents with, or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorders, or developmental disabilities.
Mental Health Screening
Mental Illness/Emotional Disabilities
Case/Care Management
The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) provides basic and enhanced post-adoption services to adoptive families with children or youth under the age of 18 who reside in the Central and Eastern regions of the state at no cost.
The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) is a collaboration between C2Adopt, Children's Home Society, and Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia.
The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) provides basic and enhanced post-adoption services to adoptive families with children or youth under the age of 18 who reside in the Central and Eastern regions of the state at no cost.
The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) is a collaboration between C2Adopt, Children's Home Society, and Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia.
Case/Care Management
Adoption Services
ElderLink provides affordable care management to older adults in Northern Virginia. Services include: An in-home assessment to determine what type of care is needed; Development of a comprehensive care plan; Assistance in finding and obtaining services; Monitoring to ensure appropriate care.
ElderLink provides affordable care management to older adults in Northern Virginia. Services include: An in-home assessment to determine what type of care is needed; Development of a comprehensive care plan; Assistance in finding and obtaining services; Monitoring to ensure appropriate care.
Partners with school systems and other agencies to help students with disabilities in transition from middle school to high school and post graduate opportunities. Helps people transition from nursing facilities and other institutions back into the community.
Partners with school systems and other agencies to help students with disabilities in transition from middle school to high school and post graduate opportunities. Helps people transition from nursing facilities and other institutions back into the community.
Centers for Independent Living
Case/Care Management
Assists individuals who are 60 years of age or older, have dependencies in two or more activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding) and have two or more unmet needs, remain in their homes.
Assists individuals who are 60 years of age or older, have dependencies in two or more activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding) and have two or more unmet needs, remain in their homes.
Case/Care Management
Case/Care Management
DePaul Community Resources is an independent, non-profit human services organization which serves the communities of Central and Southwest Virginia through our Treatment Foster Care, Developmental Disabilities, Clinical Services, and Adoption programs.
DePaul Community Resources is an independent, non-profit human services organization which serves the communities of Central and Southwest Virginia through our Treatment Foster Care, Developmental Disabilities, Clinical Services, and Adoption programs.
Case/Care Management
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Adoption Services
Parenting Education
Supportive Services for Veteran Families helps veterans and their families find and stay in stable, permanent housing. Focus on intensive case management to help resolve housing crises and ensure that they don't happen again.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families helps veterans and their families find and stay in stable, permanent housing. Focus on intensive case management to help resolve housing crises and ensure that they don't happen again.
At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Case/Care Management
Christ House offers transitional housing to homeless men, provides intensive case management, workforce development and job coaching to increase clients' prospects of long-term financial independence and sustained housing success.
Christ House offers transitional housing to homeless men, provides intensive case management, workforce development and job coaching to increase clients' prospects of long-term financial independence and sustained housing success.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Case/Care Management
An intensive, long-term home visiting and case management services are targeted toward helping families build a foundation for success, where the outcomes of our work are evident in stronger, more self-reliant families, a healthier community, and children who enter school ready to learn and succeed.
An intensive, long-term home visiting and case management services are targeted toward helping families build a foundation for success, where the outcomes of our work are evident in stronger, more self-reliant families, a healthier community, and children who enter school ready to learn and succeed.
Parenting Education
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Services include but are not limited to: Companion/sitters/safety supervision, light meal preparation, light housekeeping, transportation to physician and dental appointments, social events, etc. medication reminders, and care coordination. Accept clients on a 24/7 basis or a minimum of 3 hours per day.
Services include but are not limited to: Companion/sitters/safety supervision, light meal preparation, light housekeeping, transportation to physician and dental appointments, social events, etc. medication reminders, and care coordination. Accept clients on a 24/7 basis or a minimum of 3 hours per day.
Case/Care Management
Housekeeping Assistance
Respite Care
Personal Care
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Homemaker Assistance
Links older people with appropriate long-term care services, so they can maintain their independence. Care coordinators provide outreach, assessment, and care planning. Through this program, individuals learn about and/or receive assistance from AASC and partner organizations. Here are just a few of Care Coordination's services: Medicare Part D enrollment; Insurance counseling (VICAP); Information and assistance Farm Market Fresh; Tele-N-Touch telephone reassurance; Emergency services; Disease prevention and health promotion; Fan care; Heating and cooling assistance; Medication management; My Medicare Matters computer training, and Centenarian birthday recognition.
Links older people with appropriate long-term care services, so they can maintain their independence. Care coordinators provide outreach, assessment, and care planning. Through this program, individuals learn about and/or receive assistance from AASC and partner organizations. Here are just a few of Care Coordination's services: Medicare Part D enrollment; Insurance counseling (VICAP); Information and assistance Farm Market Fresh; Tele-N-Touch telephone reassurance; Emergency services; Disease prevention and health promotion; Fan care; Heating and cooling assistance; Medication management; My Medicare Matters computer training, and Centenarian birthday recognition.
Case/Care Management