Supportive Services for Veteran Families - Roanoke, SSVF, Total Action For Progress
Supportive Services for Veteran Families helps veterans and their families find and stay in stable, permanent housing. Focus on intensive case management to help resolve housing crises and ensure that they don't happen again.
Physical Address
302 Second Street SW, Roanoke, VA 24011
Application process
Telephone or walk ins accepted. Residents of the Roanoke Valley should call Evelyn Jordan at 540-283-4918, Aldith Ellis at 540-283-4892 or Vickie Royer at 540-283-4845. Lexington, Rockbridge, Lynchburg and Buena Vista residents should call 540-264-0300. Residents of Alleghany County, Covington, and Bath County should call 540-962-5933.
No fee. There are no costs to approved clientele for this program.
Service area
Buena Vista, VA Covington, VA Danville, VA Lexington, VA Lynchburg, VA Martinsville, VA Radford, VA Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Staunton, VA Waynesboro, VA Alleghany, VA Amherst, VA Appomattox, VA Augusta, VA Bath, VA Bedford, VA Botetourt, VA Campbell, VA Craig, VA Franklin, VA Highland, VA Montgomery, VA Roanoke, VA Rockbridge, VA
Agency info
Total Action For Progress
TAP helps individuals and families achieve sustainable, equitable economic and personal independence through education, employment, affordable housing, and safe and healthy environments. At TAP we work to restore hope, dignity, and opportunity for those who want to claim their potential or need a second chance. With over 25 programs, we make education, jobs, and safe places to live a reality.