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Determines eligibility for Medicaid program based on income and resource guidelines. Medicaid pays for medical expenses of the permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children and elderly.
Makes direct payment to health care providers for eligible individuals and families unable to pay for needed medical services. Eligibility can be determined at the website.
Provide medical care for needy persons who have insufficient income to meet their medical needs.
DDetermines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children and elderly. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans. Contact your local telephone company for details). For further assistance for Medicaid/FAMIS, or more information, please call: Medicaid/FAMIS Recipient Helpline: (804)786-6145 Medicaid/FAMIS Provider Helpline: (800)552-8627 Managed Care Helpline: (800)643-2273
Medical assistance for blind, disabled, elderly, families with dependent children, pregnant women. Depending upon the category the recipient can be eligible for a variety of medical services including prescriptions, medical visits, hospitalization, payment of Medicare premiums, etc. Eligibility can be determined at the website. As of 7/1/06, Federal law requires all Medicaid applicants and recipients (upon annual renewal) to document their US Citizenship and identity.
Determines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of TANF recipients, the permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children and elderly. May have other case specific conditions as required by program policy guidelines. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans. Contact your local telephone company for details.) For more information on Medicaid, please call: Medicaid Recipient Helpline: (804)786-6145 Managed Care Helpline: (800)643-2273 Medicaid Provider Helpline: (800)643-2273
Medicaid program helps certain groups of low-income people with payments for health and medical care. Medicaid is divided into three basic programs: Families and Children; Aged, Blind and Disabled; and Long Term Care.
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When you apply for Medical Assistance, you are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, you must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program. Medicaid programs include: *Children Under Age Nineteen; *Parents and Caretakers of Dependent Children; *Pregnant Women; *Supplemental Security Income(SSI) Recipients; *Adults Aged 65 or Older, Blind or Disabled(not receiving SSI); *Children or Adults Who Need Long-term Care in a Facility/Home & Community-based Care(Waiver)Services; *Medicare Beneficiaries; *Plan First(Family Planning Services); *Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.
Provides medical care for public assistance recipients and persons of low income who can meet their maintenance needs, but have insufficient income to provide the cost of medical care.
Provides medical care and prescription drug assistance to those who are eligible.
Medical assistance for blind, disabled, elderly, families with dependent children, pregnant women. Depending upon the category the recipient can be eligible for a variety of medical services including prescriptions, medical visits, hospitalization, payment of Medicare premiums, etc. Eligibility can be determined at the website. As of 7/1/06, Federal law requires all Medicaid applicants and recipients (upon annual renewal) to document their US Citizenship and identity.
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When someone applies for Medical Assistance, they are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, a person must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program. Medicaid programs include: *Children under age 19; *Parents and caretakers of dependent children; *Pregnant women; *Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients; * Adults aged 65 or older, blind or disabled (not receiving SSI); *Children or adults who need long term care in a facility or home or who need community based care (Waiver) services; *Medicare beneficiaries; *Plan First - People who need family planning services; *Breast and cervical cancer early detection program.
NOTE: PLEASE CALL LOCAL SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY TO APPLY FOR SERVICES! (804)726-7000 IS THE STATEWIDE SOCIAL SERVICES SWITCHBOARD AND CAN CONNECT TO LOCAL OFFICES. TO FIND A LOCAL PROVIDER OF SERVICES, CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OR OTHER MEDICAID PROVIDER - (804) 786-6145 FOR MEDICAID HELPLINE. Provides a family planning program for men and women. Includes regular check-ups and screening services to help protect reproductive health. Covered services include: Annual physical exam for men and annual family planning / gynecological exam for women Pap screening for women Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing Family planning education and counseling Sterilization procedures FDA approved prescription contraceptives FDA approved over-the-counter contraceptives Referrals to a primary care provider for services not covered by Plan First. To apply for services, requesting Medicaid ID Cards or to opt out of the program - Contact your local Department of Social Services, health department or family planning clinic. An application may be downloaded from the Plan First website at planfirst.org.
Determines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of low income families with children, the permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children, and elderly. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans. Contact your local telephone company for details.) For more information on Medicaid, please call: Medicaid Recipient Helpline: (804)786-6145 Managed Care Helpline: (800)643-2273 Medicaid Provider Helpline: (800)643-2273
Provides assistance to individuals who have been in the US less than 8 months, are an entrant as a refugee, a child living with refugee parents or an Americasian.
Determines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of TANF recipients; those who are determined disabled through the Social Security Administration; those that are determined to be legally blind; pregnant women; children and elderly. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans; contact your local telephone company for details.)
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When you apply for Medical Assistance, you are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, you must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program.
Determines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of TANF recipients, the permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children and elderly. UVA Hospital Medicaid Program determines eligibility for statewide Medicaid eligibility recipients who are patients at UVA Hospital. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans. Contact your local telephone company for details.)
Program pays for a variety of medical services, including prescription drugs, doctor visits, nursing facility care and hospital care.
Provides medical care and prescription drug assistance to those who are eligible.
Provides medical care and prescription drug assistance to those who are eligible.
Determines eligibility for programs which pay for medical expenses of TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), or SSI recipients, and for persons who are blind, permanently disabled, over 65, and for some pregnant women and some children under 21. Call for appointment and information on required documentation.


State/Local Health Insurance Programs
edical care for public assistance recipients and medically needy persons (i.e. persons of low income who can meet their maintenance needs but have insufficient income to provide the cost of medical care).
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. Applicants are screened for all possible programs based on age, income, financial resources, and other information. Eligible applicants must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program. Medicaid programs include: children under age nineteen * parents and caretakers of dependent children * pregnant women * Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients * adults aged 65 or older, blind or disabled (not receiving SSI) * children or adults who need long term care in a facility/home and community-based care (Waiver) services * Medicare beneficiaries * Plan First family planning services * Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.


Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Determines eligibility for Medicaid.