
Medicaid - Bristol, Bristol City Social Services

There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When you apply for Medical Assistance, you are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, you must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program.


Physical Address

355 Bristol East Road, Bristol, VA 24202


(276) 645-7475


(276) 645-7475

Application process

Walk-ins and telephone referrals. Screen for eligibility and apply online at: commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the enterprise call center.



Service area

Bristol, VA

Agency info

Bristol City Social Services

Assists families and individuals in becoming socially and economically self-sufficient and independent. Benefits programs include temporary assistance for needy families, food stamps, Medicaid, energy assistance, general relief, fraud prevention, children's medical security insurance. Social work programs include adoption, adult services/adult protective services, and child protective services, day care services for children, foster care, court services; and employment services for welfare recipients.