Medicaid - Warm Springs, Bath County Social Services
Determines eligibility for Medicaid program which pays for medical expenses of TANF recipients, the permanently disabled, the blind, pregnant women, children and elderly. May have other case specific conditions as required by program policy guidelines. (*Special telephone assistance for low income families may be available through the Lifeline and Link-Up Plans. Contact your local telephone company for details.) For more information on Medicaid, please call: Medicaid Recipient Helpline: (804)786-6145 Managed Care Helpline: (800)643-2273 Medicaid Provider Helpline: (800)643-2273
Physical Address
65 Courthouse Hill Road, Warm Springs, VA 24484
(540) 839-7278
(540) 839-7278
Application process
Walk-ins and telephone referrals. Screen for eligibility and apply online at: or call the enterprise call center.
Service area
Bath, VA
Agency info
Bath County Social Services
Provides assistance to Bath County residents in Bath County.