
Family Planning - Richmond, Plan First, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)

NOTE: PLEASE CALL LOCAL SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY TO APPLY FOR SERVICES! (804)726-7000 IS THE STATEWIDE SOCIAL SERVICES SWITCHBOARD AND CAN CONNECT TO LOCAL OFFICES. TO FIND A LOCAL PROVIDER OF SERVICES, CONTACT LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OR OTHER MEDICAID PROVIDER - (804) 786-6145 FOR MEDICAID HELPLINE. Provides a family planning program for men and women. Includes regular check-ups and screening services to help protect reproductive health. Covered services include: Annual physical exam for men and annual family planning / gynecological exam for women Pap screening for women Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing Family planning education and counseling Sterilization procedures FDA approved prescription contraceptives FDA approved over-the-counter contraceptives Referrals to a primary care provider for services not covered by Plan First. To apply for services, requesting Medicaid ID Cards or to opt out of the program - Contact your local Department of Social Services, health department or family planning clinic. An application may be downloaded from the Plan First website at planfirst.org.

Physical Address

2114 Angus Road, Charlottesville, VA 29901


(804) 612-0033

Application process

Enrollment changes can also be made at anytime on this website: https://cccplusva.com/ 800-817-6608 (TDD)



Service area


Agency info

Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS)

Administers the State Medicaid Program. Responsibilities include development of the state medical assistance plan and provision of medical care.