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The Day Support Program assists adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be more independent, learn new things, visit new places and make new friends. Provide individualized training in daily living skills, socialization, pre-vocational skills, and communication.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Adult Day Programs
Developmental Services Division provides case management and appropriate supports over a sustained period to improve the life functioning of a person with a developmental disability. Adult intake 804 819-8759. Children intake 804 819-4046.


Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Case/Care Management
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provide an array of outpatient services for adults age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Winchester Area Clinic is an Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke; City of Winchester. New Clients may also call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804.


Respite Care
Mental Health Information/Education
Case/Care Management
Adult Day Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provides a variety of programs and comprehensive support to those with intellectual disabilities. Services include residential and day support services through contractual agencies, respite care for persons with intellectual disabilities, and early intervention services for delayed and at risk infants 0-2 years (PACE).


Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Respite Care
Offer continual support including overnight staff to respond to the health, medical and behavioral needs of individuals. Each program participant has a service plan developed to assist him or her to reach their goals. Person-centered services strive to offer the greatest opportunities for unrestricted participation and community inclusion. Skill-building and assistance may be provided in personal care, domestic skills, leisure time, daily life skills, behavior management community integration and social skills. Assistance is offered in administration of medications.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Provides an array of outpatient services for children with serious emotional disturbances, substance abuse disorders and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, individual, family and group counseling, school-based day treatment, Intensive In-Home Services, Infant/Toddler Case Management, and case management for children 3-18. Services are for children only. Child and Family Outpatient Services is the Regional Children's Center which serves the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, and the City of Winchester. New Clients, please call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Early Intervention for Mental Illness
Medication Information/Management
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Case/Care Management
Support adults with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) in group homes and supervised apartments.


Adult Foster Homes
Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provides education, socialization and recreation for intellectually and developmentally disabled persons.


Adult Day Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Frontier Industries is dedicated to empowering people with developmental, emotional and/or physical disabilities offering vocational, employment, residential, developmental and community integration services to achieve personal independence. Supported Living offers needed supports for adults with developmental disabilities who choose to live in their own homes.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Vocational Rehabilitation
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Supported Employment
Provide a variety of in-home support services to assist with activities of daily living (ADLs), as well as medical and personal needs. Provide support for substitute decision makers to help them be successful in care for a their family member with special needs at home. Depending on each indivdiual and family's unique needs and goals, services may include: • Support to promote greater independence for the individuals • Assistance with daily household tasks • Behavior management services • Family support to ensure individuals can continue to live at home • Integration into their community


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Horizon's case management services are provided to support individuals with a mental health illness, substance use disorder or intellectual and developmental disabilities. Case Managers: Understand that physical health and environmental stressors can affect a person’s overall well-being. Coordinate with local resources and organizations when necessary to address whole-person health consistent with a wrap-around care model. Strive to connect individuals and families to community resources, needed services, and monitor for satisfaction of services and support received. Continually monitor and assess for any additional areas of need and support. Service areas include: Intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) Mental health substance use disorder ID/DD Waiver High Fidelity Wraparound (Formerly Care Coordination) Enhanced Case Management


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Case/Care Management
Psychiatric Case Management
Offer a wide-range of services to all residents of Hanover County impacted by intellectual/developmental disabilities, to provide, monitor, and evaluate a comprehensive system of community-based services with the overall goal of enhancing the quality of life, providing the gateway to access to the benefits of community living and the opportunity to receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate.
Provides case management services, as identified in a detailed person centered plan, to assess the needs (medical, psychiatric, social, educational, residential, etc) of individuals with intellectual disabilities and coordinates, links, and monitors supports for qualifying individuals.


Case/Care Management
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provides residential services for adults and children with special needs and disabilities including intellectual disabilities, autism, pervasive developmental disorders, mental illness and emotional disturbances. Services include training in daily living, community, domestic, leisure, behavioral, and social skills with access to therapeutic supports including individual and family therapy, speech/language therapy and occupational therapy. Adult and Youth Group Homes are located throughout Frederick and Clarke counties as well as in Winchester and Richmond Virginia Does not accept individuals who are active fire-setters, actively suicidal, active substance abusers, homicidal, or sex offenders. Students and adult consumers are identified as having more than one diagnosis; for example, autism with severe mental retardation; anxiety disorder and mental retardation; and bi-polar disorder and learning disabilities. Grafton also serves people with physically handicapping conditions such as cerebral palsy.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
The CSB provides support for people with developmental disabilities in the community, through support coordination, day support, employment and residential services.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
The Day Support Program assists adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be more independent, learn new things, visit new places and make new friends. We provide individualized training in daily living skills, socialization, pre-vocational skills, and communication.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Adult Day Programs
Offers comprehensive human services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Assist individuals with developmental disabilities, as well as adults with complex needs and challenging behaviors, dual diagnoses of intellectual disabilities and mental illness, physical disabilities, medical needs and/or autism, in developing independent life skills to assist them in attaining the fullest level of community integration and inclusion possible.


Residential Treatment Facilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides community based services to people who have intellectual disability. Agency has 3 group homes: Pickering Place, Corson House, and Everly. Two apartments; The Apartment and Liberty. Day support services are provided at the Good Day activity Center. Good Life also has an evening social club that meets with its member twice a week call Shenandoah Action Club(SHAC. ACCESSIBILITY: Limited accessibility to persons with intellectual disabilities. LICENSED BY: VA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services


Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provides a wide range of services for adults with intellectual disabilities. Services include administrative, day support, case management, and group homes for persons with intellectual disabilities.


Mental Health Information/Education
Case/Care Management
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Adult Day Programs
Provides temporary, substitute care for people with intellectual disabilities in the place of care normally provided by the family or other caregivers. Offered in the consumer's home, the respite provider's home, or in a community respite setting. Also provided on an emergency basis when caregivers are unexpectedly hospitalized or otherwise unable to provide normal care.


Respite Care
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Provides an array of outpatient services for individuals age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, individual and group counseling, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Shenandoah County clinic is an Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, and the City of Winchester. New Clients please call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804


Case/Care Management
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Mental Health Information/Education
Respite Care
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Adult Day Programs
Provide an array of outpatient services for individuals age 18+ with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and intellectual disabilities. Services include psychiatric treatment, medication management, case management, in-home services, psychosocial clubhouse, and peer support. The Page County Clinic is a satellite office of the Shenandoah County Clinic and as such, it is part of the Adult Regional Center serving the counties of Frederick, Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, and the City of Winchester. New Clients, please call the Triage Call Center in Front Royal: (540)635-4804


Adult Day Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Respite Care
Mental Health Information/Education
Case/Care Management
Provide services to individuals with intellectual & developmental disability which can include support coordination, residential programs, and day support services. Sites in all five counties.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Offering a wide range of services tailored to each individual need. Services include Early Intervention Services, Residential Services, Support Coordination. Some services require a waiver. Through a "waiver" individuals may receive certain services (such as residential supports, nursing supports, employment supports) while living in the community, rather than in an institutional setting.


Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs