
Group Home Adult and Youth - Winchester, Grafton Inc

Provides residential services for adults and children with special needs and disabilities including intellectual disabilities, autism, pervasive developmental disorders, mental illness and emotional disturbances. Services include training in daily living, community, domestic, leisure, behavioral, and social skills with access to therapeutic supports including individual and family therapy, speech/language therapy and occupational therapy. Adult and Youth Group Homes are located throughout Frederick and Clarke counties as well as in Winchester and Richmond Virginia Does not accept individuals who are active fire-setters, actively suicidal, active substance abusers, homicidal, or sex offenders. Students and adult consumers are identified as having more than one diagnosis; for example, autism with severe mental retardation; anxiety disorder and mental retardation; and bi-polar disorder and learning disabilities. Grafton also serves people with physically handicapping conditions such as cerebral palsy.

Physical Address

120 Bellview Avenue, Winchester, VA 22601

Application process

Referrals from FAPT, CPMT, DJJ, Schools, DSS, CSB, & private.



Service area

Bath, VA

Agency info

Grafton Integrated Health Network

Grafton Integrated Health Network (Grafton) is a private, nonprofit organization that has served individuals with disabilities and significant emotional and/or behavioral challenges for more than 59 years.