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The Franklin County Neighborhood Watch Organization, Inc. is a citizen based crime prevention program. There are over 240 neighborhoods in the county that have organized to help fight crime in their neighborhood. This program has been very successful in aiding the deputies with information that has helped solve crimes in Franklin County.
The Franklin County Neighborhood Watch Organization, Inc. is a citizen based crime prevention program. There are over 240 neighborhoods in the county that have organized to help fight crime in their neighborhood. This program has been very successful in aiding the deputies with information that has helped solve crimes in Franklin County.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
24-hour access to immediate help and support for all young people in crisis. Safe Place locations include City Recreation Centers and Fire Stations and can be recognized by a bright yellow and black diamond-shaped sign with the words SAFE PLACE and a house pictured in the A of PLACE. Every official Safe Place will have this sign attached to the outside of each location.
24-hour access to immediate help and support for all young people in crisis. Safe Place locations include City Recreation Centers and Fire Stations and can be recognized by a bright yellow and black diamond-shaped sign with the words SAFE PLACE and a house pictured in the A of PLACE. Every official Safe Place will have this sign attached to the outside of each location.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
The C.P.A. meets once a week for two hours and learns some of what it is like to be a Police Officer and step in shoes by attending some of the police training. Some of the topics discussed are: The History of Police, Gang Issues, Domestic Security and Terrorism, Firearms and Tactical Operations, The Court System, Traffic Stops and Patrol Techniques, K-9, Defensive Tactics and F.A.T.S. ( Firearm Training Simulator), Crime Prevention, Evidence and Forensics. Meet for two hours once a week for 10 weeks in the Fall.
The C.P.A. meets once a week for two hours and learns some of what it is like to be a Police Officer and step in shoes by attending some of the police training. Some of the topics discussed are: The History of Police, Gang Issues, Domestic Security and Terrorism, Firearms and Tactical Operations, The Court System, Traffic Stops and Patrol Techniques, K-9, Defensive Tactics and F.A.T.S. ( Firearm Training Simulator), Crime Prevention, Evidence and Forensics. Meet for two hours once a week for 10 weeks in the Fall.
Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Legal Information Services
Serve as liaison between the Lynchburg Police Department and the community. Programs include: self-protection for women and senior citizens; drug awareness; bicycle safety; firearms safety; neighborhood watch; home and business security surveys; shoplifting seminars; Ride-A-Long and question and answer sessions. Tours of department are available.
Serve as liaison between the Lynchburg Police Department and the community. Programs include: self-protection for women and senior citizens; drug awareness; bicycle safety; firearms safety; neighborhood watch; home and business security surveys; shoplifting seminars; Ride-A-Long and question and answer sessions. Tours of department are available.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
A constitutional office directed by the Sheriff, who is elected at-large for a four-year term.responsible for the enforcement of all laws enacted by state and local governments, and for the investigation of felonies and misdemeanors committed in Washington County. Responsible for the security of the Washington County Courthouse, the judges, court personnel and individuals who visit the courthouse. The Civil Process Division serves all civil and criminal papers on individuals who reside in Washington County. The Communications Section dispatches calls to all police, fire and rescue personnel within Washington County and the Towns of Abingdon, Damascus and Glade Spring. The Division of Animal Control oversees the enforcement of County ordinances and state laws pertaining to the control of domesticated animals and the operation of the C. C. Porter Animal Shelter. The Division of Litter Control handles litter complaints and operates the Assign a Highway Program. Additional telephone numbers: Investigations: 276-676-6021 Civil Process: 276-676-6010 Washington County area: 276-676-6277 Bristol Line: 276-669-7134
A constitutional office directed by the Sheriff, who is elected at-large for a four-year term.responsible for the enforcement of all laws enacted by state and local governments, and for the investigation of felonies and misdemeanors committed in Washington County. Responsible for the security of the Washington County Courthouse, the judges, court personnel and individuals who visit the courthouse. The Civil Process Division serves all civil and criminal papers on individuals who reside in Washington County. The Communications Section dispatches calls to all police, fire and rescue personnel within Washington County and the Towns of Abingdon, Damascus and Glade Spring. The Division of Animal Control oversees the enforcement of County ordinances and state laws pertaining to the control of domesticated animals and the operation of the C. C. Porter Animal Shelter. The Division of Litter Control handles litter complaints and operates the Assign a Highway Program. Additional telephone numbers: Investigations: 276-676-6021 Civil Process: 276-676-6010 Washington County area: 276-676-6277 Bristol Line: 276-669-7134
Law Enforcement Agencies
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Provides FREE Safety Print ID cards for youth. Captain Duke
Provides FREE Safety Print ID cards for youth. Captain Duke
Child Identification Programs
Provides a non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors and a Steering Committee made up of citizens and law enforcement personnel with a wide variety of backgrounds. They donate their time and effort in the fight against crime to help make the community as safe and secure as possible. Cash rewards are paid for information that leads to the arrest of persons involved in criminal activity. Rewards are also paid for information that leads to the arrest of fugitives or persons wanted by local law enforcement. To report criminal activity, please call Crime Stoppers at (434)977-4000. Information regarding terrorism or narcotics related offenses should go directly to the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Anti-Terrorism Task Force at (434)970-3376. Callers may remain anonymous. Police Emergency: 911 Police Non-Emergency: (434)977-9041
Provides a non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors and a Steering Committee made up of citizens and law enforcement personnel with a wide variety of backgrounds. They donate their time and effort in the fight against crime to help make the community as safe and secure as possible. Cash rewards are paid for information that leads to the arrest of persons involved in criminal activity. Rewards are also paid for information that leads to the arrest of fugitives or persons wanted by local law enforcement. To report criminal activity, please call Crime Stoppers at (434)977-4000. Information regarding terrorism or narcotics related offenses should go directly to the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Anti-Terrorism Task Force at (434)970-3376. Callers may remain anonymous. Police Emergency: 911 Police Non-Emergency: (434)977-9041
Crime Reporting
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Groups of citizens gather together for mutual protection and crime prevention.
Groups of citizens gather together for mutual protection and crime prevention.
Crime Reporting
Community Crime Prevention Programs
A major purpose of TRIAD is to develop, expand and implement effective crime prevention and education programs for older Virginians.
A major purpose of TRIAD is to develop, expand and implement effective crime prevention and education programs for older Virginians.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Sponsors many programs related to crime prevention, such as burglary prevention, substance abuse prevention, personal security, home security, and rape and assault prevention. Presents programs to pre-school through high school students and adult community groups. For Operation Identification, engraving identifying information on possessions, contact the Crime Prevention Officer at the nearest district station. Organizes neighborhood watch and business watch programs.
Sponsors many programs related to crime prevention, such as burglary prevention, substance abuse prevention, personal security, home security, and rape and assault prevention. Presents programs to pre-school through high school students and adult community groups. For Operation Identification, engraving identifying information on possessions, contact the Crime Prevention Officer at the nearest district station. Organizes neighborhood watch and business watch programs.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Provides a department of local government providing crime prevention and law enforcement services to area residents.
Provides a department of local government providing crime prevention and law enforcement services to area residents.
Crime Prevention
Correctional Services
Law Enforcement Agencies
H.E.A.T. educates citizens on how to prevent theft of vehicles. H.E.A.T. provides a 24/7 toll-free number 1-800-947-HEAT (4328) for citizens to call to report information concerning the theft of vehicles, vehicle parts or chop shop operations. Callers remain anonymous throughout the process and tips leading to arrests are eligible for rewards of up to $25,000.
H.E.A.T. educates citizens on how to prevent theft of vehicles. H.E.A.T. provides a 24/7 toll-free number 1-800-947-HEAT (4328) for citizens to call to report information concerning the theft of vehicles, vehicle parts or chop shop operations. Callers remain anonymous throughout the process and tips leading to arrests are eligible for rewards of up to $25,000.
Automobile Theft Prevention
TRIAD's primary goals are to reduce the criminal victimization of older citizens, enhance law enforcement services and provide the opportunity for an exchange of information between the law enforcement and seniors.
TRIAD's primary goals are to reduce the criminal victimization of older citizens, enhance law enforcement services and provide the opportunity for an exchange of information between the law enforcement and seniors.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Provides a Neighborhood Watch program to create citizen awareness of the steps that can be taken to make their homes more secure against crime, and to teach neighbors how to help each other protect the entire neighborhood and make law enforcement agencies more effective in the fight against crime. For more information, please call Andrew Terrill: (540) 829-5521
Provides a Neighborhood Watch program to create citizen awareness of the steps that can be taken to make their homes more secure against crime, and to teach neighbors how to help each other protect the entire neighborhood and make law enforcement agencies more effective in the fight against crime. For more information, please call Andrew Terrill: (540) 829-5521
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Local police department.
Local police department.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Provides a variety of evidence based programs in school and community settings that are designed to address the prevention of violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. Partnerships with the school districts, YMCA centers and other youth serving organizations provide a variety of settings for the provision of services to a diverse range of children and youth. These services are designed to increase participants' skills and enhance their resiliencies to better cope with life's challenges and to help them succeed in school and other endeavors. Youth leadership skills are emphasized to encourage healthy youth development for all children and teenagers. Services are research based and evaluated. RAYSAC, the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition, is staffed by Prevention and sponsors many events and activities promoting drug free messages. A SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant will provide coalition resources through 2010. The coalition's signature annual events are the After Prom Grand Finale in June and Red Ribbon Week in October. For more about RAYSAC go to www.raysac.org Prevention Planning Teams in Botetourt County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem meet regularly under BRBH Prevention Services leadership to gather, assess and analyze youth risk behavior data in order to identify areas of high risk behavior and plan prevention and intervention services tailored to local needs. Prevention staff are members of the Roanoke County Prevention Council, also a SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which performs similar functions and partners with RAYSAC in a variety of community events. Disaster Preparedness and Response includes the BRBH Crisis Response Team first mobilized to respond to the shooting at Virginia Tech in April 2007. Since that time these employees have received additional training in preparation for future local disasters. The role of "mental health responder has evolved over the last decade as more school shootings, the 9/11/01 attack and other disasters effecting large numbers of people have gotten public visibility and concern. This BRBH component is developing as resources become available and partnerships with other local emergency response organizations are institutionalized. Training and Staff Development provides education and training to BRBH employees and other nonprofit organizations. Training in new evidence based models, to meet licensure requirements, to enhance professional skills and to address performance issues is all coordinated through this component.
Provides a variety of evidence based programs in school and community settings that are designed to address the prevention of violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. Partnerships with the school districts, YMCA centers and other youth serving organizations provide a variety of settings for the provision of services to a diverse range of children and youth. These services are designed to increase participants' skills and enhance their resiliencies to better cope with life's challenges and to help them succeed in school and other endeavors. Youth leadership skills are emphasized to encourage healthy youth development for all children and teenagers. Services are research based and evaluated. RAYSAC, the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition, is staffed by Prevention and sponsors many events and activities promoting drug free messages. A SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant will provide coalition resources through 2010. The coalition's signature annual events are the After Prom Grand Finale in June and Red Ribbon Week in October. For more about RAYSAC go to www.raysac.org Prevention Planning Teams in Botetourt County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem meet regularly under BRBH Prevention Services leadership to gather, assess and analyze youth risk behavior data in order to identify areas of high risk behavior and plan prevention and intervention services tailored to local needs. Prevention staff are members of the Roanoke County Prevention Council, also a SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which performs similar functions and partners with RAYSAC in a variety of community events. Disaster Preparedness and Response includes the BRBH Crisis Response Team first mobilized to respond to the shooting at Virginia Tech in April 2007. Since that time these employees have received additional training in preparation for future local disasters. The role of "mental health responder has evolved over the last decade as more school shootings, the 9/11/01 attack and other disasters effecting large numbers of people have gotten public visibility and concern. This BRBH component is developing as resources become available and partnerships with other local emergency response organizations are institutionalized. Training and Staff Development provides education and training to BRBH employees and other nonprofit organizations. Training in new evidence based models, to meet licensure requirements, to enhance professional skills and to address performance issues is all coordinated through this component.
Bullying Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Local police department providing complete Law Enforcement services in and around the Town of Haysi.
Local police department providing complete Law Enforcement services in and around the Town of Haysi.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Community Crime Prevention Programs
The Herndon Police Department offers a range of programs and activities to educate citizens about community policing and crime prevention to enhance safety and public awareness. These programs and services include security tips for individuals, homes and businesses, auto safety, ways to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, and information as to what neighbors can do to watch out for each other.
The Herndon Police Department offers a range of programs and activities to educate citizens about community policing and crime prevention to enhance safety and public awareness. These programs and services include security tips for individuals, homes and businesses, auto safety, ways to avoid becoming a victim of fraud, and information as to what neighbors can do to watch out for each other.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
The TRIAD partnership in Virginia, through the Office of the Attorney General, protects our growing elderly population. A major purpose of Triad is to develop, expand and implement effective crime prevention and safety programs for older Virginians.
The TRIAD partnership in Virginia, through the Office of the Attorney General, protects our growing elderly population. A major purpose of Triad is to develop, expand and implement effective crime prevention and safety programs for older Virginians.
General Crime Prevention Programs
Community Crime Prevention Programs
The Mayor's Campaign to End Bullying in Alexandria purpose is to wipe out bullying in our nation's schools and communities. Bullying is defined as "any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" includes cyber bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict. Alexandria joins more than 170 jurisdictions from around the country who have signed on to the campaign to raise awareness, foster a safe school climate, to end bullying in schools and communities, and to encourage everyone to be aware of, and to take a stand against, bullying.
The Mayor's Campaign to End Bullying in Alexandria purpose is to wipe out bullying in our nation's schools and communities. Bullying is defined as "any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" includes cyber bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict. Alexandria joins more than 170 jurisdictions from around the country who have signed on to the campaign to raise awareness, foster a safe school climate, to end bullying in schools and communities, and to encourage everyone to be aware of, and to take a stand against, bullying.
Bullying Prevention
The Community Education program at FCSS is Responsible for creating and providing an awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and homelessness. This program disseminates and distributes information regarding FCSS, Inc and its services. Annual seminars, school and college presentations, and inservice trainings are available upon request.
The Community Education program at FCSS is Responsible for creating and providing an awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and homelessness. This program disseminates and distributes information regarding FCSS, Inc and its services. Annual seminars, school and college presentations, and inservice trainings are available upon request.
Dating Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
TRIAD is a crime prevention program for seniors. The Mecklenburg Co. Sheriff's Office and the community work together to reduce criminal victimization of the elderly.
TRIAD is a crime prevention program for seniors. The Mecklenburg Co. Sheriff's Office and the community work together to reduce criminal victimization of the elderly.
Community Crime Prevention Programs
Offers a variety of educational and prevention programs about domestic and sexual violence. Programs are offered to church and civic groups, public and private schools, universities and other interested organizations.
Offers a variety of educational and prevention programs about domestic and sexual violence. Programs are offered to church and civic groups, public and private schools, universities and other interested organizations.
Dating Violence Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides the citizens of Chesapeake law enforcement and preserves the peace.
Provides the citizens of Chesapeake law enforcement and preserves the peace.
Crime Prevention
Law Enforcement Agencies
Provides a partnership between the police department, sheriffs department and senior citizens to reduce the criminal victimization of senior citizens. For more information, please call Chief Chris Jenkins: (540) 829-5509.
Provides a partnership between the police department, sheriffs department and senior citizens to reduce the criminal victimization of senior citizens. For more information, please call Chief Chris Jenkins: (540) 829-5509.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Community Crime Prevention Programs