Prevention Services - Roanoke, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare
Provides a variety of evidence based programs in school and community settings that are designed to address the prevention of violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. Partnerships with the school districts, YMCA centers and other youth serving organizations provide a variety of settings for the provision of services to a diverse range of children and youth. These services are designed to increase participants' skills and enhance their resiliencies to better cope with life's challenges and to help them succeed in school and other endeavors. Youth leadership skills are emphasized to encourage healthy youth development for all children and teenagers. Services are research based and evaluated. RAYSAC, the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition, is staffed by Prevention and sponsors many events and activities promoting drug free messages. A SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant will provide coalition resources through 2010. The coalition's signature annual events are the After Prom Grand Finale in June and Red Ribbon Week in October. For more about RAYSAC go to Prevention Planning Teams in Botetourt County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem meet regularly under BRBH Prevention Services leadership to gather, assess and analyze youth risk behavior data in order to identify areas of high risk behavior and plan prevention and intervention services tailored to local needs. Prevention staff are members of the Roanoke County Prevention Council, also a SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which performs similar functions and partners with RAYSAC in a variety of community events. Disaster Preparedness and Response includes the BRBH Crisis Response Team first mobilized to respond to the shooting at Virginia Tech in April 2007. Since that time these employees have received additional training in preparation for future local disasters. The role of "mental health responder has evolved over the last decade as more school shootings, the 9/11/01 attack and other disasters effecting large numbers of people have gotten public visibility and concern. This BRBH component is developing as resources become available and partnerships with other local emergency response organizations are institutionalized. Training and Staff Development provides education and training to BRBH employees and other nonprofit organizations. Training in new evidence based models, to meet licensure requirements, to enhance professional skills and to address performance issues is all coordinated through this component.
Physical Address
2720 Liberty Road Northwest, Roanoke, VA 24012
(540) 342-1029
(540) 266-7016
Application process
Professional referral required
Service area
Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Roanoke, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA
Agency info
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare (BRBH) is one of forty Community Services Boards established under the Code of Virginia to provide comprehensive services for individuals who have mental health disorders, intellectual disability, or substance use disorders. We are charged also with continuously monitoring and evaluating our services to ensure their cost effectiveness and applicability to current citizen needs. BRBH operates multiple programs throughout the Roanoke Valley.