Crime Stoppers - Charlottesville, Charlottesville Police Department
Provides a non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors and a Steering Committee made up of citizens and law enforcement personnel with a wide variety of backgrounds. They donate their time and effort in the fight against crime to help make the community as safe and secure as possible. Cash rewards are paid for information that leads to the arrest of persons involved in criminal activity. Rewards are also paid for information that leads to the arrest of fugitives or persons wanted by local law enforcement. To report criminal activity, please call Crime Stoppers at (434)977-4000. Information regarding terrorism or narcotics related offenses should go directly to the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement Anti-Terrorism Task Force at (434)970-3376. Callers may remain anonymous. Police Emergency: 911 Police Non-Emergency: (434)977-9041
Physical Address
606 E Market Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 970-3502
Application process
Telephone or email.
Service area
Charlottesville City, VA Albemarle County, VA
Agency info
Charlottesville Police Department
Provides a law enforcement agency for Charlottesville citizens. Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency: (434)977-9041 Crime Stoppers Hotline: (434)977-4000 Drug & Terrorism Hotline: (434)970-3376 ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.