Law Enforcement - Lynchburg, Citizen's Police Academy, Lynchburg Police Department
The C.P.A. meets once a week for two hours and learns some of what it is like to be a Police Officer and step in shoes by attending some of the police training. Some of the topics discussed are: The History of Police, Gang Issues, Domestic Security and Terrorism, Firearms and Tactical Operations, The Court System, Traffic Stops and Patrol Techniques, K-9, Defensive Tactics and F.A.T.S. ( Firearm Training Simulator), Crime Prevention, Evidence and Forensics. Meet for two hours once a week for 10 weeks in the Fall.
Physical Address
805 Court Street, Lynchburg, VA 24505
(434) 847-1408
Application process
Non-emergency dispatch - 434-847-1602 Emergency - 9-1-1
Service area
Lynchburg City, VA
Agency info
Lynchburg Police Department
Lynchburg Law Enforcement