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Available to homebound, frail elderly people who can no longer prepare nutritious well-balanced meals, have no one to assist them and are at-risk of losing their ability to live independently. Also, liquid nutrition meals are available in some situations with a physician's order. Those living in remote sections of the service area may receive a two or four week supply of frozen dinners, if able to heat and store the meals. Those older citizens who live in more populated sections of the area, may be able to receive daily hot meals. Home delivered meal service consists of one meal per day, five days per week.
Delivers freshly prepared meals, nutritional supplements, groceries and counseling to individuals living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-challenging illnesses. Meals are dietician supervised and meet 100% of U.S. recommended daily allowances (RDA). Also provides individual nutrition counseling, workshops, cooking classes, and publications.
Volunteers deliver a hot, nutritious lunch Monday through Friday to home bound senior citizens. Each meal is 1/3 of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance. The volunteer also does a well-being check on each client. Eligible recipients may also request a box of food from the food pantry once per month. Clients with pets can request pet food be delivered weekly. Clients who meet the eligibility criteria for Meals on Wheels and Diners Clubs and are asessed at a high nutritional risk can be referred to a Registered Dietician for a nutrition consultation.
Delivers nutritionally balance meals to the home bound. Most meals are frozen. Frozen meals are packed 5 to a box with everything they need for a meal. The meals are delivered once a week. Hot meals are received each day for 5 days.
Home-delivered meals for clients who cannot prepare meals for themselves. Provides any adult, regardless of age, who is disabled and/or frail with a nutritious noon day meal. Volunteers deliver 2 meals at noon; complete noon day meal and a boxed supper.
Nutritious meals are delivered to the homes of older adults who are not able to prepare meals themselves.
Provides a well-balanced meal, five days a week to eligible homebound residents 60+ in Loudoun County. Offers frozen meals for those outside the delivery area.
STEP is a member of Meals on Wheels. Deliver hot, nutritious meals prepared in our kitchens to home-bound seniors who have been referred by the Southern Area Agency on Aging. Frozen meals that seniors can prepare at their convenience throughout the week are also available, as are bagged groceries for seniors who live in remote areas.
Wesley Community Service Center offers meals to homebound individuals in the Portsmouth area. Every Wednesday, Wesley prepares a free lunch for delivery to more than 50 local households who are homebound.
Provides hot lunchtime meal every weekday for residents of Fluvanna County who are physically or mentally unable to shop or prepare meals for themselves.
Serve one hot nutritious meal five days a week, including most weekday holidays, to individuals who are physically and/or mentally handicapped or convalescent and unable to prepare meals for themselves and have no one to cook for them. This service is also available or may be appropriate on a short-term basis for recovery/rehab from some surgeries and procedures.
Volunteers deliver two meals 365 days a year in partnership with the City of Alexandria, volunteers and donors to homebound seniors who are unable to leave their homes to shop or who have difficulty preparing a meal.
Provides hot, frozen, or canned meals to eligible senior citizens. This is one nutritious meal per day, seven days a week. Delivers the meals every 14 days. Offers meal supplements (such as Ensure Plus or Glucerna shakes) to any individual whose doctor states that person's need for a nutritional supplement.
Provides home delivered lunches to homebound adults age 60 and older. Meals are currently delivered weekly on Tuesdays.
Meals on Wheels for Seniors is part of the national MOW program and delivers regular, healthy meals to older adults who are in need of nutritional support. Individuals may receive hot lunches five days a week or a supply of chilled meals every ten days. Each meal is required to meet FDA nutritional and safety standards. CVACL provides additional "wraparound" support through an assigned Care Manager, an available Registered Dietician, and other agency staff. Participants receive an annual comprehensive nutrition and overall needs assessment, referral assistance for additional agency and outside services, and follow-up support. Health and Wellness educational materials are frequently delivered with meals, as are cultural ones meant to "feed the soul". Participants may also be eligible to receive emergency supplies, pet food for their home companions, and holiday gifts.
Provides hot meals to shut-ins.
We coordinate delivery of hot meals and supplementary food to persons 60 and older who are declared eligible by the Lancaster and Northumberland Social Service Departments and Bay Aging because they are unable to prepare meals on account of age, handicaps or other infirmities.
The Aging and Disability Services Division has an array of programs that can help seniors address nutrition needs.
VPAS' Meals on Wheels program provides and delivers a lunch-time meal for persons 60 years and older who are homebound and unable to prepare food for themselves.
Nutritious, healthy meals providing one-third of the dietary reference intake (DRI) delivered to the homes of older adults who cannot prepare such a meal for themselves.
Provides nutritious meals for homebound Elkton area residents each Thursday using food donated in part by local church groups and individuals. Serves the zip code of 22827 only.
Delivers nutritious frozen meals to home-bound seniors age 60+. Meals provided for seniors living in Culpeper, Madison, Orange, Fauquier and Rappahannock Counties. Meals are delivered on a two week schedule, 10 meals a delivery, unless otherwise specified.


Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Provides meals to eligible home bound clients 60 years and older and adults with disabilities.
VPAS' Meals on Wheels program provides and delivers a lunch-time meal for persons 60 years and older who are homebound and unable to prepare food for themselves.
Delivers meals to homes of individuals who are 60 years of age or older, in need of support due to accident, illness or frailty and have no one to prepare their meals. Program participants are those who are at-risk of not having access to nutritious, prepared food. Fully accessible to persons with disabilities.