
Home Delivered Meals - Petersburg, Crater District Area Agency on Aging

Delivers nutritionally balance meals to the home bound. Most meals are frozen. Frozen meals are packed 5 to a box with everything they need for a meal. The meals are delivered once a week. Hot meals are received each day for 5 days.

Physical Address

23 Seyler Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805


(804) 732-7232


(804) 732-7232

Application process

Call for information.


Call for information.



Service area

Colonial Heights, VA Emporia, VA Hopewell, VA Petersburg, VA Dinwiddie, VA Greensville, VA Prince George, VA Surry, VA Sussex, VA

Agency info

Crater District Area Agency on Aging

The Crater District Area Agency on Aging enhances the lives of older Adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers in the communities we serve.