Home Delivered Meals - Lynchburg, Meals On Wheels of Greater Lynchburg
Serve one hot nutritious meal five days a week, including most weekday holidays, to individuals who are physically and/or mentally handicapped or convalescent and unable to prepare meals for themselves and have no one to cook for them. This service is also available or may be appropriate on a short-term basis for recovery/rehab from some surgeries and procedures.
Physical Address
605 Clay Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 847-0798
(434) 847-0798
Application process
Telephone referral accepted. Appointment and written application required. Specific documents required.
Service area
Lynchburg, VA Amherst, VA Bedford, VA Campbell, VA
Agency info
Meals On Wheels of Greater Lynchburg
Nutritious meals delivered to homebound people of all ages and all incomes who do not have appropriate nutritional supports in place. We serve the City of Lynchburg, Madison Heights, Boonsboro, Forest, plus now serving Rustburg and the surrounding area. Call to inquire if you live in our service area.