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Register qualified voters and process voter registration application forms and changes. Mail voter cards. Provide candidate packets to prospective candidates. Process absentee ballots and report election results to the State Board of Elections via a secure computer service.
Register qualified voters and process voter registration application forms and changes. Mail voter cards. Provide candidate packets to prospective candidates. Process absentee ballots and report election results to the State Board of Elections via a secure computer service.
Voter Registration Offices
Provides Voter Registration, Absentee Voting, and Election Administration for Shenandoah County.
Provides Voter Registration, Absentee Voting, and Election Administration for Shenandoah County.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
To maintain Arlington's list of registered voters and conduct elections in a fair, accurate and equitable manner.
To maintain Arlington's list of registered voters and conduct elections in a fair, accurate and equitable manner.
Voter Registration Offices
Maintains all records for voter registration. Administers elections for the City of Fairfax.
Maintains all records for voter registration. Administers elections for the City of Fairfax.
Voter Registration Offices
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for the city of Galax.
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for the city of Galax.
Voter Registration Offices
The Voter Registrar ensures the integrity of the election process by maintaining an accurate voter registration list and conducting elections under the guidance of the Electoral Board in accordance with Federal and State laws in an efficient and equitable manner to ensure fairness and accuracy.
The Voter Registrar ensures the integrity of the election process by maintaining an accurate voter registration list and conducting elections under the guidance of the Electoral Board in accordance with Federal and State laws in an efficient and equitable manner to ensure fairness and accuracy.
Voter Registration Offices
Information relative to voting and registering for voting
Information relative to voting and registering for voting
Voter Registration Offices
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records; election records; candidate filings; and absentee ballots, etc.
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records; election records; candidate filings; and absentee ballots, etc.
Voter Registration Offices
Voter registration applications and records, election records, candidate filings, and absentee ballots.
Voter registration applications and records, election records, candidate filings, and absentee ballots.
Voter Registration Offices
Working under the authority of the State Board of Elections and the Electoral Board maintain a local office to serve the voters of Dinwiddie County.
Working under the authority of the State Board of Elections and the Electoral Board maintain a local office to serve the voters of Dinwiddie County.
Voter Registration Offices
It is the responsibility of the Registrar's Office and the Electoral Board to oversee all aspects of the electoral process making sure that each citizen has the right to exercise his or her right to vote in accordance with Constitutions of the United States, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Code of Virginia.
It is the responsibility of the Registrar's Office and the Electoral Board to oversee all aspects of the electoral process making sure that each citizen has the right to exercise his or her right to vote in accordance with Constitutions of the United States, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Code of Virginia.
Voter Registration Offices
The Richmond City Office of Elections provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Richmond to register to vote; to maintain accurate and current voter registration records; to coordinate elections and ensures that the results accurately reflect the voter's will; and to be an information resource for citizens regarding voter registration, elections, and elected officials.
The Richmond City Office of Elections provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Richmond to register to vote; to maintain accurate and current voter registration records; to coordinate elections and ensures that the results accurately reflect the voter's will; and to be an information resource for citizens regarding voter registration, elections, and elected officials.
Voter Registration Offices
Oversees voter registration and elections for Craig County.
Oversees voter registration and elections for Craig County.
Voter Registration Offices
The Director of Elections/General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate voter registration records, managing absentee by-mail and early voting, reviewing and maintaining candidate filings, handling FOIA requests, and the myriad of tasks required for conducting elections. The Registrar works hand in hand with the three-member Electoral Board. Together we administer elections by procuring ballots and other supplies, managing elections equipment, overseeing polling places, training Officers of Election to work the polls, and recording, reviewing and reporting election results. We enjoy educating our voters about election processes.
The Director of Elections/General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate voter registration records, managing absentee by-mail and early voting, reviewing and maintaining candidate filings, handling FOIA requests, and the myriad of tasks required for conducting elections. The Registrar works hand in hand with the three-member Electoral Board. Together we administer elections by procuring ballots and other supplies, managing elections equipment, overseeing polling places, training Officers of Election to work the polls, and recording, reviewing and reporting election results. We enjoy educating our voters about election processes.
Voter Registration Offices
To ensure that all eligible Surry County Citizens are properly registered to vote and to serve the voters of Surry County in the most efficient, effective and friendly manner possible.
To ensure that all eligible Surry County Citizens are properly registered to vote and to serve the voters of Surry County in the most efficient, effective and friendly manner possible.
Voter Registration Offices
The Mecklenburg County Voter Registration Office registers voters and maintains voting records for the County's nine electoral districts.
The Mecklenburg County Voter Registration Office registers voters and maintains voting records for the County's nine electoral districts.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of New Kent to register to vote.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of New Kent to register to vote.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's office registers all eligible citizens to vote.
The General Registrar's office registers all eligible citizens to vote.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Provides copies of voter registration applications and maintains official records of individuals who have exercised their right to participate in the election process by registering to vote. Offers absentee ballots. Provides information about becoming a candidate for office.
Provides copies of voter registration applications and maintains official records of individuals who have exercised their right to participate in the election process by registering to vote. Offers absentee ballots. Provides information about becoming a candidate for office.
Voter Registration Offices
Conducts voter outreach and education, processes voter registration applications, certifies candidates, administers absentee balloting and assists the Electoral Board in the conduct of elections.
Conducts voter outreach and education, processes voter registration applications, certifies candidates, administers absentee balloting and assists the Electoral Board in the conduct of elections.
Voter Registration Offices
Maintain voter registration records and conduct all elections held in the county of Prince George VA.
Maintain voter registration records and conduct all elections held in the county of Prince George VA.
Voter Registration Offices
Provides voting registration for Fauquier County residents.
Provides voting registration for Fauquier County residents.
Voter Registration Offices
Provides information on and administers voting for the county.
Provides information on and administers voting for the county.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Prince Edward to register to vote.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Prince Edward to register to vote.
Voter Registration Offices
The office of the individual who holds the position of General Registrar and whose staff are responsible for registering voters; and administering, preparing, conducting and tallying, in a uniform and impartial manner, federal, state and county elections in accordance to state statutes. The office may also provide election services and assistance to cities, towns, school districts and special districts of the county; and generally acts as a registry and dissemination center for candidate, campaign, financing, political and voting information.
The office of the individual who holds the position of General Registrar and whose staff are responsible for registering voters; and administering, preparing, conducting and tallying, in a uniform and impartial manner, federal, state and county elections in accordance to state statutes. The office may also provide election services and assistance to cities, towns, school districts and special districts of the county; and generally acts as a registry and dissemination center for candidate, campaign, financing, political and voting information.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices