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Provides copies of voter registration applications and maintains official records of individuals who have exercised their right to participate in the election process by registering to vote. Offers absentee ballots. Provides information about becoming a candidate for office.
The Office of the General Registrar and Electoral Board of Pittsylvania County strives to promote the highest level of service to the Commonwealth's citizens by providing equitable opportunities to register and vote; and maintaining accurate records relating to voter registration, and elections, election officials, and candidates.
To provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Goochland to register to vote.
Maintains all records related to voter registration and elections. The registrar works with a three-member Electoral Board that appoints election officers and certifies election results.


Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Registers voter including the provision of absentee ballots. Provides voting information and administers elections. Assists people with disabilities access the voting process. Facilitates the ballot application process for potential candidates.
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records; election records; candidate filings; and absentee ballots, etc.
Conducts voter outreach and education, processes voter registration applications, certifies candidates, administers absentee balloting and assists the Electoral Board in the conduct of elections.
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for Montgomery County.
Provides copies of voter registration applications and maintains official records of individuals who have exercised their right to participate in the election process by registering to vote. In order to qualify, people must be citizens; age 18 or older; and residents of the state, county/municipal district or precinct for at least 30 days. People are required to re-register if they change their names, their addresses or their party affiliations.
The Voter Registrar provides all voter registration services and maintains all voter records. If there is a change in any location of polling places or a person's voting status, the Registrar is responsible to notify the voter.
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for Washington County.
The General Registrar is responsible for carrying out the legal responsibilities of registering voters, providing the opportunity for each registrant to vote and conducting elections. The General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate records relating to voter registration, election officials, candidates and elections.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of New Kent to register to vote.
The General Registrar's office registers all eligible citizens to vote.
Working under the authority of the State Board of Elections and the Electoral Board maintain a local office to serve the voters of Dinwiddie County.
It is the responsibility of the Registrar's Office and the Electoral Board to oversee all aspects of the electoral process making sure that each citizen has the right to exercise his or her right to vote in accordance with Constitutions of the United States, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Code of Virginia.
The Richmond City Office of Elections provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Richmond to register to vote; to maintain accurate and current voter registration records; to coordinate elections and ensures that the results accurately reflect the voter's will; and to be an information resource for citizens regarding voter registration, elections, and elected officials.
Oversees voter registration and elections for Craig County.
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records, election records, candidate filings, and absentee ballots.
The Mecklenburg County Voter Registration Office registers voters and maintains voting records for the County's nine electoral districts.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Chesterfield to register to vote.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Hopewell to register to vote.
Maintain voter registration records and conduct all elections held in the county of Prince George VA.
Provides voting registration for Fauquier County residents.
Provides information on and administers voting for the county.