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The Office of the General Registrar and Electoral Board of Pittsylvania County strives to promote the highest level of service to the Commonwealth's citizens by providing equitable opportunities to register and vote; and maintaining accurate records relating to voter registration, and elections, election officials, and candidates.
The Office of the General Registrar and Electoral Board of Pittsylvania County strives to promote the highest level of service to the Commonwealth's citizens by providing equitable opportunities to register and vote; and maintaining accurate records relating to voter registration, and elections, election officials, and candidates.
Voter Registration Offices
The Office of Voter Registration and Elections, working with the Buckingham County Electoral Board, coordinates all elections in Buckingham County and offers services to the public including: voter registration, absentee voting, sample ballots, and the management of local candidates filing for office.
The Office of Voter Registration and Elections, working with the Buckingham County Electoral Board, coordinates all elections in Buckingham County and offers services to the public including: voter registration, absentee voting, sample ballots, and the management of local candidates filing for office.
Voter Registration Offices
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records, election records, candidate filings, and absentee ballots.
Accepts and maintains voter registration applications and records, election records, candidate filings, and absentee ballots.
Voter Registration Offices
Conducts all elections in Giles County, records the results of the elections, and reports the election results to the public and various state and national agencies.
Assists new citizens and our youth in becoming registered voters in Giles County, and provides information to those interested in running for public office.
Conducts all elections in Giles County, records the results of the elections, and reports the election results to the public and various state and national agencies.
Assists new citizens and our youth in becoming registered voters in Giles County, and provides information to those interested in running for public office.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar for the City of Lynchburg manages all activities related to voter registration, facilitates citizen education regarding registration and voting, and works under the direction of the Electoral Board to prepare for, administer, and report the results of local, state and federal elections.
The General Registrar for the City of Lynchburg manages all activities related to voter registration, facilitates citizen education regarding registration and voting, and works under the direction of the Electoral Board to prepare for, administer, and report the results of local, state and federal elections.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for the city of Norton.
Administers the election laws and oversees voter registration for the city of Norton.
Voter Registration Offices
Conducts elections, provides voter and election information, and maintains a listing of current elected officials, candidates, and candidate financial reports. Provides absentee voting applications and ballots. Residents must be 18 years of age by date of the current year's general election in order to register. Residents aged 16-18 may pre-register.
Conducts elections, provides voter and election information, and maintains a listing of current elected officials, candidates, and candidate financial reports. Provides absentee voting applications and ballots. Residents must be 18 years of age by date of the current year's general election in order to register. Residents aged 16-18 may pre-register.
Voter Registration Offices
Responsible for ensuring that all eligible Loudoun County residents are afforded their right to participate in the democratic election process.
Responsible for ensuring that all eligible Loudoun County residents are afforded their right to participate in the democratic election process.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Prince Edward to register to vote.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Prince Edward to register to vote.
Voter Registration Offices
Conducts voter outreach and education, processes voter registration applications, certifies candidates, administers absentee balloting and assists the Electoral Board in the conduct of elections.
Conducts voter outreach and education, processes voter registration applications, certifies candidates, administers absentee balloting and assists the Electoral Board in the conduct of elections.
Voter Registration Offices
Accepts and maintains voter registration and records; election records; candidate filings; and absentee ballots, etc.
Accepts and maintains voter registration and records; election records; candidate filings; and absentee ballots, etc.
Voter Registration Offices
Serves the citizens of Roanoke and the Commonwealth by providing fair and honest elections; administers the election laws by being uniform in our practices for all elections; provides easy and readily available access to registration and casting of votes within election laws and guidelines. Offers voter registration, absentee balloting, and precinct and polling place services and information to citizens. Also, provides information about how to became a candidate for public office. In Virginia, you can register to vote at any of the following places: *Any voter registrar's office in Virginia; *Any Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles location; *Any United States Post Office; *Any public library in Virginia; *Any special registration site set up by the registrar's office; *Any state agency office. You may also register: *Register online at https://www.vote.virginia.gov/ If you cannot leave home because you are physically disabled or have a continuing illness,you may download a Virginia Voter Registration Application at www.roanokeva.gov/registrar and return the completed form to the Registrar's Office. Or you can call or write your voter registrar. The registrar will send you a mail-in application for voter registration, which is also available at registrars' offices, DMV offices, public libraries, and other locations. You must provide the following information when you register: *Your full legal name; *Your home address and how long you have lived there; *When and where you were born; *Your social security number; *Any place where you have been a registered voter in Virginia.
Serves the citizens of Roanoke and the Commonwealth by providing fair and honest elections; administers the election laws by being uniform in our practices for all elections; provides easy and readily available access to registration and casting of votes within election laws and guidelines. Offers voter registration, absentee balloting, and precinct and polling place services and information to citizens. Also, provides information about how to became a candidate for public office. In Virginia, you can register to vote at any of the following places: *Any voter registrar's office in Virginia; *Any Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles location; *Any United States Post Office; *Any public library in Virginia; *Any special registration site set up by the registrar's office; *Any state agency office. You may also register: *Register online at https://www.vote.virginia.gov/ If you cannot leave home because you are physically disabled or have a continuing illness,you may download a Virginia Voter Registration Application at www.roanokeva.gov/registrar and return the completed form to the Registrar's Office. Or you can call or write your voter registrar. The registrar will send you a mail-in application for voter registration, which is also available at registrars' offices, DMV offices, public libraries, and other locations. You must provide the following information when you register: *Your full legal name; *Your home address and how long you have lived there; *When and where you were born; *Your social security number; *Any place where you have been a registered voter in Virginia.
Voter Registration Offices
Maintains all records for voter registration. Administers elections for the City of Fairfax.
Maintains all records for voter registration. Administers elections for the City of Fairfax.
Voter Registration Offices
To ensure that all eligible Surry County Citizens are properly registered to vote and to serve the voters of Surry County in the most efficient, effective and friendly manner possible.
To ensure that all eligible Surry County Citizens are properly registered to vote and to serve the voters of Surry County in the most efficient, effective and friendly manner possible.
Voter Registration Offices
The Registrar's Office is responsible for all election activities within Powhatan County. The Registrar's Office contains a variety of useful information to county citizens. It contains election district maps that determine where a person votes, and (in the case of local elections) who the choices might be. Citizens may register to vote there or check on their eligibility. A citizen unable to vote normally may request an absentee ballot from the office. The Registrar's Office distributes information and required forms to those persons wishing to run for elected office and the various filing deadlines. The office insures that polling places are staffed with trained election officers and that the machines are working properly. The Registrar collects local election results and forwards them on to the state Board of Elections.
The Registrar's Office is responsible for all election activities within Powhatan County. The Registrar's Office contains a variety of useful information to county citizens. It contains election district maps that determine where a person votes, and (in the case of local elections) who the choices might be. Citizens may register to vote there or check on their eligibility. A citizen unable to vote normally may request an absentee ballot from the office. The Registrar's Office distributes information and required forms to those persons wishing to run for elected office and the various filing deadlines. The office insures that polling places are staffed with trained election officers and that the machines are working properly. The Registrar collects local election results and forwards them on to the state Board of Elections.
Voter Registration Offices
Conducts elections for eligible voters in Prince William County. Responsible for registering voters, mailing ballots to voters who request them, conducting in person voting, and training election officers to assist voters at the polls.
Conducts elections for eligible voters in Prince William County. Responsible for registering voters, mailing ballots to voters who request them, conducting in person voting, and training election officers to assist voters at the polls.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's office registers all eligible citizens to vote.
The General Registrar's office registers all eligible citizens to vote.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Voter registration and elections.
Voter registration and elections.
Local Officials Offices
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Hopewell to register to vote.
The General Registrar's Office provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the City of Hopewell to register to vote.
Voter Registration Offices
The program is set up to provide easy voter registration to any resident in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Off street parking is provided and program is internally accessible for the handicapped.
The program is set up to provide easy voter registration to any resident in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Off street parking is provided and program is internally accessible for the handicapped.
Voter Registration Offices
The Director of Elections/General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate voter registration records, managing absentee by-mail and early voting, reviewing and maintaining candidate filings, handling FOIA requests, and the myriad of tasks required for conducting elections. The Registrar works hand in hand with the three-member Electoral Board. Together we administer elections by procuring ballots and other supplies, managing elections equipment, overseeing polling places, training Officers of Election to work the polls, and recording, reviewing and reporting election results. We enjoy educating our voters about election processes.
The Director of Elections/General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate voter registration records, managing absentee by-mail and early voting, reviewing and maintaining candidate filings, handling FOIA requests, and the myriad of tasks required for conducting elections. The Registrar works hand in hand with the three-member Electoral Board. Together we administer elections by procuring ballots and other supplies, managing elections equipment, overseeing polling places, training Officers of Election to work the polls, and recording, reviewing and reporting election results. We enjoy educating our voters about election processes.
Voter Registration Offices
The General Registrar register voters, maintain both electronic and manual voter files and provide accurate up-to-date lists of voters to each of the polling stations in Sussex County.
The General Registrar register voters, maintain both electronic and manual voter files and provide accurate up-to-date lists of voters to each of the polling stations in Sussex County.
Voter Registration Offices
Maintain voter registration records and conduct all elections held in the county of Prince George VA.
Maintain voter registration records and conduct all elections held in the county of Prince George VA.
Voter Registration Offices
Registering qualified voters and maintaining accurate and current registration records for the county.
Registering qualified voters and maintaining accurate and current registration records for the county.
Voter Registration Offices
To provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Goochland to register to vote.
To provide opportunities for all qualified citizens of the County of Goochland to register to vote.
Voter Registration Offices