Voter Information - Roanoke, Registrar, City of Roanoke Government Services
Serves the citizens of Roanoke and the Commonwealth by providing fair and honest elections; administers the election laws by being uniform in our practices for all elections; provides easy and readily available access to registration and casting of votes within election laws and guidelines. Offers voter registration, absentee balloting, and precinct and polling place services and information to citizens. Also, provides information about how to became a candidate for public office. In Virginia, you can register to vote at any of the following places: *Any voter registrar's office in Virginia; *Any Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles location; *Any United States Post Office; *Any public library in Virginia; *Any special registration site set up by the registrar's office; *Any state agency office. You may also register: *Register online at If you cannot leave home because you are physically disabled or have a continuing illness,you may download a Virginia Voter Registration Application at and return the completed form to the Registrar's Office. Or you can call or write your voter registrar. The registrar will send you a mail-in application for voter registration, which is also available at registrars' offices, DMV offices, public libraries, and other locations. You must provide the following information when you register: *Your full legal name; *Your home address and how long you have lived there; *When and where you were born; *Your social security number; *Any place where you have been a registered voter in Virginia.
Physical Address
1 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA 24011
(540) 510-3090
(540) 853-1025
Service area
Roanoke, VA
Agency info
City of Roanoke Government Services
City of Roanoke Government Services