
Voter Information - Appomattox, County Registrar, Appomattox County Government Offices

The Director of Elections/General Registrar is responsible for maintaining accurate voter registration records, managing absentee by-mail and early voting, reviewing and maintaining candidate filings, handling FOIA requests, and the myriad of tasks required for conducting elections. The Registrar works hand in hand with the three-member Electoral Board. Together we administer elections by procuring ballots and other supplies, managing elections equipment, overseeing polling places, training Officers of Election to work the polls, and recording, reviewing and reporting election results. We enjoy educating our voters about election processes.

Physical Address

367 Virginia Avenue, Appomattox, VA 24522


Occasional closures noon-12:30 pm when staffing requires Open additional hours as required by law Electoral Board's policy for office hours Closed State Holidays, except for Election Day


(434) 352-4409


(434) 352-4409

Application process

Call for more information.

Service area

Appomattox, VA

Agency info

Appomattox County Government Offices

Appomattox County Government Offices