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Provides a food pantry for area residents in need. Assistance is provided once a month.
Provides a food pantry for area residents in need. Assistance is provided once a month.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides holiday assistance by collecting donated turkeys, or collecting cash donations from the public to purchase turkeys for its member agencies to distribute to clients for Thanksgiving. If you would like to request help with a donated turkey for Thanksgiving, please call the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank at 434.296.3663. The food bank will try to link those in need with a food pantry in your area. Turkeys will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Provides holiday assistance by collecting donated turkeys, or collecting cash donations from the public to purchase turkeys for its member agencies to distribute to clients for Thanksgiving. If you would like to request help with a donated turkey for Thanksgiving, please call the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank at 434.296.3663. The food bank will try to link those in need with a food pantry in your area. Turkeys will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Food Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Offers a food pantry to indigent persons in the Harrisonburg area.
Offers a food pantry to indigent persons in the Harrisonburg area.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a food pantry for those in need of food. Serves the City of Staunton and Augusta County. Visits limited to once per calendar month. Food pantry operates every Wednesday from 09:00AM to 11:30AM and Saturday from 10:00AM to 11:30AM on the first floor.
Provides a food pantry for those in need of food. Serves the City of Staunton and Augusta County. Visits limited to once per calendar month. Food pantry operates every Wednesday from 09:00AM to 11:30AM and Saturday from 10:00AM to 11:30AM on the first floor.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a food pantry for the community.
Provides a food pantry for the community.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Offers Holiday Assistance for Christmas and Thanksgiving through a private, non-profit charitable organization. First come, first served. Documentation requirements have changed. Please be sure to bring the correct items: -Picture ID for Applicant -Verification of Address -Proof of Income or No Income -Proof of Guardianship (Birth Certificate or Court Document stating you are the legal Guardian). Please call (540)943-7591 for Holiday Assistance Application Dates.
Offers Holiday Assistance for Christmas and Thanksgiving through a private, non-profit charitable organization. First come, first served. Documentation requirements have changed. Please be sure to bring the correct items: -Picture ID for Applicant -Verification of Address -Proof of Income or No Income -Proof of Guardianship (Birth Certificate or Court Document stating you are the legal Guardian). Please call (540)943-7591 for Holiday Assistance Application Dates.
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Food Donation Programs
Distributes donated food to people who are in emergency situations and a diaper pantry.
Distributes donated food to people who are in emergency situations and a diaper pantry.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a food pantry at UUCC the first Friday of each month to those in need in the community. Fill out paperwork no later than 10am, bring ID if have one, wait on-site for food bags to be assembled and given out by 12noon. Volunteers are always welcome. Number of visits not restricted. Accessible by JAUNT. See http://www.uucharlottesville.org/get-involved/outreach-and-social-justice/social-action-at-tjmc
Provides a food pantry at UUCC the first Friday of each month to those in need in the community. Fill out paperwork no later than 10am, bring ID if have one, wait on-site for food bags to be assembled and given out by 12noon. Volunteers are always welcome. Number of visits not restricted. Accessible by JAUNT. See http://www.uucharlottesville.org/get-involved/outreach-and-social-justice/social-action-at-tjmc
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides emergency food to those in need.
Provides emergency food to those in need.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Provides Meals for Residents, an Open Meal for the Public and a Food Pantry. Accepts food donations. The Food Pantry is located at the Haven of Rest and provides several days worth of meals for families who are under the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Breads, canned foods, frozen foods, fresh fruits and/or vegetables, chips and snacks are usually included. Special diet needs may not be available, but if stated at the time of registering for food assistance, the staff will often attempt to help.
Provides Meals for Residents, an Open Meal for the Public and a Food Pantry. Accepts food donations. The Food Pantry is located at the Haven of Rest and provides several days worth of meals for families who are under the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Breads, canned foods, frozen foods, fresh fruits and/or vegetables, chips and snacks are usually included. Special diet needs may not be available, but if stated at the time of registering for food assistance, the staff will often attempt to help.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Provides food to needy persons in the New Market, Forestville, Quicksburg area.
Provides food to needy persons in the New Market, Forestville, Quicksburg area.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
GRACE offers Christmas gifts for children ages infant through 16. Senior Christmas program for those 55 and older. Thanksgiving meal program. Pre-registration is required in early to mid-October; no late registrations are accepted.
GRACE offers Christmas gifts for children ages infant through 16. Senior Christmas program for those 55 and older. Thanksgiving meal program. Pre-registration is required in early to mid-October; no late registrations are accepted.
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Food Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Provides Holiday assistance for Thanksgiving and Christmas to those in need. Serves the county of Frederick and city of Winchester.
Provides Holiday assistance for Thanksgiving and Christmas to those in need. Serves the county of Frederick and city of Winchester.
Toy/Game Donation Programs
Holiday Programs
Food Donation Programs
Does not serve consumers directly. Consumers should contact their local food pantry or food bank. Receives donated venison from hunters, crop damage, permits, and deer management efforts. The meat is distributed free of charge to food banks, soup kitchens, church food pantries and other local feeding programs. Funds are raised to cover the cost of processing, distribution, and the overhead expenses of operation.
Does not serve consumers directly. Consumers should contact their local food pantry or food bank. Receives donated venison from hunters, crop damage, permits, and deer management efforts. The meat is distributed free of charge to food banks, soup kitchens, church food pantries and other local feeding programs. Funds are raised to cover the cost of processing, distribution, and the overhead expenses of operation.
Food Donation Programs
Provides a food pantry for the needs in the community. Must have referral from Culpeper Social Services. Culpeper Food Closet: (540)825-1177
Provides a food pantry for the needs in the community. Must have referral from Culpeper Social Services. Culpeper Food Closet: (540)825-1177
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
A to-go meal available to the community.
A to-go meal available to the community.
Food Donation Programs
Soup Kitchens
Provides food to help end hunger through a partnership with Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and church/community donations. Serving locally qualified families with compassion in Keezletown, McGaheysville and Penn
Provides food to help end hunger through a partnership with Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and church/community donations. Serving locally qualified families with compassion in Keezletown, McGaheysville and Penn
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a non-profit regional food clearing house that gathers, stores and distributes to participating charitable agencies government surplus food products and edible but unmarketable food that has been acquired from other sources at a low cost.
Provides a non-profit regional food clearing house that gathers, stores and distributes to participating charitable agencies government surplus food products and edible but unmarketable food that has been acquired from other sources at a low cost.
Food Donation Programs
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Provides free, noontime meals five days per week to those who are in need of such nourishment and who are home-bound. Homebound folks 60 years old or older who prefer meals meeting nutritional standards may wish to contact the New River Valley Agency on Aging, the other provider of homebound meals. Their meals meet strict nutritional requirements. At this time, there are no nutritional standards for Radford Fairlawn Daily Bread meals. Program uses volunteers.
Provides free, noontime meals five days per week to those who are in need of such nourishment and who are home-bound. Homebound folks 60 years old or older who prefer meals meeting nutritional standards may wish to contact the New River Valley Agency on Aging, the other provider of homebound meals. Their meals meet strict nutritional requirements. At this time, there are no nutritional standards for Radford Fairlawn Daily Bread meals. Program uses volunteers.
Food Donation Programs
Home Delivered Meals
Food Production/Preparation/Delivery Volunteer Opportunities
Provides a food pantry for persons in need.
Provides a food pantry for persons in need.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a Food Pantry for needy families mainly in the Harrisonburg area, but will serve families from anywhere.
Provides a Food Pantry for needy families mainly in the Harrisonburg area, but will serve families from anywhere.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Distributes emergency food to Loudoun County residents. Provides three day supply twice a month based upon family size, any special dietary needs, and living arrangements. Provides USDA commodities to income eligible families/households.
Hours To Get Food By Appointment Only at Leesburg Pantry:
Tues 8:30AM - 11:30AM
Tues 3:30PM - 5PM & Thurs 5PM - 7PM
Wed, Fri & Sat 9AM - 11:45AM
Hours to Get Food, No appointment required service (these are first come, first served while supplies last):
Sterling Community Center (120 Enterprise St. Sterling) Parking Lot (Mobile Market):
Mon 1PM - 2:30PM
Sugarland Elementary School in Sterling (65 Sugarland Run Dr) Parking Lot (Mobile Market):
Thursday 10AM - 12PM
Distributes emergency food to Loudoun County residents. Provides three day supply twice a month based upon family size, any special dietary needs, and living arrangements. Provides USDA commodities to income eligible families/households.
Hours To Get Food By Appointment Only at Leesburg Pantry:
Tues 8:30AM - 11:30AM
Tues 3:30PM - 5PM & Thurs 5PM - 7PM
Wed, Fri & Sat 9AM - 11:45AM
Hours to Get Food, No appointment required service (these are first come, first served while supplies last):
Sterling Community Center (120 Enterprise St. Sterling) Parking Lot (Mobile Market):
Mon 1PM - 2:30PM
Sugarland Elementary School in Sterling (65 Sugarland Run Dr) Parking Lot (Mobile Market):
Thursday 10AM - 12PM
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a food pantry for persons in need of emergency food.
Provides a food pantry for persons in need of emergency food.
Food Pantries
Food Donation Programs
Provides monthly bags of non-perishable food to income eligible individuals and families. All food for the monthly supplemental bags is provided by the USDA. All food recipients are encouraged to contribute to the cost of operating the program by collecting and donating grocery bags, by volunteering or making a monetary contribution. The LCC also provides the intake for the Louisa County Emergency Food Pantry. The Emergency Food Pantry serves families and individuals in emergency or crisis situations. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case. All applicants will also be screened for USDA monthly food.
Provides monthly bags of non-perishable food to income eligible individuals and families. All food for the monthly supplemental bags is provided by the USDA. All food recipients are encouraged to contribute to the cost of operating the program by collecting and donating grocery bags, by volunteering or making a monetary contribution. The LCC also provides the intake for the Louisa County Emergency Food Pantry. The Emergency Food Pantry serves families and individuals in emergency or crisis situations. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case. All applicants will also be screened for USDA monthly food.
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Provides a food clearinghouse that collects, stores, and distributes food to qualified churches and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. The Food Bank mission is to provide nourishing food to our neighbors in need through vibrant community partnerships and passionate public support.
Provides a food clearinghouse that collects, stores, and distributes food to qualified churches and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. The Food Bank mission is to provide nourishing food to our neighbors in need through vibrant community partnerships and passionate public support.
Food Banks/Food Distribution Warehouses
Food Donation Programs