Food Pantry - Louisa, Community Cupboard, Louisa County Resource Council
Provides monthly bags of non-perishable food to income eligible individuals and families. All food for the monthly supplemental bags is provided by the USDA. All food recipients are encouraged to contribute to the cost of operating the program by collecting and donating grocery bags, by volunteering or making a monetary contribution. The LCC also provides the intake for the Louisa County Emergency Food Pantry. The Emergency Food Pantry serves families and individuals in emergency or crisis situations. Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case. All applicants will also be screened for USDA monthly food.
Physical Address
147 Resource Lane, Louisa, VA 23093
(540) 967-0083
Application process
Written application required and proof of income. To apply for free food assistance, simply come by our main office at 147 Resource Lane. Bring proof of your income and your Louisa County residency so that we can determine your eligibility
Service area
Louisa, VA
Agency info
Louisa County Resource Council
Promote, develops, and encourages programs, and means to deliver community based services to the low-income, elderly, and/or disadvantaged persons to meet their needs. To that end the Louisa County Resource Council will sponsor, support, and undertake projects within the county of Louisa, Virginia. The Resource Council manages and operates two major programs: Prescription Assistance and Louis's Community Cupboard. ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities