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Provides an informal educational programs for girls, developing their maximum potential and decision-making skills. Also provides a comprehensive program by which youth and adults develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness, which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities, and outdoor programs.
Provides an informal educational programs for girls, developing their maximum potential and decision-making skills. Also provides a comprehensive program by which youth and adults develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness, which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities, and outdoor programs.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Scouting Programs
Mentoring Programs
The Virginia Headwaters Council is organized into two districts, Monticello and Mountain Valley, each serving unique communities and providing tailored Scouting programs.
The Virginia Headwaters Council is organized into two districts, Monticello and Mountain Valley, each serving unique communities and providing tailored Scouting programs.
Scouting Programs
Offers a comprehensive program by which girls develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness, which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities, and outdoor programs.
The Council serves 15 counties throughout 4 states. In Virginia the Shawnee Girl Scout Council serves the counties of Frederick, Page, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah and the city of Winchester.
TROOP ACTIVITIES: Call Girl Scouts of Shawnee Council for information and help finding a local troop.
FUNDED BY: United Way
Offers a comprehensive program by which girls develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness, which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities, and outdoor programs.
The Council serves 15 counties throughout 4 states. In Virginia the Shawnee Girl Scout Council serves the counties of Frederick, Page, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah and the city of Winchester.
TROOP ACTIVITIES: Call Girl Scouts of Shawnee Council for information and help finding a local troop.
FUNDED BY: United Way
Scouting Programs
Mentoring Programs
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Any girl between the ages of 5 and 17 can be a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline serves over 6,000 girls and 3,500 adult volunteers in a 36-county area within Central, Southside, Southwest and Western Virginia.
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Any girl between the ages of 5 and 17 can be a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline serves over 6,000 girls and 3,500 adult volunteers in a 36-county area within Central, Southside, Southwest and Western Virginia.
Scouting Programs
Designed to involve at risk girls and inner city girls in activities based on the philosophy of the Girl Scout Program.
Designed to involve at risk girls and inner city girls in activities based on the philosophy of the Girl Scout Program.
Scouting Programs
Mentoring Programs
Serves more than 20,000 girls and 7,000 volunteers from Southwest Virginia to North Georgia. The Four Program Goals serve as the foundation for all of the materials, activities and initiatives that are developed under the auspices of Girl Scouting. They are as follows: 1. Girls will develop to their full potential. 2. Girls will relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect. 3. Girls will develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide a foundation for sound decision making. 4. Girls will contribute to the improvement of society through the use of their abilities and leadership skills, working in cooperation with others.
Serves more than 20,000 girls and 7,000 volunteers from Southwest Virginia to North Georgia. The Four Program Goals serve as the foundation for all of the materials, activities and initiatives that are developed under the auspices of Girl Scouting. They are as follows: 1. Girls will develop to their full potential. 2. Girls will relate to others with increasing understanding, skill and respect. 3. Girls will develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide a foundation for sound decision making. 4. Girls will contribute to the improvement of society through the use of their abilities and leadership skills, working in cooperation with others.
Mentoring Programs
Scouting Programs
Offers opportunities to youths to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Offers opportunities to youths to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Scouting Programs
Scouting Programs
Offers opportunities for youth to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Offers opportunities for youth to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Scouting Programs
Provides a comprehensive program by which youth and adults develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities and outdoor programs. Boys and girls ages 5-20 are welcome. The Shenandoah Area Council administers the Boy Scouting program for four districts to provide localized support for Scouting. The Potomac District serves Berkeley and Morgan counties (except Paw Paw area). The Shawnee District serves the City of Winchester and Frederick County in Virginia and Capon Bridge and Paw Paw in West Virginia. The Shenrapawa District serves Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, and Warren counties. The Mannahoac District serves Clarke County in Virginia and Jefferson County in West Virginia.
Provides a comprehensive program by which youth and adults develop character, citizenship, mental and physical fitness which are reinforced through mentoring, advancement, activities and outdoor programs. Boys and girls ages 5-20 are welcome. The Shenandoah Area Council administers the Boy Scouting program for four districts to provide localized support for Scouting. The Potomac District serves Berkeley and Morgan counties (except Paw Paw area). The Shawnee District serves the City of Winchester and Frederick County in Virginia and Capon Bridge and Paw Paw in West Virginia. The Shenrapawa District serves Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, and Warren counties. The Mannahoac District serves Clarke County in Virginia and Jefferson County in West Virginia.
Mentoring Programs
Scouting Programs
Provides a variety of programs designed to develop character, responsibility, wholesome attitude and personal fitness while pursuing enriching and rewarding activities.
Provides a variety of programs designed to develop character, responsibility, wholesome attitude and personal fitness while pursuing enriching and rewarding activities.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Scouting Programs
Every Girl Scout has their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—so when they come together to decide which of the thousands of Girl Scout activities to try, the sky’s the limit. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good.
Every Girl Scout has their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—so when they come together to decide which of the thousands of Girl Scout activities to try, the sky’s the limit. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good.
Scouting Programs
Offers unique Scouting programs are designed to meet the needs of youth and their parents, by offering fun and challenging adventures that children and their parents do together. Programs offer youth the opportunity to learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects, and community service.
Cub Scouting is the program for elementary school aged youth. This program teaches youth about their family and community.
Scouts BSA is for middle/high school youth. This program features leadership development and life skills.
Venturing/Sea Scouting/Exploring are for high school and young adults to explore high adventure, leadership development, career exploration and have fun.
Offers unique Scouting programs are designed to meet the needs of youth and their parents, by offering fun and challenging adventures that children and their parents do together. Programs offer youth the opportunity to learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects, and community service.
Cub Scouting is the program for elementary school aged youth. This program teaches youth about their family and community.
Scouts BSA is for middle/high school youth. This program features leadership development and life skills.
Venturing/Sea Scouting/Exploring are for high school and young adults to explore high adventure, leadership development, career exploration and have fun.
Mentoring Programs
Scouting Programs
Girl Scouts create the world they want to live in and strive to make it better every single day. They explore their strengths, take on new challenges, and can always be themselves, regardless of background or ability.
Supported by adult volunteers and mentors right here in our community, as well as millions of alums around the globe, Girl Scouts lead the way as they discover who they are and how they can make the future a brighter place.
Girl Scouts create the world they want to live in and strive to make it better every single day. They explore their strengths, take on new challenges, and can always be themselves, regardless of background or ability.
Supported by adult volunteers and mentors right here in our community, as well as millions of alums around the globe, Girl Scouts lead the way as they discover who they are and how they can make the future a brighter place.
Scouting Programs
The Boy Scouts of America, Heart of Virginia Council serves young people ages 6-21 providing them with various scouting activities and summer camp programs. The programs offered are as follows: Lion Cubs, Tiger Scouts, Cub Scouts, ScoutsBSA, Venturing, Explorers, and volunteer programs for adults over the age of 18. The office offers off-street parking and is accessible by bus.
The Boy Scouts of America, Heart of Virginia Council serves young people ages 6-21 providing them with various scouting activities and summer camp programs. The programs offered are as follows: Lion Cubs, Tiger Scouts, Cub Scouts, ScoutsBSA, Venturing, Explorers, and volunteer programs for adults over the age of 18. The office offers off-street parking and is accessible by bus.
Scouting Programs
Prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Scouting Programs
Informal education program designed to assist girls in becoming self-reliant, concerned and committed citizens. Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council is committed to helping girls develop to their fullest potential and become responsible, resourceful women. Activities are carried out in troops averaging ten to twenty-five girls. Troops meet several times a month with trained adult volunteer leaders. Camping trips and community service projects are just a few of the favorite activities for the girls.
Informal education program designed to assist girls in becoming self-reliant, concerned and committed citizens. Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council is committed to helping girls develop to their fullest potential and become responsible, resourceful women. Activities are carried out in troops averaging ten to twenty-five girls. Troops meet several times a month with trained adult volunteer leaders. Camping trips and community service projects are just a few of the favorite activities for the girls.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Scouting Programs
Delivers the promise of Scouting in 19 counties in West Virginia, 3 counties in Virginia and 1 county in Kentucky. This stewardship includes program support and activities, adult leader training, youth recruitment, and fiscal sustainability.
Delivers the promise of Scouting in 19 counties in West Virginia, 3 counties in Virginia and 1 county in Kentucky. This stewardship includes program support and activities, adult leader training, youth recruitment, and fiscal sustainability.
Scouting Programs
Offers opportunities to youth to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Offers opportunities to youth to practice the fundamental principles of service, patriotism, honesty, respect for authority, and social responsibility. Emphasizes developing self-awareness, increasing skills in interpersonal relationships and developing values which will give direction and meaning to each child's life.
Scouting Programs
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, character and confidence. Through an array of enriching experiences, girls discover their values and use their knowledge and skills to explore the world, connect by inspiring and teaming with others locally and globally, and take action to make the world a better place. The process of girls leading, learning by doing, and collaborative learning develops leadership, character, strong values, social conscience, confidence in one's potential and self-worth, as well as skills for success in the real world--qualities that will serve girls all their lives.
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, character and confidence. Through an array of enriching experiences, girls discover their values and use their knowledge and skills to explore the world, connect by inspiring and teaming with others locally and globally, and take action to make the world a better place. The process of girls leading, learning by doing, and collaborative learning develops leadership, character, strong values, social conscience, confidence in one's potential and self-worth, as well as skills for success in the real world--qualities that will serve girls all their lives.
Scouting Programs
Offer programs for boys and young women throughout the metropolitan DC area. Offer services within the community through churches, schools, and other civic agencies. Eligibility: Tiger Cubs - 1st grade boys; Cub Scouts - 2nd-5th grade boys; Boy Scouts - boys ages 11-17; and Venturers - young women and men ages 14-20.
Offer programs for boys and young women throughout the metropolitan DC area. Offer services within the community through churches, schools, and other civic agencies. Eligibility: Tiger Cubs - 1st grade boys; Cub Scouts - 2nd-5th grade boys; Boy Scouts - boys ages 11-17; and Venturers - young women and men ages 14-20.
Scouting Programs