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The adoption program serves people who wish to place their child for adoption, people who want to adopt children who are in the custody of Arlington County and people who were adopted through Arlington County and desire information about their adoption.
Arranges for adoption placements for children. Call intake for information on releasing a child for adoption. Fee applies to persons wishing to adopt for the preparation of adoption reports/investigation.
Finds permanent adoptive homes for children whose birth parents are unable to care for them and provides services for children in adoptive placements.
Responsible for providing 24-hour care for youth ordered into our custody, providing services to family members which promote the child's return to the birth family, and providing custody studies, home family assessments, and ensuring parental rights are legally terminated if the child is adopted.
To place children who have been permanently and legally separated from their birth parents with a new family. It is a social and legal process which gives new parent(s) the same rights and obligations as biological parents.
enCircle's Adoption Program provides permanent, stable and caring homes for children in our foster care system.
Catholic Charities offers programs and services for those who are considering adoption. Birth parents, adoptive families, and adoption specialist work together to decide the best plan for adoption and adoptive family match. · Pregnancy Counseling Services · Domestic & International Adoption · Search & Disclosure Services, · Home studies and Post Placement Supervision Services for Parental, Kinship or Independent Placements · Coordination of adoptive family and birth family meetings (Domestic only) · Agency collaboration based on family needs · Compliant services · Court reports · Adoption finalization & Post Adoption support
UMFS provides adoption through treatment foster care. UMFS recognizes that adoption is a lifelong process, creating a relationship between a child and adoptive parents. UMFS pays special attention to the complex circumstances that give rise to the need for adoption and to the stresses and adjustments that ensue for all parties in this process.
Provides court-ordered and agency placements of children in custody. Offers court-ordered home studies for a fee based on income.
Responsible for providing 24-hour care for youth ordered into our custody, for providing services to family members which promote the child's return to the birth family, and for providing custody studies, home family assessments, and ensuring parental rights are legally terminated if the child is adopted.
Provides court-ordered and agency placements of children in custody. Offers court-ordered home studies for a fee based on income. For more information regarding the Statewide Adoption program, please call Toll-free: (800)362-3678 or (800)DO-ADOPT.
Responsible for providing 24-hour care for youth ordered into custody, for providing services to family members which promote the child's return to the birth family, and for providing custody studies, home family assessments, and ensuring parental rights are legally terminated if the child is adopted.
Provides support for biological parents placing a child for adoption, adoption home studies and training, placement and monitoring and parental placement law compliance. For more information regarding the Statewide Adoption program, please call Toll-free: (800)362-3678 or (800)DO-ADOPT.
The purpose of adoption is to place children who have been permanently and legally separated from their birth parents with a new family. It is a social and legal process which gives new parent(s) the same rights and obligations as biological parents.
Provides court-ordered and agency placements of children in custody. Offers court-ordered home studies for a fee based on income. For more information, please call: Warren County Social Services: Statewide Toll-free number: (800)362-3678 or (800)DO-ADOPT.
Offers an adoption program that seeks adoptive families for foster children who are unable to return home and have the goal of adoption. Many of these children have special needs including: age six or older, are a minority or mixed racial heritage, are a member of a sibling group that should not be separated, have a hereditary tendency, congenital problem or birth injury that could lead to future disability and/or have a diagnosed physical, mental or emotional condition. Whenever possible, the agency pursues adoption of these children by their current foster parents. The Department also makes referrals for private adoptions and provides services for adoptive parents.
Provides court-ordered and agency placements of children in custody. Offers court-ordered home studies for a fee based on income. For more information regarding the Statewide Adoption program, please call Toll-free: (800)362-3678 or (800)DO-ADOPT.
A licensed child placing agency, maintaining the highest standards regarding the care of children both domestically and internationally. Committed to finding loving, permanent homes for all children in our care, regardless of age or special needs. Services available: *Adoptive couple counseling and education; *Home study; *Child placement; *Coordination of adoptive family and birth family meetings; *Adoption finalization; *Pregnancy counseling for birth parents; *Adoption follow up support; *Post placement supervision.
Provides therapeutic foster care, supported adoption, and related services to emotionally disturbed children, youth and their families. The program combines a strong social learning orientation with a "do whatever it takes" commitment value of family and community-based living for all children. An array of services supports this commitment including family reunification, counseling and independent living skills training. Pygmalion School component.
Family Services is committed to permanency planning and to achieving the goal of adoption for all children in foster care who have not been returned to their parent or prior custodian.
Provides individual, couple and family therapy, adoption evaluation, business and organizational consultation. Some of the issues include divorce/separation, infidelity, pre-marital counseling, couple and marital enrichment, couple and family communication and conflict resolution, parenting and step-parenting, infertility, sexual difficulties, and work-family balance.


Abuse Counseling
Family Counseling
Guidance and Counseling
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Adoption Services
The Department of Social Services provides adoption services for foster children who become legally free to be adopted by another family. Services include preparing the child to become a part of another family, selecting the adoptive family, and facilitating the transition into the home. The Department also provides adoptive home studies and recommendations to the Court for step-parent and parental placement adoptions.
Provides court-ordered and agency placements of children in custody. Offers court-ordered home studies for a fee based on income. For more information, please call: Nelson County Social Services: (434)263-7160 Statewide Toll-free number: (800)362-3678 or (800)DO-ADOPT
The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) provides basic and enhanced post-adoption services to adoptive families with children or youth under the age of 18 who reside in the Central and Eastern regions of the state at no cost. The Regional Post-Adoption Consortium Services (RPACS) is a collaboration between C2Adopt, Children's Home Society, and Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia.