
Adoption - Charlottesville, Albemarle County Social Services

Offers an adoption program that seeks adoptive families for foster children who are unable to return home and have the goal of adoption. Many of these children have special needs including: age six or older, are a minority or mixed racial heritage, are a member of a sibling group that should not be separated, have a hereditary tendency, congenital problem or birth injury that could lead to future disability and/or have a diagnosed physical, mental or emotional condition. Whenever possible, the agency pursues adoption of these children by their current foster parents. The Department also makes referrals for private adoptions and provides services for adoptive parents.

Physical Address

1600 5th Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902


(434) 972-4080


(434) 972-4080

Application process

Written application and verification of situation required.

Service area

Albemarle, VA

Agency info

Albemarle County Social Services

Provides assistance to Albemarle County residents in accordance with Federal Programs such as Food Stamps/SNAP, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Child Day Care Subsidies, Cooling Assistance, Fuel Assistance, Crisis Fuel Assistance, Auxiliary Grants, Medicaid, FAMIS, General Relief, Refugee Assistance, Holiday Assistance, Job Services,Companion Care, Adoption, Foster Care, Family Support Services, Adult Services, Adult Protective Services and Child Protective Services.