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Onsite Sewage, Private Well Permits and Discharging Sewage Treatment Plants for Single Family Homes - The mission of Division of Onsite Sewage of Water Services is to protect public health and ground water quality. This is best achieved by implementing an onsite waste water and private well programs based on sound scientific, engineering, and public health principles. For information on Septic Systems, Private Wells, and Alternative Discharging Sewage Treatment Plants, Applications, Regulations and Forms click Onsite Programs. Restaurant Permits and Inspections - Food safety is achieved through routine food inspections of permitted establishments as required by state law. Temporary Food Establishments: Environmental Health Staff regulate and inspect food vendors at temporary events such as fairs, festivals, etc. For information regarding Temporary Food Establishments click Temporary Food or call your local Health Department for applications and requirements. Virginia Restaurants and Smoking - A new law took effect Dec. 1, 2009, to eliminate smoking in Virginia restaurants and protect restaurant workers and patrons from secondhand smoke. For more information, visit www.vdh.virginia.gov/breatheeasy. Public Drinking Water Information: Committed to protecting public health by ensuring that all people in Virginia have access to an adequate supply of affordable, safe drinking water that meets federal and state drinking water standard. The Office of Drinking Water provides Technical Information to all facets of the drinking water community. For information regarding public drinking water information click Public Drinking Water. Environmental Epidemiology - Our mission is to prevent and control human diseases and conditions due to exposure to chemical and biological agents in the environment and transmission from animals to humans. Accomplished through developing and maintaining surveillance programs for environmental factors such as Rabies Control; Vector Bourne Disease (i.e. Lyme, West Nile, La Cross, etc); Toxic Substance Surveillance; Fish Consumption Advisories; Mold; and others. Hotel, Campgrounds, Summer Camps, Swimming Pools and Migrant Labor Camps Environmental Health Staff permit and inspect these establishments to assure public health protection. Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention: The goal of the program is to eradicate lead poisoning among children under age six in Virginia. For information on Lead in Toys, Public Education, Technical, Medical and Environmental Assessments. For information visit www.vdh.virginia.gov/leadsafe.
Provides public health services to the residents of Charlottesville and Albemarle County to achieve optimal well-being through prevention, education, direct patient care, environmental services and community involvement. Healthcare services are available on an ability-to-pay basis and target low-income and indigent residents of the community. Car seats for Medicaid-eligible infants and children. Clinic and Health Services 434-972-6211 Medical Records 434-972-6289 WIC 434-972-4308 Communicable Disease 434-972-6249 ACCESSIBILITY: Fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Adjacent off-street parking, front entrance passenger loading zone, passenger elevator available, accessible by bus.


Communicable Disease Control
Birth Certificates
Vaccine Information
Public Health Nursing
Death Related Records/Permits
General Health Education Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Public Clinics
Environmental Health Services includes: Rabies Protection West Nile Virus Protection Food Service Operations Onsite Sewage Disposal Well and Water Quality Migrant Labor Camps Lead Poisoning Environmental Complaints
Provides environmental and health services for area residents. This includes well and septic permits, food safety inspections, family planning, STD treatments, immunizations, communicable disease investigations, HIV/AIDS testing, care and supportive services, and women, infants and children (WIC) nutrition services.


Public Health Nursing
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Communicable Disease Control
HIV Testing
Our office provides site evaluations and permitting for on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems and private wells, as well as regulatory oversight for private sector evaluations and designs in these fields. We provide health education to the community with regard to safe food handling practices, lead exposure, radon, rabies, and other environmental health concerns.ur office also inspects and/or permits daycare and adult care facilities, school cafeterias, restaurants, hotels/motels, bed and breakfasts, festival and fair vendors, campgrounds, summer camps, migrant labor camps, and marinas. Additionally, we investigate animal bites and/or potential rabies exposures and certain environmental complaints.


Consumer Complaints
Lead Poisoning Screening
Communicable Disease Control
Building and Safety
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Provides site evaluation, design, and permits for on-site sewage disposal (septic systems) and wells, restaurant and temporary food event permits, food handling education, and investigate animal bites, environmental complaints and foodborne diseases. Some forms are available on the website: www.vdh.state.va.us/LHD/newriver/environmental.htm.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Provides site evaluation and permits for on site sewage disposal (septic systems) and wells. Also provides inspection of restaurants, schools, day care centers, camps and festival events to insure food safety. Food workers permits are issued by the department upon demonstration of knowledge necessary to prepare and handle food safely. Other services include rabies control and information regarding environmental issues.
The Bureau of Environmental Health Services is responsible for administering environmental programs and services to reduce the incidence of environmental conditions which may adversely impact the health, safety and well being of the citizens of Norfolk. Enforcement of applicable city and state statues and codes occurs through public education efforts as well as through legal actions.
Provides environmental and health services for area residents. This includes well and septic permits, food safety inspections, family planning, STD treatments, immunizations, communicable disease investigations, HIV/AIDS testing, care and supportive services, and women, infants and children (WIC) nutrition services.


Public Health Nursing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Tuberculosis Screening
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
General Health Education Programs
Nutrition Education
Communicable Disease Control
Family Planning
Provides protection to the citizens of Hampton with a wide range of services, including: inspection of all food establishments, hotels, motels, tattoo parlors, and body piercing salons, public swimming pools and campgrounds; investigation of animal bites and childhood lead poisoning; beach water sampling and monitoring; processing of permit applications for on site water supply and sewage disposal systems; and advice on solid waste, insect, and rodent problems. For information regarding sewage spills or sewer back ups in homes or apartments, please call the Hampton 311 Call Center at (757) 727-8311.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Provides screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of persons at risk for sexually transmitted infections(STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Hepatitis Testing
To foster healthy communities through disease prevention and control, health promotion, environmental protection and emergency preparedness and response.
Provides environmental and health services for area residents. This includes well and septic permits, food safety inspections, family planning, STD treatments, immunizations, communicable disease investigations, HIV/AIDS testing, care and supportive services, and women, infants and children (WIC) nutrition services.


Nutrition Education
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Family Planning
Tuberculosis Screening
General Health Education Programs
Pediatric Evaluation
Public Health Nursing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides residents with comprehensive environmental health services such as food, water and building inspection, sewage disposal, septic and well permits, public food permits, regulation of public food establishments, tourist establishment sanitation and restaurant applications. Investigates reports of food illnesses, working with businesses and citizens to educate and correct deficiencies. Also investigates reports of raw sewage or other reports of ground water contamination.
Food Establishment Permitting and Inspection: The Virginia Department of Health inspects, and subsequently may prevent, facilities that prepare food for public consumption, including but not limited to: restaurants, school cafeterias, licensed day-care providers, hospital cafeterias, and temporary food service units at events. Classes are offered to food service managers in order to provide an opportunity for them to remain current regarding current food safety practices and regulatory requirements. Call your local health department for information about food safety classes; charges for these classes are only sufficient to cover costs of books and materials. vdhweb/oehs/food/regs-table.asp Onsite Sewage Handling and Disposal: All onsite sewage disposal systems require permitting by the Virginia Department of Health. Our environmental health specialists (EHS) are certified as Onsite Soil Evaluators through the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. Annual monitoring is required. Also, under this program, sewage handlers (septic tank pumpers) must be permitted and inspected. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Onsite/regulations/index.htm Alternative Discharging Sewage Treatment: If no conventional onsite sewage disposal option can be found for a property, there may be an option for installing an alternative discharging sewage treatment system. The health department issues permits for single family home discharges jointly with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Designs for these systems must be submitted by a Professional Engineer. VDH EHS review the designs, issue a permit based on an approved design, and, post-installation, conduct annual inspections of each discharging system. Owners of these systems are required to maintain maintenance and monitoring contracts for these systems. http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/environmentalhealth/onsite/regulations/index.htm Private Wells: The VDH permits all private drinking, heat pump, and agricultural wells (monitoring wells are excluded). As part of the permitting process, we locate the well to assure proper set-backs from potential contaminant sources (drain fields, barns, graveyards, etc.) and determine the minimum construction requirements that may be used. Once installed, wells are inspected to assure they were sited and constructed properly. Drinking water wells must be tested for bacterial contamination. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Onsite/AOSE/forms.htm Hotel Permitting and Inspection: Hotels are inspected and permitted under the authority of the Rules and Regulations Governing Hotels. Inspections focus on general cleanliness, building upkeep, pool facilities, and insect and rodent control. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Food/Regulations/index.htm Campground Permitting and Inspection: Campgrounds are inspected and permitted under the authority of the Rules and Regulations Governing Campgrounds. Inspections focus on water supply, sewage disposal, and service building upkeep. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Food/Regulations/CampGrounds/index.htm Summer Camp Permitting and Inspection: Summer camps are permitted to and inspected under the authority of the Rules and Regulations Governing Summer Camps. Summer camp plans are required to be reviewed prior to permit issuance for new or remodeled facilities. Inspections focus on general cleanliness, water supply, sewage disposal, and swimming facilities. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Food/Regulations/SummerCamps/index.htm Migrant Labor Camp Permitting and Inspection: Migrant Labor Camps are permitted and inspected under the authority of the Rules and Regulations Governing Migrant Labor Camps. Inspections of these facilities focus on water supply, sewage disposal, housing, and garbage pick-up. www.vdh.virginia.gov/EnvironmentalHealth/Food/Regulations/MigrantLaborCamps/index.htm Jail Inspections: Local jails are inspected annually under the authority of a Memorandum of


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Performs percolation tests, soil evaluation and small sewage plant inspections. Reviews site plans and inspects systems under construction. Issues permits for well construction; inspects water supply systems and investigates complaints.
Provides the following Environmental Health Services: Complaints Environmental Health documents and investigates residents' complaints about environmental health problems, including reports of food and waterborne disease, mosquito problems, improper sewage disposal, and other public health issues. Food Services Local health department staff inspect and issue required permits to such food service establishments as school cafeterias, restaurants, food stands at community events, camps, day care centers, B&B's, and migrant camps. They work with those who provide prepared food to the public to help assure that food is wholesome and healthy. The local health department is responsible for working with local dairies to assure a healthy product, free of disease. This is done through regular inspections and ongoing input into dairy operations. Drinking Water Environmental health staff provides assistance to property owners who have or desire to have private wells on their property. They assist with required activities and issue, upon proper documentation and payment of fees, permits for private on-site wells. Each county health department maintains records on properties with private on-site wells. Sewage Disposal Environmental health staff provides assistance to residents who desire to or already have onsite sewage disposal systems on their own or their rented property. This assistance includes providing the activities, referral and documentation necessary to obtain required permits for onsite sewage disposal. Each county health department maintains records on properties with onsite sewage disposal systems.
Provides public health services to the residents of Fluvanna County to achieve optimal well-being through prevention, education, direct patient care, environmental services and community involvement. Healthcare services are available on an ability-to-pay basis and target low-income and indigent residents of the community. Car seats for Medicaid-eligible infants and children. For the Environmental Health section, please call (434)591-1965. ACCESSIBILITY: Necessary to negotiate steps. Adjacent off-street parking. Front entrance passenger loading zone. Passenger elevator available.


Death Related Records/Permits
Vaccine Information
Disease/Disability Information
General Health Education Programs
Public Health Nursing
Public Clinics
Birth Certificates
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Provides medical, environmental, and public health services to the community to promote, protect, and preserve the health of the citizens of Franklin.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Environmental Health evaluate and inspect restaurants, schools, hotels, motels, campgrounds, summer camps, migrant labor camps, adult and child day care centers and vendors at public temporary events for food safety. EH conducts site evaluations for design and permitting of septic systems and private wells and also review private sector submittals for permit issuance. EH staff perform inspections and investigate reports of raw sewage or other ground water contamination. Staff work to provide assistance and useful information to the public regarding their sewage disposal systems and private water supplies.
Provides county residents with comprehensive preventive health care that includes a broad range of diagnostic and treatment services such as Vaccinations and Well Child Care, WIC Program, Family Planning, Evaluation and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections, Rabies Prevention Services, Environmental Health, and Community Health.


Public Clinics
Birth Certificates
General Health Education Programs
Public Health Nursing
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Death Related Records/Permits
Vaccine Information
Disease/Disability Information
Provides public health services to the residents of Greene County to achieve optimal well-being through prevention, education, direct patient care, environmental services and community involvement. Healthcare services are available on an ability-to-pay basis and target low-income and indigent residents of the community. Car seats for Medicaid-eligible infants and children. ACCESSIBILITY: Adjacent off-street parking. Curb ramp for parking lot.


Vaccine Information
Public Clinics
Birth Certificates
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Death Related Records/Permits
Disease/Disability Information
General Health Education Programs
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Nursing
Provides residents with comprehensive environmental health services such as food, water and building inspection, sewage disposal, septic and well permits, public food permits, regulation of public food establishments, tourist establishment sanitation and restaurant applications. Investigates reports of food illnesses, working with businesses and citizens to educate and correct deficiencies. Also investigates reports of raw sewage or other reports of ground water contamination.
The Environmental Health Division is committed to protecting the health of the public by evaluating, correcting and preventing many risk factors in the environment which can adversely affect the health of the community. Responsibilities of this division include regulatory evaluation and enforcement of food establishments, temporary food establishments, tourist establishments, dairy facilities, marinas and swimming pools; investigation of foodborne illness complaints and outbreaks; food safety education and promotion; environmental complaints and investigations for rodent and pest infestation; mosquito surveillance and working with Richmond Animal Care and Control to administer the Rabies Program.