Environmental Health - Hampton, Hampton Health District
Provides protection to the citizens of Hampton with a wide range of services, including: inspection of all food establishments, hotels, motels, tattoo parlors, and body piercing salons, public swimming pools and campgrounds; investigation of animal bites and childhood lead poisoning; beach water sampling and monitoring; processing of permit applications for on site water supply and sewage disposal systems; and advice on solid waste, insect, and rodent problems. For information regarding sewage spills or sewer back ups in homes or apartments, please call the Hampton 311 Call Center at (757) 727-8311.
Physical Address
1320 La Salle Avenue, Hampton, VA 23669
Application process
Call for additional information Applications are also available to fill out at the front desk at the Hampton Health Department.
Service area
Hampton, VA
Agency info
Hampton Health District
Provides medical, environmental, and public health services to the community to promote, protect, and preserve the health of the citizens of Hampton.