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VETS transportation services is a program for veterans and their spouses who are unable to transport themselves to doctors offices or pharmacies.
For non-emergency medical appointments, transportation may be available to persons age 60 and above. This service is also offered for persons with a sensory or physical disability.
Provides transportation for the Town of Warrenton and Fauquier County. We strive to keep fares low to ensure that anyone is able to afford a ride. The Circuit Rider is the Town of Warrenton's Public Transit Shuttle. Also offers, curb-to-curb Demand-Response service within Fauquier County to complement the Warrenton fixed route. Rides are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and can be made up to a week in advance.
Offers I-Ride Public Transportation in Smithfield (Isle of Wight County).
Coordinates transportation for residents 60 years and older with rides to medical appointments.
Petersburg Area Transit (PAT) offers para-transit service for Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities (permanent or temporary), service area includes the entire City of Petersburg and City of Hopewell. Paratransit services portions of Colonial Heights, portions of Dinwiddie County and Portions of Prince George County. The para-transit service operates wheelchair equipped vans providing door to door service for qualified senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
The Care-A-Van Program provides volunteer transportation with a handicapped accessible van for seniors age 60 or better or adults with a physical disability of any age to their health, legal and critical errand appointments.
This paratransit service provides curb-to-curb service to ADA eligible riders in the City of Richmond, Henrico County, and portions of Chesterfield County.
Provides transportation to people of all ages on a demand response basis with a 24 hour notice required. Offers service to those with canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and to health and human services agencies wishing to contract with Mountain Empire Transit.
Offers a program that provides functionally and/or health impaired persons with social and related support services in a protective setting on a one-to-one basis offering health monitoring, individual care plans, personal assistance with activities of daily living, and scheduled group activities. Attendant services available only at day care center. Participants must provide their own transportation.
Fixed route services are available to the general public. Offers deviated fixed route bus transportation on a set route to anyone in Buena Vista City, Lexington City, or Rockbridge County, Virginia. Customers must wait at the bus stop for pick up. Accessible transportation for people with functional disabilities is available upon request with a completed and approved Americans with Disabilities Act Paratransit Eligibility application prior to transport. Will deviate from the route up to .75 mile off of the fixed route. Washington & Lee University and Virginia Military Institute students ride free with a student ID.
Provides registered paramedics and state licensed advanced EMTs are extensively trained in critical care, including pediatric and neonatal care. All drivers have been certified in an Emergency Vehicle Operating Course. Ambulances are equipped with state of the art life support technology. Ambulance services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Ambulance Services Include: *Maintaining critically ill patients during transport *Heart monitors with defibrillators *External pacer capability *Emergency medicine protocols and critical care *Ventilator transports *Basic and advanced life support units Transports patients to And from nursing homes, rest homes, hospitals, clinics, dialysis centers, doctors' offices, and private homes.


Paratransit Programs
Emergency Medical Transportation
Provides public transit for Marion, Wytheville, and the Counties of Smyth and Wythe. This service includes shopping routes, transportation to congregate nutrition sites operated by District Three Senior Services, and town transit in Marion and Wytheville.
Bus service within the City of Alexandria, and connects with Metrobus, Metrorail, Virginia Railway Express, and all local bus systems. DASH serves all of the Alexandria Metrorail Stations and the Pentagon Metrorail station during morning and evening peak periods.
Provides door-to-door transportation on a regular schedule for elderly citizens to senior centers, and for recreation and grocery shopping on a limited basis. Buses also available for charter. Provides special vehicles for wheelchair accessibility with advance notice.
Reach A Ride is a gateway website and information hotline that provides information on transportation options for people with special transportation needs throughout the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and northern Virginia.
I-Ride Transit ins the transportation brand of Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, providing accessible transportation options in metro Hampton Roads and Western Tidewater.
Mobility Options is a grant funded program providing transportation counseling, travel training, and personalized transportation for PD 16. Services may be provided to persons of any age with a physical, developmental, or intellectual disability, or persons that are sixty (60) years of age or older.
Offers transportation for individuals with disability in ADA area of bus routes in Suffolk, VA. Must be certified as disabled.
Provides public transit for Galax and the Couties of Carroll and Grayson. This service includes shopping routes, and transportation to congregate nutrition sites operated by District Three Senior Services, and town transit in Galax.
Provides public transit for Marion, Wytheville, and the Counties of Smyth and Wythe. This service includes shopping routes, transportation to congregate nutrition sites operated by District Three Senior Services, and town transit in Marion and Wytheville.
Provides non-emergency transportation services for those receiving Medallion or regular Medicaid and for children enrolled in CMSIP who do not have Managed Care Organization (MCO) coverage. This transportation service includes buses, taxis, volunteer drivers, van services, and non-emergency ambulances. Norton hosts a network operations center/call center that serves Virginia.
To obtain proper identification so as to be entitled to pay our discount fares, or use discount passes, a person must come to the Valley Metro Administrative Office during the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday through Friday. This person must bring with them a state issued photo identification card, and one of the items listed below: For proof of disability: *valid Medicare card *Easter Seal card *Letter from the Social Security Administration, designating the person as a recipient of Supplemental Security Income(SSI) or Social Security Disability Income(SSDI). *Letter from a physician stating that a person has a permanent disability. For proof of age: *In most cases a state issued photo identification card is the accepted form for proof of age 65, or older; *If no state issued ID is available, a Medicare card (with photo) can be accepted for proof of age.


Local Bus Services
Paratransit Programs
Transportation Expense Assistance
Offers public transportation services.
Provides a system of comprehensive health services to low income individuals and their families. Visit website for a list of available resources and programs.