
Transportation-Special - Roanoke, Valley Metro Discount Identification Cards, Valley Metro

To obtain proper identification so as to be entitled to pay our discount fares, or use discount passes, a person must come to the Valley Metro Administrative Office during the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday through Friday. This person must bring with them a state issued photo identification card, and one of the items listed below: For proof of disability: *valid Medicare card *Easter Seal card *Letter from the Social Security Administration, designating the person as a recipient of Supplemental Security Income(SSI) or Social Security Disability Income(SSDI). *Letter from a physician stating that a person has a permanent disability. For proof of age: *In most cases a state issued photo identification card is the accepted form for proof of age 65, or older; *If no state issued ID is available, a Medicare card (with photo) can be accepted for proof of age.

Physical Address

1108 Campbell Avenue SE, Roanoke, VA 24013

Application process

Call or visit the website for routes and information.



Service area

Roanoke, VA Salem, VA

Agency info

Valley Metro

Provides public transportation in the Roanoke Valley. Services include fixed routes, specialized transportation for the disabled, and special event shuttles. Also provides commuter bus service between Roanoke and the New River Valley with its Smart Way Bus. SmartWay Bus: 540-982-6622.