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Provides low income housing in 13 buildings for area residents. Offers 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments that are convenient to schools, shopping, banking, and restaurants. Easy commute to Harrisonburg and Winchester. Accepts HUD Section 8 Vouchers. Income limits apply.
Provides Housing Choice vouchers (Section 8) to low-income individuals and families to offset rent expenses. Applications are taken by the Waynesboro Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Vouchers can then be taken to apartments in Waynesboro that accept the Section 8 voucher program to pay for a part of the cost of rent. Anyone can apply but must want to live in the City of Waynesboro.
Promotes affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment without discrimination for low income, very low income families, people with disabilities, and older adults. Provides low income public housing and rental assistance called the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Housing Choice Voucher program was formerly called Section 8 vouchers. After-hours work emergencies: 1-888-846-8435


Public Housing
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
The Housing Choice Voucher Program in Hampton, Virginia is administered by the Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority (HRHA). The Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program (HAP) is a federally funded program that provides assistance to very low income families, elderly, handicapped, disabled person or other single person seeking to rent affordable housing in the private market. Section 8 is a three-way contract, a triangle, between the Housing Authority (HA), the Owner and the participant. The participant and HA sign a Voucher Contract, the participant and owner sign the lease and the owner and HA sign a Housing Assistance Payments Contract. These three documents outline the responsibilities of each party. The Section 8 recipient pays a portion of their income towards the rent to their landlord and the Housing Authority pays a portion to the landlord. The Section 8 recipient chooses their own unit and location and makes application to the owner. The owner selects tenants according to their own screening criteria.
Piedmont Housing Alliance's property management department operates as Alliance Management. Alliance Management, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Piedmont Housing Alliance, has a total of 654 apartments under management. These include: City of Charlottesville: Carlton Views - (434) 202-2265 Cynthianna - (434) 806-5065 Friendship Court - (434) 295-8005 Monticello Vista - (434) 825-0574 Timberlake Place - (434) 825-0574 Virnita Court - (434) 806-5065 Albemarle County: Crozet Meadows - (434) 825-8123 The Meadowlands - (434) 825-8123 Scottsville School - (434) 806-5007 Woods Edge - (434) 426-5057 Nelson County: Ryan School - (434) 806-5007
Provides a subsidized housing apartment complex for low income individuals and families living in Hampton.
A multifamily community for low-income senior citizens. The 40-unit building has 34 efficiency units, 4 one-bedroom units, and 2 two-bedroom units.
Provides housing for low income elderly and persons with disabilities. Offers 96 one bedroom apartments and four two bedroom apartments. May have a wait list.
RRHA provides affordable housing for independent living for eligible seniors. RRHA maintains eight buildings for low-income elderly and disabled Richmonders who meet federal and RRHA requirements.
To provide affordable housing for low and moderate income families.


Subsidized Housing Administrative Organizations
Public Housing
Offers housing assistance payments for eligible low and moderate income families.
Low-rent public housing: Own and operate 4 apartment developments for low income families (328 total apartments). Rents are based on income. Section 8 rental assistance: Provide rental payment assistance to low-income families living in private rental housing. Conduct various activities in selected neighborhoods with high percentage of low-income citizens and substandard housing. Activities include acquisition and demolition of dilapidated housing, provision of sites for new housing, construction of new housing, land for open space green areas. Activities and neighborhoods vary from year to year. Activities limited to City of Lynchburg.
Provides affordable housing for low and moderate income people. Apartment building is already Section 8 and Section 236. Apply directly with apartment manager.
Provides income-based subsidized housing for the elderly, handicapped and disabled.
Provides a newly constructed affordable apartment complex housing income-eligible singles and couples age 55 and over. FHC, in partnership with David Westby, owns and operates the retirement community. The Oaks offers quality housing with all utilities included in the rent. For Additional Information please contact the Rental Manager at (540)-341-2805.


Public Housing
Independent Living Communities/Complexes
Housing assistance for persons and/or families with low or moderate income, disabilities, elderly, or displacement. Programs administered include HUD, Section 8, rent subsides or VHDA, and low interest mortgage programs.
Provides housing choice vouchers to allow very low-income families to choose and rent or purchase safe, decent and affordable privately-owned rental housing in Albemarle County.
Provides and manages low-income rental housing. Applications for Delphine Court are taken at the Waynesboro Redevelopment and Housing Authority for persons with low-income.
Provides housing vouchers to families in Nelson County. Program has preference for elderly and disabled persons living or working in Nelson County.
A rent assistance program funded by the Federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Eligible households pay approximately 30% of their adjusted gross income toward rent. The remainder is provided by the program and paid directly to the landlord.
Section 8 Rental Housing for lower-income residents of our community, in partnership with Virginia Housing and Development Authority. Units for 30 families two-four bedrooms; and 40 one and two bedroom apartments for the elderly, handicapped or disabled individuals.


Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Provides subsidized housing for the elderly (age 62+) and disabled through the USDA Rural Development program. Rent is income based.
Provides decent, safe and sanitary housing for low to moderate income families and individuals.
Provides income-based and subsidized housing for Rockbridge All apartments have appliances, air conditioning and wall to wall carpeting.
Public Housing providing affordable housing to eligible low-income families, including single individuals, during a time that they are in need of decent, safe, and sanitary housing conditions within their financial means.