
Subsidized Housing - Danville, Ingram Heights, Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority

Public Housing providing affordable housing to eligible low-income families, including single individuals, during a time that they are in need of decent, safe, and sanitary housing conditions within their financial means.


Physical Address

149 New Ingram Road, Danville, VA 24541


Closed from 1pm-2pm Property Manager can be reached at Pleasant View Mondays and Fridays. (434) 792-0328 Emergency, After Hour Requests: Contact (434) 793-1227 & Leave a message and telephone number with answering service


(434) 793-0757


(434) 793-0757

Application process

Applications for public housing can be picked up at the central office. US citizens & eligible immigrants may apply.

Service area

Danville, VA

Agency info

Danville Redevelopment and Housing Authority

To provide affordable housing for low and moderate income families.