Subsidize Housing - Waynesboro, Housing Choice Voucher, Waynesboro Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Provides Housing Choice vouchers (Section 8) to low-income individuals and families to offset rent expenses. Applications are taken by the Waynesboro Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Vouchers can then be taken to apartments in Waynesboro that accept the Section 8 voucher program to pay for a part of the cost of rent. Anyone can apply but must want to live in the City of Waynesboro.
Physical Address
106 N Maple Avenue, Covington, VA 24426
(540) 946-9233
Application process
Self-referral. Application required.
Service area
Waynesboro, VA Augusta, VA
Agency info
Waynesboro Redevelopment & Housing Authority
WRHA provides decent, safe and affordable housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly and the disabled. This is accomplished through the management of public housing units in the City of Waynesboro, Virginia and the administration of Housing Choice Vouchers.