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Provides emergency financial rental assistance. St. Francis will only provide funds when client provides information on where additional financial assistance funds are coming from. The dollar amount of assistance is determined on a case by case basis. No assistance for Section 8 housing.
A 501c3 organization that provides limited financial assistance with payment for utilities such as water or electricity, rent, and medications. A cut-off notice is required for utilities and a pay or quit, or an eviction notice for rent. The client must be a Hanover County resident and live in the zip codes of 23005, 23059 or 23069. The client must also provide photo identification.


Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Provides funds to assist with utility bills or rental payment (one time only). Eligible applicants must be referred by United Way.


Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
A program to assist clients with their utility bills to prevent cut off of their heat and electricity when funds are available. Also provides rental assistance for those with an eviction notice.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance with payments of rent, mortgages, utility bills, medical expenses and other financial needs. Determines eligibility for services on an individual case by case basis. Calls are retrieved from a central message center.


Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Non-profit agency to assist the low income families with financial assistance with utilities, rent, mortgage and prescriptions.


Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Our Program serves the following zip codes ONLY located in EASTERN Henrico County: 23150; 23075; AND "PORTIONS" OF 23223 AND 23231. This is a program that renders short-term emergency services. Services provided are emergency food, clothing, and financial assistance for rent/utilities. Clients requesting financial assistance must be able to document extreme financial need. Request for financial assistance is limited to once every 12 months. This also applies for food assistance request. The Clothes closet (ONLY) is available to all residents of Henrico County and clients may use the clothes closet twice per year (seasonally).


Rent Payment Assistance
General Clothing Provision
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
Provides assistance in emergency situations in the form of food, utilities, clothing, fuel, rental assistance, and provides some counseling services.
Prevention services generally involve short-term financial assistance along with case management to ensure the household is connected the resources they need to stabilize their housing situation. The Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) includes: Initiatives and partnerships that promote systems change, including Legal Aid Mediation between landlords and tenants Outreach and coordination with key partners and stakeholders Financial assistance


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides emergency assistance for those in danger of having their utility turned off or being evicted for non payment of rent. Food pantry and clothing available.


Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
General Clothing Provision
Food Pantries
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides temporary rental assistance, mortgage, utilities, food, household products, prescriptions, transportation, and dental costs for individuals and families residing in New River Valley and transients who are experiencing a financial crisis who meet the eligibility guidelines · Utility payment assistance - up to $500 per year · Food, household supplies, diapers, and infant formula - monthly Assistance is available for households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines (example: $52,400 for a family of four). · For Rental or mortgage payment assistance, call our Housing Crisis Hotline at 540-639-3159.


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides emergency and crisis intervention. Offers help with clothing, rent, utilities. Serves the Counties of Warren, Page, Shenandoah and Rappahannock.


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
General Clothing Provision
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provided as part of intake services as well as on-going cases of the agency to respond to crises which threaten the welfare, health, or safety of individuals. Assistance with emergency needs, provides help to individuals/families to prevent eviction, utility cut-off, hunger, lack of essential clothing, or other life-threatening situations. Clients may be referred to community resources for financial assistance.


At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs
General Clothing Provision
Food Pantries
Rent Payment Assistance
The Salvation Army provides rent and mortgage assistance to local families and individuals.
Provides emergency assistance to those in Madison County in temporary need due to inability to pay rent, electric, gas, water or telephone bills, automobile repairs, medicine or medical bills.


Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Provide assistance with rent and utility bills.


Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Assists area residents in emergency situations for such items as heat, electric, and rent. May also provide gasoline assistance when needed to get to doctors appointments.


Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Surry County DSS may provide financial assistance for utilities, rent or mortgage payments for eligible households who have experienced a loss of income due to the Coronavirus pandemic.. This includes financial assistance for utilities, rent or mortgage payments past due beginning March 2020 and onward. Financial assistance is a first come first serve basis. There is no cap of the amount at this time.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Provides food, clothing, financial aid, referrals, and counseling to Clarke County residents.


General Clothing Provision
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society provides need based financial assistance and other services to active duty or retired Naval Service and Marine members of the United States, and their eligible family members and survivors.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Water Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Offers rental and utility assistance based on criteria to be met; location, and family to include children.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
This program helps those who are elderly, disabled or victims of fire. Based on each individual's need and our Board's guidelines. Services include:- Material items- Food- Emergency shelter


Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
Rent Payment Assistance
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Provides a crisis intervention program that offers food, clothing, housing assistance (to avoid foreclosure or eviction), fuel assistance, transportation or medical emergency. Clients applying for cash assistance must be able to pay a portion of the bill. Clients are eligible for cash assistance only once a year. Gives referrals for services not available directly.


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Services to provide for temporary emergency needs such as food, rent or utilities. Due to limited funding, eligible individuals may be referred to community resources to help meet their needs. In addition, citizens may inquire about available resources to assist with other needs such as clothing, eyeglasses, housewares, etc. A small amount of funding is available to provide a one time assistance with transportation such as a gas card, or a modest car repair.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Food Pantries
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Agency assists residents in Altavista, Hurt, Gretna and Evington. Applications for electric bills, heating bills, and rental assistance are taken by a volunteer. The applications are then reviewed by DAWN's Administrative Staff.


Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance