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Offers publications concerning census information, economic studies, education, general reference, housing, income, occupations and employment, population estimates, race relations, state and local government and taxes. The Center's mission is to anticipate and forecast change and to serve as a resource to those who need to recognize and address that change. Call, e-mail or look at our web site for a list of publications.


Electronic Information Resources
Public Awareness/Education
Consumer Education
Kids on the Block discuss important (and often sensitive) topics in a clear, non-threatening manner while dispelling myths and providing useful information through role-modeling positive behaviors.


Mental Health Information/Education
Public Awareness/Education
The Governor's Office of Constituent Services and Community Engagement facilitates communication with the Governor, processes requests for proclamations and other commemorative documents, and manages flag and other protocol related requests.


State Government Information Services
Public Awareness/Education
National Toll-Free Hepatitis C Peer-to-Peer Helpline


Disease/Disability Information
Public Awareness/Education
Information Sources
A free Speakers Bureau to provide information of concern to seniors and their care givers. Presentations may be tailored for a group's demographics, time constraints, and particular interests. Speakers are available at your convenience and evenings and weekends are acceptable. Available to participate in health fairs, trade shows and senior fairs.
The ALS Association seeks to discover the cause and cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease) through dedicated research while providing patient support, information/education for health care professionals and the general public, and advocacy for ALS research and health concerns. Provide other services such as respite grants, assistive technology, medical equipment, and transportation (must be wheelchair bound with no other transportation).


Public Awareness/Education
Paratransit Programs
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides information and services to the blind and vision impaired. Organization of blind helping the blind.


Specialized Information and Referral
Braille Instruction
Public Awareness/Education
Drug abuse prevention/education program for fifth graders and visitation to other elementary grades. Semester-long program for seventh graders. Parent program held in the evenings. Helps parents by teaching them how to keep their children drug free. School resource officer program serves all middle school youth in county. Bike safety classes, car seat safety classes and inspections, and first aid/CPR instruction.


Public Awareness/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
*DOES NOT PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO PAY BILLS**** Provides information and referral, sensitivity trainings, community education and awareness concerning disability related issues and concerns of persons with disabilities. Maintains a library with up-to-date collection of resource material on disability related issues and services. This services is available to all members of the community.


Centers for Independent Living
Public Awareness/Education
Coalition of community organizations and individuals interested in the prevention of substance abuse.


Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Public Awareness/Education
Dedicated to curing Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myeloma, and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, to improving the quality of life of patients and their families. The Society supports the following major programs: research, patient services, public and professional education, advocacy and community services. To learn more about our patient programs, please contact our Information Specialists at (800) 955-4572.


Public Awareness/Education
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Disease/Disability Information
Childhood lead poisoning prevention and management; lead inspection and lead risk assessment; healthy homes assessment for home conditions that exacerbate existing health condition; promote blood lead testing; public workshop and training on healthy homes practices; landlord-tenant education related to safe home maintenance.


Poison Control
Public Awareness/Education
Lead Poisoning Screening
The MDA Resource Center is available to provide one-on-one support via phone or email for individuals and families looking for an overview of disease information in our program, resources, activities and more.


Information Sources
Disease/Disability Information
Health Care Referrals
Specialized Information and Referral
Public Awareness/Education
Provides many community opportunities for those without disabilities to learn more about those who do live independently with disabilities. This program includes sensitivity trainings, motivational workshops, community outreach, and Americans with Disabilities Act training and information.
Primary source of official information about the City during both times of emergency and non-emergency periods. Provides information via print, social media, web, television, and other methods. Works with local and broader media to provide accurate, timely updates on City services, events, programs, and initiatives.
Media and public relations arm of the City. Responsible for keeping all Suffolk constituents informed about the actions of its city government and ensuring communication.
If your group or organization is looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event, Warren Memorial Hospital staff members are available to speak on a variety of subjects related to health, safety and wellbeing.
Offers crisis intervention, support, information, advocacy and referrals to anyone who is a victim of sexual abuse or assault.


Specialized Information and Referral
Public Awareness/Education
Crisis Intervention
Sexual Assault Counseling
Congress passed the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to improve the administration of elections in the United States. States are provided funding to replace outdated voting systems and are to create minimum standards to follow in key areas of election administration. Among other things, these key areas include voting systems, voting accessibility, statewide computerized voter registration lists, provisional voting, voter education, and voter registration by mail. dLCV monitors the way the Act is carried out with regard to persons with disabilities. dLCV surveys polling sites across the state to make sure they are accessible for persons with visual, sensory, and mobility impairments; provides voting rights information to persons with disabilities; provides voter registration materials to the public; and provides technical assistance, legal advocacy, and legal representation to persons who have been discriminated against in the voting process.


Public Awareness/Education
Discrimination Assistance
Offers publications regarding the development and practices of interpreters for the deaf.


Public Awareness/Education
Sign Language Interpretation
Provides testing and treatment for a range of sexually tranmitted infections, including HIV, syphillis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and Hepatitis B and C. Rapid HIV and Hep C tests are available, as well as rapid in-home HIV test kits. Safer sex items such as condoms, lube, and dental dams available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Public Awareness/Education
HIV Testing
Offers presentations, workshops, seminars and information to the public about domestic violence, its dynamics, and strategies for intervention and prevention. Also conducts international outreach and presentations for visitors from other countries in English and Spanish.


Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Public Awareness/Education