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The Pittsylvania County Public Works Department oversees building and grounds, solid waste collections and disposal, and water and sewer. The department was first created in July 2020 to encompass three separate departments: buildings and grounds, solid waste, and water and sewer. The Public Works Department provides essential services to Pittsylvania County residents and ensures that all Pittsylvania County buildings and assets are well-maintained.
Trash collection, solid waste, water services.


Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
DPW is comprised of two divisions: Administration (contracting, engineering, construction, and permitting), located at City Hall, and Operations (infrastructure, fleet, and facilities maintenance and operation, as well as leaf collection, snow plowing, and storm cleanup), located at the Property Yard. The core functions of DPW include: Streets and Sidewalks Traffic Signals, Streetlights, Pavement Markings, and Street Signage Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Buildings and Facilities City Fleet & Equipment Urban Forest and Green spaces Solid Waste and Recycling


Street Maintenance
Waste Management Services
Traffic Control
Water Supply System
Provides water and sewer services to the Town of Leesburg. Also plan, develop, and maintain Town utility systems that provide safe, efficient, and reliable water and wastewater services in a fiscally responsible manner.


Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Utility Service Providers
Provide protection of public health, safety, and the environment through effective and innovative management, operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewer systems.
Responsible for maintaining connection, disconnection, billing & payment collections for our utility services. Provides central water and waste water services to residential, commercial and industrial properties within the city of Chesapeake. Offers support for fire protection as well.
Provides street maintenance and construction, garbage and brush collection and disposal, water and sewer line maintenance and construction, and the maintenance of parks, playgrounds, and cemeteries. Water turn-ons and turn-offs and the water meter readings for billing purposes are also handled by Public Works personnel.


Street Lights
Utility Line Location Information/811 Services
Local Officials Offices
Waste Management Services
Utility Service Providers
Water Supply System
Street Maintenance
Responsible for coordinating and directing a solid waste program, street maintenance, and water and sewer for the town of Blacksburg.


Water Supply System
Street Maintenance
Waste Management Services
The Public Service Authority provides water and sewer services to many residents, businesses, industries, and schools in Henry County.
Oversees divisions of Engineering & Inspection, Street Maintenance & Equipment Maintenance. Responsible for recycling, snow removal, storm drainage systems, parking meters, and the review and inspection of developer-installed public improvements.


Water Supply System
Street Lights
Street Maintenance
Waste Management Services
Comprised of representatives from the City of Roanoke's Office of Neighborhood Services, Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Management, Transportation Divisions, and the Western Virginia Water Authority. Answers citizens' calls for information, manage the tracking system for resolution of citizen complaints, assist citizens with their requests for service, and provide assistance for resolution of citizen's concerns. Requests for Services and Submissions of Issues are available through the website 24/7 or via communications@roanokeva.gov. Information on snow removal 540-853-2000 x8.


Traffic Control
Traffic Signals
Street Maintenance
Street Lights
Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Responsible for coordinating and directing a program to manage solid waste, the streets and water delivery system for the city of Radford.


Water Supply System
Street Maintenance
Waste Management Services
The Wise Public Works Department is responsible for all the Town's infrastructure. Department personnel are involved in engineering, water and sewer utilities, snow removal, leaf collection, street and sidewalk construction and maintenance, street lighting, vehicle maintenance, refuse collection, recycling, storm water management, and buildings and grounds maintenance.


Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Street Maintenance
Public Works is responsible for solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, leaf collection, snow removal, street construction, street maintenance, signs, and signals, cemeteries, horticulture, and general properties maintenance.


Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Street Maintenance
Provides residents with comprehensive environmental health services such as food, water and building inspection, sewage disposal, septic and well permits, public food permits, regulation of public food establishments, tourist establishment sanitation and restaurant applications. Investigates reports of food illnesses, working with businesses and citizens to educate and correct deficiencies. Also investigates reports of raw sewage or other reports of ground water contamination.
Administers city-owned facilities management, public utilities, and public services such as refuse and traffic management for the city. Handles trash pick-up, side walk repair, dead animal pick up, engineering, gas, water, and sewer services, street programs and transit services.


Street Lights
Street Maintenance
Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Local Officials Offices
Utility Service Providers
The Manassas Park Department of Public Works provides water, sewer and trash collection services and maintains City streets and traffic signals.


Traffic Signals
Street Lights
Street Maintenance
Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
The Public Works Department is responsible for overseeing four divisions which include Streets/Maintenance, Capital Projects/Engineering, Water, and Wastewater. Contact Information Public Works Department: 540-338-7440 Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Issues and Complaints: 540-338-7440 ext. 221 Trash/Recycling Questions and Complaints: 540-338-7421 Water/Sewer Billing and Account Questions - Finance Dept.: 540-338-7093 Capital Projects & Engineering: 540-338-5024 After 4:00 PM Emergency water and sewer: 540-454-3629


Waste Management Services
Water Supply System
Street Maintenance
Provides municipal water, sewer and solid waste disposal to customers in Augusta County.


Waste Management Services
Utility Service Providers
Water Supply System
Local Officials Offices
Responsible for coordinating and directing a solid waste program, street maintenance and water and sewer services for the town of Vinton.


Street Maintenance
Waste Management Services
Water Supply System
The Department of Public Works provide focus on transportation, the environment and capital investment as well as provide continuous operations and maintenance in these areas.


Street Maintenance
Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Oversees water and sewer services.
Comprised of nine different divisions: Streets, Water/Sewer, City Garage, Landfill, Refuse, Traffic Engineering, Cemetery, Snow and Ice Removal and Administration. Streets: 540-965-6321; Water/Sewer: 540-965-6321; Peter's Mountain Landfill: 540-962-6317; Traffic Engineering: 540-965-6321; Cedar Hill Cemetery: 540-965-6383; Snow and Ice Removal: 540-965-6322. After hour calls are dispatched by the Covington Police Department.


Water Supply System
Waste Management Services
Street Maintenance
Divisions * Solid Waste and Sanitation * Street - Construction and maintenance of streets, sidewalks and storm drainage system of all streets within the Corporate Limits of the Town including: * Snow removal * Pavement repair * Line striping * Street sweeping * Traffic - Fabricate, install, and maintain all street directional and safety signage. Maintains all traffic signals including: * Electronic controls * Detection loops * Water and Sewer Maintenance - Maintains and operates the Town's water distribution system including miles of water mains, storage tanks, and pump stations. Maintains and operates the Town's sanitary sewer system collection system including: * Miles of lines * Manhole * Pump stations * Construction - Constructs Town capital improvement projects including: * Water distribution mains and services * Sanitary sewer collection systems * Road construction projects * Projects such as the site improvements for the new Aquatic Center * Landscape - Maintains all trees and flower beds and boxes within the Town. Responsible for tree trimming and brush removal within Town rights of way. * Vehicle Maintenance - Maintains and repairs all Public Works vehicles and equipment. * Pump Station Maintenance - Maintains all water and sewerage pump stations. Landscape Maintains all trees and flower beds and boxes within the Town. Responsible for tree trimming and brush removal within Town rights of way. Vehicle Maintenance Maintains and repairs all Public Works vehicles and equipment. Pump Station Maintenance Maintains all water and sewerage pump stations.


Waste Management Services
Street Maintenance
Water Supply System
Responsible for maintaining a clean environment, ensuring clean water is returned to Four Mile Run and the Chesapeake Bay and providing solid waste management services.


Water Supply System
Pollution Control
Waste Management Services