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Provides comprehensive substance use services such as medication-assisted treatment, case management, and individual, family, and group counseling.
Provides comprehensive substance use services such as medication-assisted treatment, case management, and individual, family, and group counseling.
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Detoxification
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Detoxification
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Case/Care Management
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced that State Health Commissioner Marissa J. Levine, MD, MPH, FAAFP, has declared the Virginia opioid addiction crisis a Public Health Emergency. This declaration comes in response to the growing number of overdoses attributed to opioid use, and evidence that Carfentanil, a highly dangerous synthetic opioid used to sedate large animals such as elephants, has made its way its way into Virginia. A Public Health Emergency is an event, either natural or manmade, that creates a health risk to the public. "Too many families across Virginia and the nation are dealing with heartbreak and loss as a result of prescription opioid and heroin abuse epidemic," said Governor McAuliffe. "We cannot stand by while these drugs harm our communities and our economy. That is why I support Dr. Levine's decision to declare a public health emergency, to heighten awareness of this issue, provide a framework for further actions to fight it, and to save Virginians' lives." In response to the Public Health Emergency, and in partnership with Virginia's Board of Pharmacy, Department of Health Professions and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Dr. Levine has issued a standing order that allows all Virginians to obtain the drug Naloxone, which can be used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations. The standing order serves as a prescription written for the general public, rather than specifically for an individual, removing a barrier to access. "As we see the nature of drug addiction shift, from prescription opioids to heroin and synthetic fentanyl, we must be vigilant and ready to respond quickly," said Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel. "The overdose rates in Virginia have led me to agree with Dr. Levine that we are indeed experiencing a public health emergency. This declaration helps us respond in a nimble way to a rapidly changing threat, while the Naloxone standing order from Dr. Levine broadens our ability to get life-saving medication into Virginians' hands." "Thanksgiving offers many of us a chance to spend time with family and loved ones. While we are enjoying this time with those closest to us, it's important that we take stock of their health and well-being," said Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Marissa Levine. "Too many Virginia families have lost someone to opioid addiction. These actions today will not diminish their loss, but we owe it to them and each other to work together, watch out for each other and continue to combat the seriousness of this crisis." "Opioid abuse is devastating communities across the Commonwealth, including my home region of the Eastern Shore," said Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam. "This is a public health emergency, and I thank Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine for their work creating greater access to Naloxone which will save lives in moments of crisis. As we move forward, we must continue to address the challenges of addiction and chronic pain management, including holding providers accountable for over-prescription." "My team and I worked with a bipartisan coalition to expand Naloxone availability because we knew it could save lives and prevent the tragedy and heartbreak that too many Virginia families already know," said Attorney General Mark Herring. "I really appreciate Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine's continued commitment to addressing the opioid epidemic, especially taking the next step by issuing this landmark standing order that will make this lifesaving overdose antidote even more widely available." By the end of 2016, the numbers of fatal opioid overdose deaths are expected to increase by 77 percent, compared to five years ago. In 2014, for the first time in Virginia, more people died from opioid overdoses than fatal car accidents. Emergency department visits for heroin overdose for January-September 2016 i
Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced that State Health Commissioner Marissa J. Levine, MD, MPH, FAAFP, has declared the Virginia opioid addiction crisis a Public Health Emergency. This declaration comes in response to the growing number of overdoses attributed to opioid use, and evidence that Carfentanil, a highly dangerous synthetic opioid used to sedate large animals such as elephants, has made its way its way into Virginia. A Public Health Emergency is an event, either natural or manmade, that creates a health risk to the public. "Too many families across Virginia and the nation are dealing with heartbreak and loss as a result of prescription opioid and heroin abuse epidemic," said Governor McAuliffe. "We cannot stand by while these drugs harm our communities and our economy. That is why I support Dr. Levine's decision to declare a public health emergency, to heighten awareness of this issue, provide a framework for further actions to fight it, and to save Virginians' lives." In response to the Public Health Emergency, and in partnership with Virginia's Board of Pharmacy, Department of Health Professions and Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Dr. Levine has issued a standing order that allows all Virginians to obtain the drug Naloxone, which can be used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations. The standing order serves as a prescription written for the general public, rather than specifically for an individual, removing a barrier to access. "As we see the nature of drug addiction shift, from prescription opioids to heroin and synthetic fentanyl, we must be vigilant and ready to respond quickly," said Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel. "The overdose rates in Virginia have led me to agree with Dr. Levine that we are indeed experiencing a public health emergency. This declaration helps us respond in a nimble way to a rapidly changing threat, while the Naloxone standing order from Dr. Levine broadens our ability to get life-saving medication into Virginians' hands." "Thanksgiving offers many of us a chance to spend time with family and loved ones. While we are enjoying this time with those closest to us, it's important that we take stock of their health and well-being," said Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Marissa Levine. "Too many Virginia families have lost someone to opioid addiction. These actions today will not diminish their loss, but we owe it to them and each other to work together, watch out for each other and continue to combat the seriousness of this crisis." "Opioid abuse is devastating communities across the Commonwealth, including my home region of the Eastern Shore," said Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam. "This is a public health emergency, and I thank Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine for their work creating greater access to Naloxone which will save lives in moments of crisis. As we move forward, we must continue to address the challenges of addiction and chronic pain management, including holding providers accountable for over-prescription." "My team and I worked with a bipartisan coalition to expand Naloxone availability because we knew it could save lives and prevent the tragedy and heartbreak that too many Virginia families already know," said Attorney General Mark Herring. "I really appreciate Governor McAuliffe and Dr. Levine's continued commitment to addressing the opioid epidemic, especially taking the next step by issuing this landmark standing order that will make this lifesaving overdose antidote even more widely available." By the end of 2016, the numbers of fatal opioid overdose deaths are expected to increase by 77 percent, compared to five years ago. In 2014, for the first time in Virginia, more people died from opioid overdoses than fatal car accidents. Emergency department visits for heroin overdose for January-September 2016 i
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug abuse prevention/education program for fifth graders and visitation to other elementary grades. Semester-long program for seventh graders. Parent program held in the evenings. Helps parents by teaching them how to keep their children drug free. School resource officer program serves all middle school youth in county. Bike safety classes, car seat safety classes and inspections, and first aid/CPR instruction.
Drug abuse prevention/education program for fifth graders and visitation to other elementary grades. Semester-long program for seventh graders. Parent program held in the evenings. Helps parents by teaching them how to keep their children drug free. School resource officer program serves all middle school youth in county. Bike safety classes, car seat safety classes and inspections, and first aid/CPR instruction.
Public Awareness/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Detoxification
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Provides a toll-free national substance abuse information and referral service. I&R Specialists provide information on specific drugs and treatment options; and referrals to treatment programs, self-help groups, family support groups and crisis centers nationwide. Substance Abuse Hotline: (800)662-4357 Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800)273-8255 Hotlines are available in English and Spanish. Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Centers may also be found at SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator web site: www.findtreatment.samhsa.gov.
Provides a toll-free national substance abuse information and referral service. I&R Specialists provide information on specific drugs and treatment options; and referrals to treatment programs, self-help groups, family support groups and crisis centers nationwide. Substance Abuse Hotline: (800)662-4357 Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800)273-8255 Hotlines are available in English and Spanish. Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Centers may also be found at SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator web site: www.findtreatment.samhsa.gov.
Information Sources
Specialized Information and Referral
Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
The DEALS HOPE (Drug Education and Life Skills and HALO Offers Positive Expectations) grant provides funding for several school education programs in Warren County. HALO (Healthy Alternatives for Little Ones) serves ages 3-6. Life Skills provides education for middle school ages, while Too Good for Drugs serves high school students. Programs are adapted as needed for elementary school levels when desired.
The DEALS HOPE (Drug Education and Life Skills and HALO Offers Positive Expectations) grant provides funding for several school education programs in Warren County. HALO (Healthy Alternatives for Little Ones) serves ages 3-6. Life Skills provides education for middle school ages, while Too Good for Drugs serves high school students. Programs are adapted as needed for elementary school levels when desired.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Provides numerous services to at- risk youth and families including community education, school based programs, consultation, training sessions and targeted prevention programs.
Provides numerous services to at- risk youth and families including community education, school based programs, consultation, training sessions and targeted prevention programs.
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services provide substance abuse education and group treatment.
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services provide substance abuse education and group treatment.
Outpatient Drug Detoxification
Alcohol Detoxification
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Supportive Substance Use Disorder Services
Region Ten Prevention Services offers a range of community and school-based prevention services. Promote wellness by increasing protective factors for youth and families and decreasing risk factors that can lead to mental health and substance use concerns. Services include:
Community Trainings
Family & Community Wellness
Student Assistance Program
Coalitions/Community Organization
Region Ten Prevention Services offers a range of community and school-based prevention services. Promote wellness by increasing protective factors for youth and families and decreasing risk factors that can lead to mental health and substance use concerns. Services include:
Community Trainings
Family & Community Wellness
Student Assistance Program
Coalitions/Community Organization
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Detoxification
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Prevention Services provides initiatives around the following areas of focus: Community Coalition work, Lock and Talk - suicide prevention, Medication storage & disposal resources, school-based education programming, and trainings: Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, SafeTALK, REVIVE, Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.
Prevention Services provides initiatives around the following areas of focus: Community Coalition work, Lock and Talk - suicide prevention, Medication storage & disposal resources, school-based education programming, and trainings: Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid, SafeTALK, REVIVE, Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alleviate alcohol and drug abuse and their related problems, and to promote a more healthy community environment.
Alleviate alcohol and drug abuse and their related problems, and to promote a more healthy community environment.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Inform and engage communities to understand, own, and address the epidemic of substance abuse and misuse.
Inform and engage communities to understand, own, and address the epidemic of substance abuse and misuse.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups
Organizational Grants for Youth Tobacco Prevention - Richmond, Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth
Leads a statewide effort to reduce and prevent youth tobacco use. Promotes healthy living habits to children and teens in Virginia through a variety of methods, including: classroom programs; a multimedia youth marketing campaign; and cutting-edge university research. Funding and training is provided to community organizations, public school systems, etc., via a best-value RFP process with three-year grant cycles.
Leads a statewide effort to reduce and prevent youth tobacco use. Promotes healthy living habits to children and teens in Virginia through a variety of methods, including: classroom programs; a multimedia youth marketing campaign; and cutting-edge university research. Funding and training is provided to community organizations, public school systems, etc., via a best-value RFP process with three-year grant cycles.
Student Health Programs
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Provides a variety of evidence based programs in school and community settings that are designed to address the prevention of violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. Partnerships with the school districts, YMCA centers and other youth serving organizations provide a variety of settings for the provision of services to a diverse range of children and youth. These services are designed to increase participants' skills and enhance their resiliencies to better cope with life's challenges and to help them succeed in school and other endeavors. Youth leadership skills are emphasized to encourage healthy youth development for all children and teenagers. Services are research based and evaluated. RAYSAC, the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition, is staffed by Prevention and sponsors many events and activities promoting drug free messages. A SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant will provide coalition resources through 2010. The coalition's signature annual events are the After Prom Grand Finale in June and Red Ribbon Week in October. For more about RAYSAC go to www.raysac.org Prevention Planning Teams in Botetourt County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem meet regularly under BRBH Prevention Services leadership to gather, assess and analyze youth risk behavior data in order to identify areas of high risk behavior and plan prevention and intervention services tailored to local needs. Prevention staff are members of the Roanoke County Prevention Council, also a SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which performs similar functions and partners with RAYSAC in a variety of community events. Disaster Preparedness and Response includes the BRBH Crisis Response Team first mobilized to respond to the shooting at Virginia Tech in April 2007. Since that time these employees have received additional training in preparation for future local disasters. The role of "mental health responder has evolved over the last decade as more school shootings, the 9/11/01 attack and other disasters effecting large numbers of people have gotten public visibility and concern. This BRBH component is developing as resources become available and partnerships with other local emergency response organizations are institutionalized. Training and Staff Development provides education and training to BRBH employees and other nonprofit organizations. Training in new evidence based models, to meet licensure requirements, to enhance professional skills and to address performance issues is all coordinated through this component.
Provides a variety of evidence based programs in school and community settings that are designed to address the prevention of violence and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth. Partnerships with the school districts, YMCA centers and other youth serving organizations provide a variety of settings for the provision of services to a diverse range of children and youth. These services are designed to increase participants' skills and enhance their resiliencies to better cope with life's challenges and to help them succeed in school and other endeavors. Youth leadership skills are emphasized to encourage healthy youth development for all children and teenagers. Services are research based and evaluated. RAYSAC, the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition, is staffed by Prevention and sponsors many events and activities promoting drug free messages. A SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant will provide coalition resources through 2010. The coalition's signature annual events are the After Prom Grand Finale in June and Red Ribbon Week in October. For more about RAYSAC go to www.raysac.org Prevention Planning Teams in Botetourt County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem meet regularly under BRBH Prevention Services leadership to gather, assess and analyze youth risk behavior data in order to identify areas of high risk behavior and plan prevention and intervention services tailored to local needs. Prevention staff are members of the Roanoke County Prevention Council, also a SAMHSA Drug Free Communities grant recipient, which performs similar functions and partners with RAYSAC in a variety of community events. Disaster Preparedness and Response includes the BRBH Crisis Response Team first mobilized to respond to the shooting at Virginia Tech in April 2007. Since that time these employees have received additional training in preparation for future local disasters. The role of "mental health responder has evolved over the last decade as more school shootings, the 9/11/01 attack and other disasters effecting large numbers of people have gotten public visibility and concern. This BRBH component is developing as resources become available and partnerships with other local emergency response organizations are institutionalized. Training and Staff Development provides education and training to BRBH employees and other nonprofit organizations. Training in new evidence based models, to meet licensure requirements, to enhance professional skills and to address performance issues is all coordinated through this component.
Mental Health Information/Education
Bullying Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Coalition of community organizations and individuals interested in the prevention of substance abuse.
Coalition of community organizations and individuals interested in the prevention of substance abuse.
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Public Awareness/Education
Provides the names and numbers for alcohol and drug resources in the community. Includes resources for parent education, assessment and treatment, and support groups. This information is also contained on our web site.
Provides the names and numbers for alcohol and drug resources in the community. Includes resources for parent education, assessment and treatment, and support groups. This information is also contained on our web site.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Offers assessment and counseling services for adolescents and adults dealing with substance abuse. Provides a detoxification treatment program, crisis intervention and educational outreach programs.
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Drug Detoxification
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Responsible for city-wide substance abuse prevention planning and coalition building. Provides a wide range of Substance Abuse prevention programs in partnership with City Schools and other youth serving agencies and serve on coalitions designed to reduce substance use in the Virginia Beach Community.
Responsible for city-wide substance abuse prevention planning and coalition building. Provides a wide range of Substance Abuse prevention programs in partnership with City Schools and other youth serving agencies and serve on coalitions designed to reduce substance use in the Virginia Beach Community.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services deliver prevention services and collaborate with community members to decrease substance abuse and mental health issues within Goochland and Powhatan counties. The vision is to engage the community in creating an environment where it is culturally normal to be emotionally healthy and substance-free.
Programs are available at no cost in Goochland and Powhatan counties.
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services deliver prevention services and collaborate with community members to decrease substance abuse and mental health issues within Goochland and Powhatan counties. The vision is to engage the community in creating an environment where it is culturally normal to be emotionally healthy and substance-free.
Programs are available at no cost in Goochland and Powhatan counties.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Mental Health Information/Education
Region Ten provides a wide array of substance use treatment that includes a comprehensive continuum of care to meet individual preferences and needs, as well as recommended levels of care. This continuum includes outpatient therapy (group and individual), case management, care coordination, intensive outpatient program, co-occurring treatment, peer support, and residential levels of care. These services are provided throughout Region Ten's sites and locations.
Region Ten provides a wide array of substance use treatment that includes a comprehensive continuum of care to meet individual preferences and needs, as well as recommended levels of care. This continuum includes outpatient therapy (group and individual), case management, care coordination, intensive outpatient program, co-occurring treatment, peer support, and residential levels of care. These services are provided throughout Region Ten's sites and locations.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Supportive Substance Use Disorder Services
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
The aim of prevention services is to promote strengths, reduce the influence of risk factors, and support an individual's own sense of competency. In this way, one's skills and abilities are improved, attitudes are changed, and behavior is enhanced, thereby reducing the incidence of emotional and behavioral disorders, substance abuse and violence.
The aim of prevention services is to promote strengths, reduce the influence of risk factors, and support an individual's own sense of competency. In this way, one's skills and abilities are improved, attitudes are changed, and behavior is enhanced, thereby reducing the incidence of emotional and behavioral disorders, substance abuse and violence.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Mental Health Information/Education
Provides mental health, substance abuse, and prevention services. Provides planning and assessment; linking the individual to services and supports; assists with developing and/or obtaining needed supports and resources; coordination of services and service planning, contacting providers or resources, making collateral contacts with significant others; monitoring progress and service delivery; counseling and education; and advocacy.
Provides mental health, substance abuse, and prevention services. Provides planning and assessment; linking the individual to services and supports; assists with developing and/or obtaining needed supports and resources; coordination of services and service planning, contacting providers or resources, making collateral contacts with significant others; monitoring progress and service delivery; counseling and education; and advocacy.
Early Intervention for Mental Illness
Outpatient Mental Health Facilities
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Crisis Intervention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services’ Prevention Services Division provides programs to promote behavioral health wellness through a comprehensive array of strategies proven to reduce substance abuse and promote mental health. Substance abuse and mental illness share common risk and protective factors. As a result of reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors for substance abuse, not only will substance abuse prevalence, consumption and related consequences be reduced, but prevention of mental illness will be impacted as well
Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services’ Prevention Services Division provides programs to promote behavioral health wellness through a comprehensive array of strategies proven to reduce substance abuse and promote mental health. Substance abuse and mental illness share common risk and protective factors. As a result of reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors for substance abuse, not only will substance abuse prevalence, consumption and related consequences be reduced, but prevention of mental illness will be impacted as well
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Facilitated group education program focusing on the effects of substance use on the brain, coping strategies, building resiliency, cycle of addiction/recovery, and motivation for change.
Facilitated group education program focusing on the effects of substance use on the brain, coping strategies, building resiliency, cycle of addiction/recovery, and motivation for change.
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention