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Provides an international civic club which is service oriented with focus on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness.
Provides a service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation.
This program utilizes hands-on activities, games and antique items and reproductions to familiarize students with colonial life and culture. Activities include making butter, a presentation on colonial clothing, a snack made up of colonial foods and a play session with colonial toys. Program held in Spring and Fall.


History Clubs/Societies
Historic Preservation
Provides a Silver Citizen Club sponsored by Culpeper County. Membership includes: social events, bridge, cards,trips and speakers. Club meets every Wednesday from 10AM - 2PM. Special Note: At the Wednesday meetings, members bring a covered dish to share for lunch. We look forward to seeing you!


Special Interest Clubs
Recreational/Leisure/Arts Instruction
The Remington Lions Club sponsors events and fund raisers to help people in our community. Lots of hands are needed. Our help includes but is never limited to the following: Eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgery, companion dogs; Hearing exams, hearing aids, surgery; donations to individuals or families for food, heat, medical, prescriptions, crutches, wheelchairs, that have fallen on hard times and are in need of temporary relief; Scholarships for our young children who have worked hard and are in need of a little boost; Donations of our facility for local families for funerals and for our kids activities. All of the funds that we raise are used to help and support our friends and neighbors in our local community.
Offers a Bible Club that meets Friday afternoons from 2:45PM to 4:15PM. A fun safe space for kids to learn God's word through lessons, the arts, activities, and music. Now occurs as a Friday activity for children in the Prospect neighborhood. We partner with churches and community members to bring spiritual support, education, and encouragement.
The museum provides Central Virginia with professionally curated exhibits that chronicle the African American experience and preserve the heritage of a significant segment of our community. Exhibits with accompanying programs on Medicine and Health, Education, Businesses, the Black Church, the Jim Crow area, Civil Rights Movement, and Social and Civic Organizations.


History Clubs/Societies
Historic Preservation
Cultural Heritage Programs
Provides an international service oriented civic club with emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. You can join us and learn more about what Lions really do to help their fellow man. Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but also develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills.
Provides an international service oriented civic club with a focus on sight/hearing conservation, drug and diabetes awareness.
Assists Lions Club with numerous local projects. Primary interests involve sight and hearing. More hands on than the Lions Club. Offers information with an emphasis on sight/hearing conservation, drug awareness and diabetes awareness. Helps the needy obtain eye examinations, glaucoma screening, eyeglasses and hearing aids
Lions Clubs are civic organizations that provide hearing and/or eye exams for the indigent and low income and assistance with glasses. Screening handled through Culpeper County Social Services.
Provides recreational activities including swimming, bowling and field trips. Educational activities are incorporated into the daily recreational program. Lunch and 2 snacks are provided daily.


Parks/Recreation Areas
Mentoring Programs
Special Interest Clubs
A program for men in our service district that provide a variety of activities which promote physical, moral and spiritual development. A program of fellowship, worship, service and education.